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never had any problems in over 3 years. they take an interest in the bubbles, sniff the toes and walk along the bath tub like professional tightrope walkers :)
posted before, but...

Delilah has been a little sick over the weekend. Absolutely fine in herself, eating and drinking normally but occasional sickness. Its a year since her last check up anyway so off to the vets tonight we go.

I'm dreading going though as its nearly exactly a year since I lost Barts at the vets. Even though I'm pretty sure there's nothing seriously wrong, I have this niggling dread in my stomach.
Hmm, interesting, because Missy's big fuck-off sack of Canin is sitting by the cooker, well with reach, but I don't think it's enjoyable food. The first time I went away I left some chew-sticks packeted up on the side for my neighbours to use. She chewed through the wrapping of them.
He thinks it's pretty good for kibble. Obviously not gooshy food, but the gooshy food wasn't in reach.

We're still struggling to find a decent goosh that's healthy, he likes, and doesn't make his poop reek so much that even he's disgusted by it.
So vet wasn't concerned by Delilah's vomitting but did made me not feed her fore 12 hours over night which she did not enjoy much. Vet very happy with her hydration, teeth and gums and eye for her age which is good. She thinks her heart rate was a little too fast and possible signs of a heart murmur. They've taken bloods and requested her records from the previous vets for comparison. She didnt seem hugely concerned so here's hoping if there is a heart issue we've caught it early. I really don't want it to be a thyroid problem like her sister had.
Thyroid problems can be incredibly common in cats, but on the whole they are entirely manageable. It's a rare case where there are complications. Unfortunately my old Charlie was one of those rare cases, so I know all too well how painful and scary the idea of a thyroid problem is—but at the same time I remind myself it simply was that he was one of the few unlucky ones, and most cats lead a perfectly happy life with the aid of either surgery to remove the thyroid, or some kind of medication. So try not to worry too much, Katy. I know that's easier said than done, but even if it is a thyroid problem (which is by no means a foregone conclusion) it's not necessarily going to spell disaster.

Hugs to you and Delilah <3
Thank you. I do feel calm about it as whatever issue it is (if indeed it is an issue) will have been caught quickly. Plus my new vets are just so nice its unbelievable.

I know the reason I'm stressing is that this weekend is a year since her sister died (from complications with thyroid issues) and that's clearly making things worse in my mind.
Sorry, I feel like I'm bombarding you lot with my Delilah posts. Just spoken to the vets and it is hyperthyrodism. Starting her tomorrow on liquid something or other and follow up in 3 weeks. Now we must have caught it a lot sooner than Barts as lots of things are different, so whilst I'm a little upset I'm also not as frantic as I thought I'd be.

I cannot recommend my new vet enough, she is so kind and patient and just spent a long time on the phone talking to me about everything and telling me all the good health things she saw in Delilah the other day.
Bloody Sunny was out all night and even missed dinner. I was hunting and hunting and then worrying all the time I supposed to be sleeping. Went out this morning and she was was in the shed that I'd already checked. Brat.

Still, going out early meant that I discovered that the chickens' waterer was broken a few hours earlier than I would have done otherwise, so there's an upside. I have pneumonia though and this is not a great way to start the day.

Good luck with the sick kitties, fishfinger and Katie :)
I don't think Missy has yet realised that I've blocked her from going outside tonight. I'm not 100% sure of her attitude to fireworks, but I'm not risking it.

I was starting to lose the feeling in my lower legs last night, watching TV, so attached was she to me lap.
Bloody Sunny was out all night and even missed dinner. I was hunting and hunting and then worrying all the time I supposed to be sleeping. Went out this morning and she was was in the shed that I'd already checked. Brat.

Still, going out early meant that I discovered that the chickens' waterer was broken a few hours earlier than I would have done otherwise, so there's an upside. I have pneumonia though and this is not a great way to start the day.

Good luck with the sick kitties, fishfinger and Katie :)

Aw they do know how to make us worry! We couldn't find Dylan one evening very soon after losing Dixie. Looked down one path at the side of our block (after calling him for ages), then just turned around and he was there like no big deal! Hope you are better soon x
Good news is that Delilah is taking her syringe of medicine really easily, she actually opens her mouth for it and tries to bit the syringe for more!

Less good news is she seems to be a bit constipated. I've changed her diet and shes now on these meds so imagine it's been a bit much. Is there anything I can do or give her to help ease it?
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