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Bloody cat has pooed again in son's room :mad: :( I don't know what to do. Son is understandably upset and annoyed, and doesn't want to have to keep his door shut all the time. And I can't live with constant poo roulette.
May, has there been any changes in the family or in the general routine? Our Paddy was litter trained immediately as a kitten, was fine for five years, then went through a phase of shitting in the bath. It coincided with my mum's new relationship. Sometimes this bloke would sleep over and have a bath next morning, and we realised the cat was doing his business every time Mum's boyfriend had been in the bath, possibly as a way of marking his territory against who he thought was a stranger.

I'd take the cat to the vet too, just to rule out anything physical that's causing this sudden behaviour.

Good luck!
Nope, no change and the vet has ruled out physical health problems. I think she just...likes shitting in there :mad:

bella went through this phase a while back. she was pooing under the bed, behind the wash basin and in the storage cupboard. I solved the problem by hiding the litter tray behind the bathroom door to give her privacy when she used the tray. she was fine after that. unlike her two sisters who will use the tray when I'm in the bathroom, bella likes privacy and often jumps out the litter tray without using it if we make eye contact when she is in there.
Do like it when the girls are all together for a group photo:


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George's nose is definitely getting blacker with age. That's normal?

I don't know, does he spend a lot of time out in the sun? The gene that causes red hair in cats is the same mutation as the one that causes red hair in humans (although on a different chromosome and sex-linked, the effect on skin cells is the same) and doesn't provide as much protection against sunburn and skin cancer as a cat that also has black/brown pigment. It's probably nothing, but I would mention it to the vet on his next checkup, same as you would mention any other changes you noticed.
My poor Molly hasn't been well lately. She's had on and off bouts of sickness. I've taken her back and forth to the blue cross at Victoria. She's had several different medications. Although some have worked for a short spell. Nothing has stopped the vomiting altogether.
I wasn't able to give her the insulin last night because she wouldn't eat. Then again this morning. During the night she vomited three times.
So, back she went this morning to the blue cross. This time they kept her in to scan her abdomen.
The vet phoned me about an hour ago with news that the scan was abnormal. And that he suspects pancreatic cancer. He is doing bloods and will redo the scan tomorrow morning. I have to phone for an update at 11am. I feel sick!

We had to flea drop ours this weekend. They hate it so much. Managed to get Orson on Friday with a bit of a stroke and grab between the two of us, but then Ozzie was in distrust mode.

Tried to do a grab on her last night and OH got 5 starches in his thighs and I got two on my hand and mission was unsuccessful.

We had opened the flea drop thing ready it was sitting on the coffee table. OH managed to do it on his own this morning by doing it while she was asleep next to him.

Its such an annoying thing to do, for them and us.
but I'm not seeing it reported.

shiro's human family only post in japanese, which i have zero knowledge of. i can't get google translate to translate the whole page. I picked it up from the comments on the video.

blog post (in japanese) here

the first line of text is translated (by Google) as "Shiroga has traveled to the tea tiger and Nora" (Tea Tiger, the ginger cat who I understand was Shiro's brother, and Nora, the long haired female who was the mother of Shiro's youngest, were both reported as having died last year.
I come with fantastic news!
Molly is home, and cancer free!
The thing that was showing on the scan, was thickening of the lining of her stomach. Caused by pancreatitis.
We have medication for pain. And a check up appointment in 10 days.
Can't tell you how happy I am! 😃😃
For some reason, Missy took a rather big dump on the kitchen floor this morning. Her cat flap's fine, she doesn't seem ill in the slightest, and hasn't done it before in nearly four years, so I'm hoping it's a one-off.
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