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Update: So Ziggy is now free to roam the high level balconies of my block, which is does with so much gusto that the flat has now been relegated to feeding station/bedroom. I keep him in last thing at night though and he seems happy with that arrangement.

He's taken a liking to the pile of gardening soil on the balcony as his preferred toilet spot, which has already resulted in big savings in the cat litter department, although at some point I'm going to have to pick out the, err, 'nuggets' before it starts to whiff.

He's very affectionate when it suits, but there's no way I can get him to sit on my lap, even though he'll happily sprawl inches from the keyboard when I'm working.
Was getting ready to head out to brixton the other day. Before I leave, I always to a visual head count to check all three of my girls are in the flat. This is done because I let them out onto the communal stairway everyday and dont want to mistakenly leave one out there while I head out. So Rogue and Chloe were accounted for. But I couldn't locate Bella. Rushed to the stairways. Checked up and downstairs. Ran back in. Checked inside the sofa bed, bathroom, under the bed, in the kitchen cupboards (I often leave them open for them to hide in). Panic began to set in. Did she walk outside without me noticing (highly unlikely as they are indoor cats and scared to go outside-but still the thought wouldn't go away). I then thought to myself, could she be where I store my socks and underwear. Lifted the cover and there she was: :D

You've got to teach them who's boss. With respect to the cat's respite from its arduous duties, I maintain half a dozen resting spots, which increases slightly the chance of having my lap free.
I like having her on my lap though. If she's on for a long session, she always takes the same trajectory: start on predominantly on my right thigh; do some stretching with one paw and clawing with the other; fall asleep and dream; wake up; switch to left thigh; repeat; wake up; shuffle round so she's facing me; thoroughly lick herself; and finally bask in my adoration.
The Kitten (Bernard, but really we call him Kitten) has been throwing up for a week now. Vet gave him an anti-emetic and some antibiotics on Sunday and he kept the food down until early this morning. At least it's stopped flying out both ends. It was horrible earlier on - butt mucous everywhere. He still throws up foam and bile when there's nothing left. Gave him some new kibble that he liked around 2am and he kept it until the gooshy food this morning. He took one sniff, heaved and threw up the half-digested kibble all over the gooshy food.

On the other hand, he's perkier than he was Saturday and cats do throw up a lot. It's just worrisome when they're little and don't have a lot of spare mass to burn. He's pretty scrawny now.
I very much like your new shoes. A few years back this lady became internet famous for her kitten-bobbled jeans:

(there was a video where she strode around the kitchen with them still clinging on ...
needless to say, responsible cat owner/breeder/trainers say: nip this behaviour in the bud, because it's a great fun game for them, but not much fun for the hoomins once they are full sized cats and want to keep playing it.)
The Kitten (Bernard, but really we call him Kitten) has been throwing up for a week now. Vet gave him an anti-emetic and some antibiotics on Sunday and he kept the food down until early this morning. At least it's stopped flying out both ends. It was horrible earlier on - butt mucous everywhere. He still throws up foam and bile when there's nothing left. Gave him some new kibble that he liked around 2am and he kept it until the gooshy food this morning. He took one sniff, heaved and threw up the half-digested kibble all over the gooshy food.

On the other hand, he's perkier than he was Saturday and cats do throw up a lot. It's just worrisome when they're little and don't have a lot of spare mass to burn. He's pretty scrawny now.
Is Bernard on special kitten food ? Is it being supplemented by kittymilk ? Can you take Bernard to a vet ? Apologies if not, I don't know your personal situation.
The Kitten (Bernard, but really we call him Kitten) has been throwing up for a week now. Vet gave him an anti-emetic and some antibiotics on Sunday and he kept the food down until early this morning. At least it's stopped flying out both ends. It was horrible earlier on - butt mucous everywhere. He still throws up foam and bile when there's nothing left. Gave him some new kibble that he liked around 2am and he kept it until the gooshy food this morning. He took one sniff, heaved and threw up the half-digested kibble all over the gooshy food.

On the other hand, he's perkier than he was Saturday and cats do throw up a lot. It's just worrisome when they're little and don't have a lot of spare mass to burn. He's pretty scrawny now.
I was going to ask a similar question - since getting trapped in a garage Friday/Saturday Daisy has had diarrhea and vommed once. She's drinking lots and is off her food (just giving her cooked chicken at the moment). Not sure whether to take her to the vets or not.
Prolonged diarrhoea should be seen to at the vet. They can become dehydrated very fast, and will be losing nutrients as well. I'd definitely take her if there's been no improvement by now.
Do you think she needs to go tomorrow or could it wait til Monday? She doesn't seem overly I'll, still active and playful.
I got a 5am pummeling this morning, as Missy leapt on top of me and started pawing and nuzzling, complete with a very audible purr. I indulged her for a short while before thinking, what the fuck am I doing? Sleep is precious on a work day.
I got a 5am pummeling this morning, as Missy leapt on top of me and started pawing and nuzzling, complete with a very audible purr. I indulged her for a short while before thinking, what the fuck am I doing? Sleep is precious on a work day.
Do you not have doors in your house? I love our cats to bits, but they stay shut downstairs at night. There is no way we would put up with cats coming and waking us up. It was bad enough when our daughter used to do that.
Do you not have doors in your house? I love our cats to bits, but they stay shut downstairs at night. There is no way we would put up with cats coming and waking us up. It was bad enough when our daughter used to do that.

We tried that and had to deal with shredded carpet and howling. :hmm:
Do you think she needs to go tomorrow or could it wait til Monday? She doesn't seem overly I'll, still active and playful.
If she got trapped in a garage she may have ingested stuff really bad for her like oil say, if it was me she'd have already been to the vet. Why not give the vet a call ?
Is Bernard on special kitten food ? Is it being supplemented by kittymilk ? Can you take Bernard to a vet ? Apologies if not, I don't know your personal situation.
Oh, we'd got him some fancy, 90%+ meat stuff which did seem to help in that he was only throwing up white foam and the food appeared to have been digested. Tried some kibble, but he was so hungry that he wolfed it down and back up it came. He always hated kitten milk.

Been to the vet last night and they kept him on a drip. Scan turned up nothing, so not a blockage (I think he'd be much sicker after a week if that was the case). Just not sure if it's a poisoning or kitty flu or something else. Poor thing, he's only 6 months and doesn't have the reserve weight for this. They were amazed he's still at his castration weight from over a month back. (I'm certain he was bigger than that before this happened) Had a bit of a fever, too.

Thing I learned - they can read temperature off the microchip these days. He had a mild fever.
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