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I'm on another mercy mission. A friend has spied a kitty ( looks very young) living in this shit hole of a disused garage that everyone fly tips into and around.
I've managed to lure it out, but it's now refusing to come down off the fence. Beautiful pure black little mite.
Shit pic, as I can't get near yet..
So - I have 2 cats. Jakey had extensive dental surgery 2 weeks ago. He has a vet appointment tomorrow to check he is ok. We are instructed to put the carrier on the doorstep of the vet, ring the bell, and step back while the nurse comes to get the carrier and cat.

Jakey is absolutely fine, there is not a thing wrong with him, and I don't want to take him to the vet.

Sonic on the other hand has an overgrown claw that I can't cut - he won't let me near his foot because it is digging into his paw pad. I managed to do the one on the other front foot that was bad, but he screams and bites me when I try to do the remaining bad one. However the vet surgery isn't doing routine stuff like claw trimming (although there is a risk at this point of injury and potential infection).

I was told that if I brought Sonic along at the same time as Jakey that they would attend to his claw situation.

I just dug out our other carrier and it is broken in a way that would make it insecure to safely transport a feisty cat. They won't both fit in the ok carrier and I wouldn't want to risk them deciding to have a scrap on the way there.

Should I just take Sonic up there instead of Jakey and mutter my excuses once I get there?
Well we got Jakey to the vet today as planned (confirmed with the vet that it was necessary to take him as jaw infection could be life-threatening and it is difficult to check for by photos) - he is fine, a few sutures left still to dissolve which are annoying him a bit but they'll be gone over the next few days so nothing to worry about.

As far as Sonic goes, I'll try to do at least the claw that is causing the issue today - it isn't actually digging into the paw pad yet, just he's a bit of a drama queen when it comes to having his paws fiddled with - I mean seriously he was screaming at me yesterday so I naturally thought he was in pain :rolleyes: - if I can't do it I'm to email them a photo and they can determine when he'll need to be seen.

We had to wait outside while Jakey was seen, I did chat to the receptionist while the door was open though, and waved to the vet - I was outside a few metres away having left Jakey on the doorstep, but it was still good to see familiar faces and say hi - this staying at home thing is a bit rubbish, innit?
The 2 kittens are in the garden, chasing flies, eating grass etc. and have just met their first butterfly - never seen nothing like it, utterly hilarious. The height they were getting whilst twisting their body left right and centre beggars belief.

The butterfly got away
Chloe getting a taste of ice cream

My WFH had an entertaining if frustrating interlude today, as Missy brought in a live mouse. It hid under the TV stand and she scuttled like a maniac trying to get it to come out. I'm sure she was even panting a bit, out of breath, which is extremely un-cat-like. When I got it to run out by moving the stand, she went berserk after hit, and yet would only pat it with a paw when she got it. There were points where they were staring at each other at very close quarters.

After realising she was having too much fun to do the honourable thing and kill it, I had to eventually scoop it up with a waste paper bin and take it outside. It didn't appear injured at all. For something so small, it couldn't half move quickly.
GREAT news, with the help of Nate, a towel, and amid some screaming (mostly from the cat), I managed to get the worst of Sonic's claws trimmed. He behaves himself so much better when the vet nurse does it, still a wriggly bugger but less screaming and hissing :(
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