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Your daily cat and kitten news

Joked after we ordered our new carpet that cat would be sick on it straight away.

Carpet fitted yesterday evening... Woke up this morning and cat had hacked out massive furball and about half a cupful of general liquid grossness onto it. :facepalm: Fortunately the salesman's assurance that it was liquid repellent was bourne out.
Joked after we ordered our new carpet that cat would be sick on it straight away.

Carpet fitted yesterday evening... Woke up this morning and cat had hacked out massive furball and about half a cupful of general liquid grossness onto it. :facepalm: Fortunately the salesman's assurance that it was liquid repellent was bourne out.

One of my mum's favourite stories is of the evening I spent at some club with my cousin, and upon returning to my aunt and uncle's house all the sweets my cousin had force fed me returned in epic fashion all over their brand-new-that-day carpet, despite my uncle's valiant efforts in chasing me around the room with a waste paper bin.
Noticed this yesterday whilst out with my dog. Its hidden in amongst a thicket of rhododendrons (I live on the grounds of an old seminary) Caught a glimpse of a tiny kitten!
Went back before armed with dreamies and Sat patiently. Not long before an appearance.
Then another
5 kittens in total.
Suddenly a man and a woman appeared asking who I was etc. Turns out they were from the St cuthberts society who do the gardens and the cats were donated by the CPL to control the amount of rabbits eating cuthberts plants. I was concerned about the mother who wasnt putting any weight on her front paw, he told me we can't check her out cos she's feral. Funny I said, I've just had her in my arms and she ate a treat straight from my fingers. So I picked her up again and checked for thorns etc and nothing there. I told them to get it looked at but they didn't look bothered. Got slightly heated at one point. I'm going to check back on them tomorrow.
Anyone else think it's a strange thing for the CPL to do? Should I ring tomorrow and enquire. There was plenty of food and water so they are not going hungry.
Here's the mother with the poorly paw.


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the fluffy timeshare cat put-in its first appearance for a couple of weeks today - lining-up with my two for a bit of breakfast but it wasn't very hungry.

Its been battling - a big abcess on the side of its neck. Still solid bit the inflamation seems to have subsided plus all the fur has come off. So it didn't mind my examining it too much but I don't really want to be draining pus from someone else's cat, so I hope they take it to a vet soon! :(

On friday, a little frindly black tomcat made my aquaintance - he's a fighter, very battered around the head! :)
I was planning on booting up the old laptop earlier, but Peggy had other ideas.

Noticed this yesterday whilst out with my dog. Its hidden in amongst a thicket of rhododendrons (I live on the grounds of an old seminary) Caught a glimpse of a tiny kitten!
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Went back before armed with dreamies and Sat patiently. Not long before an appearance.
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Then another
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5 kittens in total.
Suddenly a man and a woman appeared asking who I was etc. Turns out they were from the St cuthberts society who do the gardens and the cats were donated by the CPL to control the amount of rabbits eating cuthberts plants. I was concerned about the mother who wasnt putting any weight on her front paw, he told me we can't check her out cos she's feral. Funny I said, I've just had her in my arms and she ate a treat straight from my fingers. So I picked her up again and checked for thorns etc and nothing there. I told them to get it looked at but they didn't look bothered. Got slightly heated at one point. I'm going to check back on them tomorrow.
Anyone else think it's a strange thing for the CPL to do? Should I ring tomorrow and enquire. There was plenty of food and water so they are not going hungry.
Here's the mother with the poorly paw.
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You should defo enquire. the injured one is concerning
He's a darling boy. Can also be a bloody pain in the ass. :D
I had got really used to having older cats the last time I got a kitten (which was 2005). I forgot just how lively and naughty kittens are.

'Kitten' is now twelve and sulking by the back door after a failed attempt to give her a pill! I still remember the time she slapped me in the face, the time she learned how to use the cat flap before she was meant to, just as I was about to go on holiday, and the time she pulled down a mantelpiece, sending vases, candlesticks etc. flying round the room...

The last time we got a cat, we got an adult rescue cat who is well-behaved and although he has had his problems (puking, over-grooming, howling at night) he's generally quite quiet.

Actually, come to think of it, I'd rather have a kitten climbing up my leg/the curtains than the howling! Luckily he has laid off doing that for a while.
The temptation to keep them all must be crazy strong.

Sort of. 7 cats is definitely too many. It'd be easier once they were going outside and I didn't need to worry about litter trays (at least not so much). At the moment I have homes for all the kittens but 4 of those are only provisional and if I'm honest I'm hoping two of them change their mind. I was trying to get one more homed but three people asked at once so I just let it happen as it means they are all sorted. I do want to keep all of them obviously but I also know it's definitely not a good plan.
Can I ask a question re introducing cats to a cat house. Girlfriend moved in this weekend, bringing her two cats with her.

Ive also got a cat, hes a big tom cat, bit of a bruiser.

For the last 24 hrs we've had GFs two cats in the bedroom, with their food and litter tray.

How long would you keep them apart?

I keep bringing the other cats blankets down and mine keeps sniffing it - he definitely knows something is up.

Ive suggested to GF that when mines out we should let hers have a wander around the house - is this a good idea?

Are they going to start battling?
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