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Am I the only one who shares the bed with his cats? Almost midnight with Chloe sleeping at the bottom of the bed. Bella was sat on my legs for ages. I needed to get some sleep so changed to my fav position which is sleeping on my tummy. Bella never gives up. Jumps off and the comes back on to continue sleeping on my legs. I managed to fall asleep with her on me :D A few weeks ago I woke up with a back ache as she had been sat on my back for most of the night.

We don't. gsv would happily have the cat in with us, but if he gets woken up by external forces in the night, he can generally get back to sleep whereas I tend to have difficulty if startled awake by mewing or being jumped on, so I always close bedroom door to cats and shoo them out. Vastra has occasionally been in our room by accident at night, and only once actually jumped on the bed - more usually we're woken (AKA, I am woken) by the sound of her jumping down from something or trying to open the door.
We don't. gsv would happily have the cat in with us, but if he gets woken up by external forces in the night, he can generally get back to sleep whereas I tend to have difficulty if startled awake by mewing or being jumped on, so I always close bedroom door to cats and shoo them out. Vastra has occasionally been in our room by accident at night, and only once actually jumped on the bed - more usually we're woken (AKA, I am woken) by the sound of her jumping down from something or trying to open the door.

when I first got Chloe, she would sneak up on me and try scratch my face while I was sleeping so I would carry her out the bedroom and close the door. She would scratch at the door for a while then give up and go to the living room. I would then get up around 2 am and open the door. She would run in, jump onto the bed and behave herself. This was a nightly ritual as I felt mean kicking her out the whole night.
Am I the only one who shares the bed with his cats? Almost midnight with Chloe sleeping at the bottom of the bed. Bella was sat on my legs for ages. I needed to get some sleep so changed to my fav position which is sleeping on my tummy. Bella never gives up. Jumps off and the comes back on to continue sleeping on my legs. I managed to fall asleep with her on me :D A few weeks ago I woke up with a back ache as she had been sat on my back for most of the night.

Radar slept in bed with me every night pretty much from the day we bought him home as a kitten until his last hospital visit (he was away from home for a couple of weeks total in hospital visits in the last 2 years of his life) - 13.5 years of a beautiful cuddly feline hot water bottle.

The bedroom was his territory and his own place where he could take a break from the other cats if he wanted, he was more of a loner and needed his own space where they weren't allowed, and the other 2 are best buddies so always had each other for company, so were fine at night without needing to be in bed with us.

Radar would watch podcasts and Youtube videos with Nate before I went to bed, I'd sometimes go to bed and see them both huddled over Nate's phone watching some political video or another, faces pressed together. Then when I got in he would demand to be let under the covers and could be a right pain sometimes about getting comfortable - he would paw me in the face and demand that I rearrange my limbs to his liking before settling down - and he would give me the most amazing cuddles. He'd often rest his paws on my face, or curl up with his head resting on my cheek.

I miss him so so much, I'm bawling my eyes out now (again) just thinking about him. I still haven't let Sonic and Jakey sleep in the bedroom, I will do eventually but can't just yet.
Radar slept in bed with me every night pretty much from the day we bought him home as a kitten until his last hospital visit (he was away from home for a couple of weeks total in hospital visits in the last 2 years of his life) - 13.5 years of a beautiful cuddly feline hot water bottle.

The bedroom was his territory and his own place where he could take a break from the other cats if he wanted, he was more of a loner and needed his own space where they weren't allowed, and the other 2 are best buddies so always had each other for company, so were fine at night without needing to be in bed with us.

Radar would watch podcasts and Youtube videos with Nate before I went to bed, I'd sometimes go to bed and see them both huddled over Nate's phone watching some political video or another, faces pressed together. Then when I got in he would demand to be let under the covers and could be a right pain sometimes about getting comfortable - he would paw me in the face and demand that I rearrange my limbs to his liking before settling down - and he would give me the most amazing cuddles. He'd often rest his paws on my face, or curl up with his head resting on my cheek.

I miss him so so much, I'm bawling my eyes out now (again) just thinking about him. I still haven't let Sonic and Jakey sleep in the bedroom, I will do eventually but can't just yet.
Yearly Royal Portrait. I'm the Queen of this family. The biggest, oldest and strongest. I wear the pants in this household.

We don't have any closed doors in our house. Cats normally come to bed with us, whichever one is there first gets under the covers and the other looks disgruntled at the end of the bed. Then once we go to proper sleep they both disappear, out or on the sofa, I'm not sure.
Awww Epona :( Have a box full of fur as ineffective consolation.

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Thank you, boxes full of fur are always consolation :) (Well at least in the context of a photo of fur attached to a cat, a random box full of fur left on the doorstep would be quite horrific iykwim).

Sorry for being miserable and bringing the mood down sometimes - it's going to take a long time to even begin to come to terms with it (and I am not going to get over it, just maybe eventually learn to bear it), it was unexpected and traumatic and he was my first cat and special and not old enough to think at least he had a good innings - he wasn't any older than me in cat terms and he should have had longer. Cancer can go fuck itself.
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Thank you, boxes full of fur are always consolation :) (Well at least in the context of a photo of fur attached to a cat, a random box full of fur left on the doorstep would be quite horrific iykwim).

Sorry for being miserable and bringing the mood down sometimes - it's going to take a long time to even begin to come to terms with it (and I am not going to get over it, just maybe eventually learn to bear it), it was unexpected and traumatic and he was my first cat and special and not old enough to think at least he had a good innings - he wasn't any older than me in cat terms and he should have had longer. Cancer can go fuck itself.
Don't apologise, this thread is for cat lovers to share the good and bad!. We're always here should you need support.
Aargh, took Vivian to the vet about her floor-shitting, and when we got back she did another shit under my son's bed and then pissed all over the living room floor :mad: :( Not sure what to do, I can't cope with having a stress soiler around the house!
Aargh, took Vivian to the vet about her floor-shitting, and when we got back she did another shit under my son's bed and then pissed all over the living room floor :mad: :( Not sure what to do, I can't cope with having a stress soiler around the house!

What did the vet say?

Have been through my fair share of inappropriate pissing - the cats, not me (mostly), so I do sympathise.
She just said it was probably stress, couldn't find any physical cause (which is a relief, obviously), and suggested a second litter tray and a Feliway diffuser. Given that they don't use the tray we've got, I'm not sure how much good it will do...

I think Viv has had a scary encounter in the garden - she's totally on high alert and fears out whenever the cat flap makes a noise.
She just said it was probably stress, couldn't find any physical cause (which is a relief, obviously), and suggested a second litter tray and a Feliway diffuser. Given that they don't use the tray we've got, I'm not sure how much good it will do...

I think Viv has had a scary encounter in the garden - she's totally on high alert and fears out whenever the cat flap makes a noise.

does sound like that.

or is it possible that a strange cat has managed to get in via the cat flap? this happened with me once, the flap had a magnetic catch on it, but i hadn't realised it had got clogged with mud. as far as i know all that happened is visiting cat (small black cat about half the size of either of mine - did see him / her chasing my two round the garden once) got part of their dinner once - much meowing for me to go and escort visitor off the premises

not sure how you re-acquaint a mature kitty with litter trays - when i lived with mogs, they only used the tray if the weather was very bad but don't think they forgot what it was there for

could you encourage kitty in to the garden with you sometime?

(((( stressed kitty ))))
Took both cats to the vet yesterday- they were no amused (they hate the car ride, though they quite enjoy charming randoms when they get there). Yeti has grotty teeth so is in again today to have one removed and the lot cleaned again. She has tooth cleaning kibble but I’m not sure what else we can do, poor pickle. She was in so much pain with her fang yesterday night- we had to refuse her food too, which guts didn’t enjoy. Am now waiting to pick her up and discover how much it’ll cost me- she is insured, but her insurance specifically excludes her teeth because she has had such trouble :(

idiot cat is periodically wandering round the house looking for her....


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May Kasahara Yeti stress-wees in stupid places (right in front of the front door was an irritating one). We got another litter tray and put it somewhere else entirely (in our case the bathroom sort of behind a basket so it’s really private) and we cleaned where she had weed with two different specialist cleaners so we were absolutely sure it didn’t smell of wee any more. We also blocked off the quiet corner she liked to go privately so she couldn’t get to it. Plus we moved her water into a porcelain bowl, well away from food and refreshed it more often (2x a day min) as apparently well-hydrated cats are less likely to problem-wee.
Manter I hope she is ok - you can probably take the vetwrap off her leg now if you haven't already, I'm assuming it's just where she's had an IV in.

I sympathise about dental visits, my Jakey has been in for dental surgery a few times and is due in again on the 10th, Sonic has had 1 dental surgery and some of his teeth removed including one of his upper canines which means his face is a little lopsided. None of this is covered by insurance. Radar had all his teeth except his canines taken out a year before his death, that was covered by insurance as it was deemed to be an immune disorder (his immune system attacking the roots of his teeth) - I do wonder whether this was linked with his other health problems.
Manter I hope she is ok - you can probably take the vetwrap off her leg now if you haven't already, I'm assuming it's just where she's had an IV in.

I sympathise about dental visits, my Jakey has been in for dental surgery a few times and is due in again on the 10th, Sonic has had 1 dental surgery and some of his teeth removed including one of his upper canines which means his face is a little lopsided. None of this is covered by insurance. Radar had all his teeth except his canines taken out a year before his death, that was covered by insurance as it was deemed to be an immune disorder (his immune system attacking the roots of his teeth) - I do wonder whether this was linked with his other health problems.
It came off at 8pm, when I gave her her last painkillers and first antibiotics, as the vet instructed.

It’s annoying as she is not going to let me brush- she barely lets me groom her- and so this is going to keep happening :( She is still a bit stoned, bless her, and very cross with me
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