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Your daily cat and kitten news

Well that was lucky... hadn't seen cat most of the day, but that happens sometimes.

Son has friends over for a sleepover, so I have to find an extra sleeping bag. Not in its usual place, so I try under day bed in front room, which is still mostly a junk room. I open one of the drawers... Vastra jumps out! I hardly ever open those drawers... although that said, had she been gone for more than a day I'd probably check all drawers a cupboards anyway. Not sure how she got in there as I'm not sure who would have left one open long enough for her to climb in.
good little pattern:

Well that was lucky... hadn't seen cat most of the day, but that happens sometimes.

Son has friends over for a sleepover, so I have to find an extra sleeping bag. Not in its usual place, so I try under day bed in front room, which is still mostly a junk room. I open one of the drawers... Vastra jumps out! I hardly ever open those drawers... although that said, had she been gone for more than a day I'd probably check all drawers a cupboards anyway. Not sure how she got in there as I'm not sure who would have left one open long enough for her to climb in.

I have a 1950s chest of drawers (the one nice piece of furniture I own) and there is a little bit of a gap between the back of the drawer and the back of the unit - it isn't very big, but it would technically be possible for a small cat to get into a drawer by climbing up the back - it is the sort of thing I can imagine Radar doing but he is just slightly too big, it might be feasible for a small female cat to access a similar space that way though!
Ages ago I said idiot cat was secretly my favourite and someone was horrified I had a favourite.... but case in point. He is sat on the table next to me, purring so hard that the table is vibrating. Just because he gets to be close to me.

Then periodically he head butts me till I give him a good scritch, then he subsides again. And gives little joy-mews if I talk to him


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Ffs Tinker has caught a parakeet:(:(:(.
Sorry I don't know how to do spoilers so look away if you don't want to see an injured bird...
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He has eventually hopped onto a perch...was still for ages, but definitely alive, slight bloody mark on his back. He's safe in that lean to and the cats are outside staring in. Have found a number for local wildlife helpers and they've texted me to say they will send a volunteer to collect him. Poor parakeet, they feed on the windfall apples.
I was eating my dinner with the patio doors open last night, when I heard a screeching ruckus break out. It seems Missy was having a very noisy altercation with one of next door's, who she's normally fine with. I looked over the wall and they were totally motionless, eyeballing one another about 30 apart. Next door looked like she had a bit of misplaced fur, so I'm guessing Missy went for her in some way.

Either way, the stand-off eventually ended and peace seems to have broken out today.
I arrived home this afternoon and opened my back door to wheel the bike in. Missy appeared from upstairs, stretching and yawning after no doubt a highly taxing sleep. Then I noticed them on the floor: a wing, a head and an innard of undetermined origin. She never normally rips them to bits, and I can't find the rest of our late feathered friend.
Did they come pick the bird up? Although he looks ok, he'll need antibiotics if he has been in a cats mouth as birds have no resistance to the bacteria naturally present in cat saliva.

Although as a parrot lover I find it a little disturbing, I do wonder if it was maybe not in the best health in the first place if the cat was able to catch it - or I guess the cat is a really great hunter! Hope the bird will be ok.
Did they come pick the bird up? Although he looks ok, he'll need antibiotics if he has been in a cats mouth as birds have no resistance to the bacteria naturally present in cat saliva.

Although as a parrot lover I find it a little disturbing, I do wonder if it was maybe not in the best health in the first place if the cat was able to catch it - or I guess the cat is a really great hunter! Hope the bird will be ok.
Yes they collected him yesterday. He was quite settled in by then and the cats were disgusted at me through the windows. I have two cats and Bobby from two doors down is part of the gang. TBH between the 3 of them they are killing machines :(. Usually rats, mice and squirrels. My garden's been full of parakeets the last couple of weeks, due to a plenty supply of apples, it was only a matter of time.
He took a chunk out of the wildlife volunteers forearm, she said she'll need antibiotics. He'll be released from a secret location as soon as checked over and sorted out. It was his lucky day
Yes they collected him yesterday. He was quite settled in by then and the cats were disgusted at me through the windows. I have two cats and Bobby from two doors down is part of the gang. TBH between the 3 of them they are killing machines :(. Usually rats, mice and squirrels. My garden's been full of parakeets the last couple of weeks, due to a plenty supply of apples, it was only a matter of time.
He took a chunk out of the wildlife volunteers forearm, she said she'll need antibiotics. He'll be released from a secret location as soon as checked over and sorted out. It was his lucky day

Glad to hear it, and yes if a parrot bites it can cause quite an injury, even a small/medium parrot like that can do a lot of damage - and yeah feral birds can carry some nasty diseases of their own - everything from psittacosis to cholera is possible. Pet birds of course do mostly not get exposed to the same range of diseases, but I am assuming that any flock of parakeets snacking on your apples means it is likely not a pet, they are probably in the northern hemisphere (if it is apple season) and therefore a feral invasive species flock rather than a wild native flock in a part of the world where they naturally occur :D (I think he is also young, probably hatched this year).

I hope both he and the wildlife volunteer will be ok.
Did they come pick the bird up? Although he looks ok, he'll need antibiotics if he has been in a cats mouth as birds have no resistance to the bacteria naturally present in cat saliva.

Although as a parrot lover I find it a little disturbing, I do wonder if it was maybe not in the best health in the first place if the cat was able to catch it - or I guess the cat is a really great hunter! Hope the bird will be ok.
I woke today to find 2 dead bats on my bed. The cats take them out in mid flight, and bring them back as presents.
Cats are a formidable force, regardless of how healthy their quarry may be.
I woke today to find 2 dead bats on my bed. The cats take them out in mid flight, and bring them back as presents.
Cats are a formidable force, regardless of how healthy their quarry may be.

Bats are actually much easier prey for cats than most birds ;)

EDIT: (I will explain that statement if need be, but it is to do with echolocation, vision, the speed of sound, the speed of light, and the comparative sight differences including ranges of movement and light spectrum that each species can detect - birds can react quicker to threat from a moving predator from pretty much 360 degrees, quicker than a cat can react to a bird's movement. Time of day/lighting has some effect on that. Bats rely on safety in numbers, a cat can leap into a swarm of bats leaving a roost at dusk and grab a few and that is the cat's most active hunting period of the day and good lighting conditions for its vision, however the bat species as a whole survives to live another day).
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I've never officially timed it, but we must've come close to the lap ever lap occupancy today. She assumed the position just before kick-off of New Zealand and South Africa, and looked most perturbed when I eventually evicted her at the final whistle.

Bloody exhausting for me, keeping my thighs in the correct position for that long and not being able to man-spread.
He's being collected this afternoon and touch wood looking ok, but definite wound on back.
Do you have feral parakeets where you are, or do you reckon (s)he’s someone’s pet…? Dad says there are loads up at his golf club.
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