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He was very grumpy in his old age. He never really settled in with the others, but he was still part of the family, and a bit special in his own way.
The vet was very nice. He gave Whiskers an injection in his stomach to make him sleep, then gave him the one to make sure he didn't wake again. It's really shit when you lose a friend, but he's no longer in pain.
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This is the first time I've ever had an animal 'put to sleep'. I knew when he went to the vet that he probably wouldn't be coming home, but he no longer had any quality of life. It hurts, but he's better off now than suffering. Humans should be afforded the same dignity.

Sorry about your cat, Whiskers.
It is really difficult having to let them go to sleep. Been there. 😥
((Saul Goodman)) and all who loved Whiskers
It sounded like some fuckwit was letting off fireworks earlier. Thankfully whatever it was has subsided, so hiding under the bed has made way for sleeping on her chair.
the girls all together

When I get up in the middle of the night to use the loo, and return to bed, I invariably go back to sleep on the other side to where I was before waking up. I'm sure in my return last night conflicted with Missy's position on top of the duvet.
Just spotted a baby mouse in the utility room being chased by Little Cat.

He normally eats mice, so if he'd got on with his dinner instead of playing with it, he'd had got away with it. Trouble is, what happens, is mice escape under the washing machine, where they die, and rot. And smell.

Anyway, mouse rescued, cat locked in, mouse released. It looked OK - it was still running around when I caught it. It's worse when I have to dispatch them.
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