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I had a shit night's sleep last night, although I did have two bed cuddles: one when I first woke up before realising how stupidly early it was; the other after I gave up trying to get back to sleep. Missy obviously enjoyed it too, as she proceeded to stay on the bed for about three hours after I got up.
when i lived with mogs, the two were fairly good at each having one side of the bed (with me in the middle) as their territory.

That reads as a very surprising tabloid scandal:

I got home as my next door neighbour was feeding his two. Cat 1 was already there, noshing down her share in their kitchen. Cat 2 was out the back chilling, so he was calling her to come in before Cat 1 took all of it, beckoning her with a few bits in his hand.

Of course, at that point Missy had come out to say hi to me, and wondered what I was talking about over the fence. She vaulted said fence and started looking for ways to get in their back door to get Cat 2's food for herself.

Luckily it all ended amicably, without any hissing or claws. On another day though...
At Celia Hammond Trust...


No cats for us today. Apparently we need a street wise cat and there was only 1 suitable. Shadow is 8 years old though, we need a younger cat that can grow up with Molly.

They think the road is too near but it's 100m away. And it's a B road. I guess they're the experts but I'm not sure. Better safe than sorry I guess.
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