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It came off at 8pm, when I gave her her last painkillers and first antibiotics, as the vet instructed.

It’s annoying as she is not going to let me brush- she barely lets me groom her- and so this is going to keep happening :( She is still a bit stoned, bless her, and very cross with me

Cats do not feel happy when drugged in my experience - whether it is coming out of anaesthetic, or opiate pain relief after surgery, they always seem hyper and confused and unhappy.

I can't brush my lots' teeth either, and cats do not tend to chew dry food so it is of limited use - one thing I discovered recently (and too late really) is that they do chew those dentalife snacks (Purina), although only Jakey actually likes them, so even that is a bit hit and miss.
i was told that catching and eating mice is good for kitties' teeth - when i lived with mogs, killing machine cat's teeth were a lot healthier than dopey cat's (to the best of my knowledge he caught a mouse once and got it indoors not visibly harmed - think he wanted to keep it as a pet)
i was told that catching and eating mice is good for kitties' teeth - when i lived with mogs, killing machine cat's teeth were a lot healthier than dopey cat's (to the best of my knowledge he caught a mouse once and got it indoors not visibly harmed - think he wanted to keep it as a pet)

Aye I think crunching them up helps to keep the teeth clean!

None of mine have ever actually chewed them up or eaten them though - even Radar who was a superb and efficient mouser who was alarmingly predatory and killed quickly did not eat them. Jakey is less efficient but quite predatory, but doesn't know what to do with prey when he has it - last time he caught a mouse he ran around wailing at the top of his voice with it half dead in his mouth for 20 minutes. Sonic doesn't hunt - he has embraced his lap cat lifestyle to the max and considers it beneath him. :rolleyes:

it's odd that the two i had were completely different about it - as far as i know they were brothers from the same litter (i acquired them from friends who couldn't keep them - they had got them as kittens from a rescue place) but one of them really had much less idea how to cat than the other...
Advice is tooth brush (!), muslin on finger (!!!) or raw chicken necks (!!!). Apparently the cartilage is good to clean their teeth.

She climbed on the bed this am and was just ecstatic, purring and headbutting. She must be so relieved not to be in pain. But then I had to get another antibiotic down her so I may be back on the shitlist
Himself on the bed earlier.

Advice is tooth brush (!), muslin on finger (!!!) or raw chicken necks (!!!). Apparently the cartilage is good to clean their teeth.

She climbed on the bed this am and was just ecstatic, purring and headbutting. She must be so relieved not to be in pain. But then I had to get another antibiotic down her so I may be back on the shitlist

My vet is a dental specialist and says that using a soft baby toothbrush is better value than spending larger sums of money on ones designed for cats, and use a chicken or fish flavoured toothpaste designed for cats (NOT a human toothpaste, they often contain stuff like sorbitol which can kill animals!) Most importantly, start doing it when they are kittens as part of their grooming routine - this is I think where I went wrong.
My vet is a dental specialist and says that using a soft baby toothbrush is better value than spending larger sums of money on ones designed for cats, and use a chicken or fish flavoured toothpaste designed for cats (NOT a human toothpaste, they often contain stuff like sorbitol which can kill animals!) Most importantly, start doing it when they are kittens as part of their grooming routine - this is I think where I went wrong.
We got her at 5 so that ship had sailed....

Idiot cat has perfect teeth: the tooth cleaning kibble seems to be all he needs. She is going to suffer though, poor girl.
Milo wandered in after dinner this evening with blood dripping from his shoulder and a cut just below his eye. The fucking no-tailed cat has been coming into our garden again we think, this is the 5th fight they've had in the last six months :(


Edit: apols for the sideways pic...
He's sleeping it all off now and has been very cuddly since getting in. Would rather not have to take him to the vet yet again - though if it looks like a bite mark when he lets us have a proper look, off he'll go.
He's sleeping it all off now and has been very cuddly since getting in. Would rather not have to take him to the vet yet again - though if it looks like a bite mark when he lets us have a proper look, off he'll go.

Aye, keep an eye on it, maybe give it a swab with a saline solution twice a day, if in doubt get it looked at before the weekend (because the last thing you want is an emergency situation on Sunday when everything is shut and the emergency vet is going to charge a small fortune) but I am sure you know the drill - watch out for swelling, heat, pus, bad smell, lethargy, off his food etc...
My wife was away on Monday night so Dylan got a real treat of getting to sleep on the bed (he is usually confined to downstairs at night). It was lovely, he was good a gold, just sleeping on my leg and there every time i woke up. He must have gone downstairs just before my alarm went off, but when I was waking up I just saw from over the bed his tail coming in the room, then I got lots of purrs in the face to get me up :D
Bloody cat has pooed again in son's room :mad: :( I don't know what to do. Son is understandably upset and annoyed, and doesn't want to have to keep his door shut all the time. And I can't live with constant poo roulette.
Awww, poor Milo. I'll never forget when I was about 7 and my cat came in with one of his ears totally shredded around the edges, which remained that way the rest of this life.

Vastra's got old enough to start getting more affectionate now and has suddenly got a lot more cuddly. One evening this week she even walked over my lap, then sat next to me licking and gently nipping my wrist and forearm. Weirdo.
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