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Back from the vet with our wallets £80 lighter, some eye drops, and a cat that went in there white with black spots but is now white, black, orange, and dayglo green (from the dyes that were put in his eye to show up any corneal scratches or ulcers, he struggled a bit and the stuff went everywhere.)

The conjunctiva and eyelids are very inflamed and swollen but no signs of any foreign body or damage to the cornea thank goodness, so he's on eye drops for a week. I could tell he was in some pain from it last night as he was having trouble settling to sleep, so I hope the drops start to ease it quickly!
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Me too, poor Radar.
Epona - hope he'll let you put them in without *too* much angst / fighting. Good Luck.

Thanks, he's usually pretty good - I mean he doesn't like being treated for stuff (I mean who does), but he's as soft as shite, he's not going to go all teeth and claws or anything like that, he'll just squeak a bit.
I hope Radar's eyes clear up soon, Epona.

In Carpet related news, it turns out he is a cable chewer. :facepalm: Specifically the ones hanging down from the bedside table. So far he has chewed through two I-phone cables, the connecting cable for the (new) clock radio as well as the aerial. :mad:

Any tips for putting a stop to this as apart from the expense he risks a) electrocuting himself b) burning the house down.

He has also become *extremely* attached to me. Which is nice but it would be good not to be followed into the loo. And he is reluctant to go outside for more than about five minutes and won't use the cat flap (which he used on at least three occasions when he was a stray and I would come home to find him in the house). :thumbs:

On the upside, he's just started sleeping on the bed with me as I am laid up with the flu. It's only a matter of time before he starts sleeping on my head. :D
I hope Radar's eyes clear up soon, Epona.

In Carpet related news, it turns out he is a cable chewer. :facepalm: Specifically the ones hanging down from the bedside table. So far he has chewed through two I-phone cables, the connecting cable for the (new) clock radio as well as the aerial. :mad:

Any tips for putting a stop to this as apart from the expense he risks a) electrocuting himself b) burning the house down.

He has also become *extremely* attached to me. Which is nice but it would be good not to be followed into the loo. And he is reluctant to go outside for more than about five minutes and won't use the cat flap (which he used on at least three occasions when he was a stray and I would come home to find him in the house). :thumbs:

On the upside, he's just started sleeping on the bed with me as I am laid up with the flu. It's only a matter of time before he starts sleeping on my head. :D

I think I've heard that coating the cables in a light spray of something that tastes unpleasant (but obv isn't poisonous) works. So something like a mix of lemon and vinegar may do the job.
I think I've heard that coating the cables in a light spray of something that tastes unpleasant (but obv isn't poisonous) works. So something like a mix of lemon and vinegar may do the job.
I'd heard chilli oil but don't really want oil dripping on the (actual) carpet. :D Vinegar's a good idea. Will give it a go. Good job he's cute and loves me soooo much. :D
I'd heard chilli oil but don't really want oil dripping on the (actual) carpet. :D Vinegar's a good idea. Will give it a go. Good job he's cute and loves me soooo much. :D

Bless :D I'm working in the office today and had headphones in and the door shut. The OH walked down the corridor to see a very plaintiff little cat sitting outside mewing desperately cos he couldn't be near me :D The door is now partially open and he's in with me sitting on the window ledge in front of the desk :D
Ms T - "Bitter Apple Spray" is what you want, it's non toxic but tastes absolutely vile. Stopped Radar chewing cables in a very short space of time, he pulled some horrible faces when he tasted it! You can get it from pet shops and vets. I would suggest not spraying it around electrical equipment and sockets, spray some on a tissue and wipe it along the length of cables.
Ms T - "Bitter Apple Spray" is what you want, it's non toxic but tastes absolutely vile. Stopped Radar chewing cables in a very short space of time, he pulled some horrible faces when he tasted it! You can get it from pet shops and vets. I would suggest not spraying it around electrical equipment and sockets, spray some on a tissue and wipe it along the length of cables.
Great, thanks for the tip.
I hope Radar's eyes clear up soon, Epona.

In Carpet related news, it turns out he is a cable chewer. :facepalm: Specifically the ones hanging down from the bedside table. So far he has chewed through two I-phone cables, the connecting cable for the (new) clock radio as well as the aerial. :mad:

Any tips for putting a stop to this as apart from the expense he risks a) electrocuting himself b) burning the house down.

He has also become *extremely* attached to me. Which is nice but it would be good not to be followed into the loo. And he is reluctant to go outside for more than about five minutes and won't use the cat flap (which he used on at least three occasions when he was a stray and I would come home to find him in the house). :thumbs:

On the upside, he's just started sleeping on the bed with me as I am laid up with the flu. It's only a matter of time before he starts sleeping on my head. :D

1. cable tidy tubing.

also, is there anyone about on urban who has kept house rabbits. they will undoubtedly have many tips to share.

2. midnight did that. and noodle is doing it now. i think ti's a stray caty thing. needing constant reassurance that it's actually ok now. and you're not going anywhere and nor is the food supply. i honestly can't remember how long it took for hers to wear off. but she spends entire days sleeping in a room with no person in it now. carpet and noodle will manage this eventually as well.

and in other news, noodle has proven his hearing is good enough to catch a treat packet being moved from my desk to a shelf from a different floor of the house.

and madamme can see th pack on the shelf, tucked in behind other stuff and sit there and stare at it and shout at us until she is provided with sufficient treats.

the treats are very useful to break the staring and yowling contests. and make them go back to ignoring each other. but she sounds like a siamese, big deep yowl. he's got a really high squeeky one. that just sounds comical rather than menacing.
I gave up at one point (we were house rabbit sitting) and made up some armoured cable runs with metal conduit ...
Any tips for putting a stop to this as apart from the expense he risks a) electrocuting himself b) burning the house down.

We used watered-down bitrex and brushed some on the cables that Coraline was teething on - the smell alone stopped her in her tracks almost immediately. Then we made sure we used this as a convenient excuse to get a load more toys has enough things lying around that she could get a good chew on; fabric toys and, as it turned out, a cardboard box that she has eaten to bits over the last few months. She's not been tempted by a cable since.
My poor little boy looks like he's been punched in the face, he's had conjunctivitis before (in fact "eye problems" are an exclusion clause on his insurance :rolleyes: ) but it's a pretty bad case this time, bless him. It must be sore, I mean it looks fairly horrific, and he seems to be feeling a bit sorry for himself and is in high need of comfort-cuddles. He's spent the day in the bedroom with the light off as he had local anaesthetic in his eye at the vet which made his pupil go all dilated, he's been avoiding bright areas. I do hope he feels a bit better tomorrow.

I'm tired too, I didn't sleep well last night because he couldn't settle (and when he did it was only with my arm in a position where he could rest his chin on my arm), and whenever I did nod off I dreamed about infected eyes :eek:
I'm being mercilessly oppressed (again). It threw itself onto my lap, skidded along into my midriff (in the process ramming his front paws violently into my gonads) and is now flumping about to find his ideal lap position while glaring at me if I stop stroking him.

My poor little boy looks like he's been punched in the face, he's had conjunctivitis before (in fact "eye problems" are an exclusion clause on his insurance :rolleyes: ) but it's a pretty bad case this time, bless him. It must be sore, I mean it looks fairly horrific, and he seems to be feeling a bit sorry for himself and is in high need of comfort-cuddles. He's spent the day in the bedroom with the light off as he had local anaesthetic in his eye at the vet which made his pupil go all dilated, he's been avoiding bright areas. I do hope he feels a bit better tomorrow.

I'm tired too, I didn't sleep well last night because he couldn't settle (and when he did it was only with my arm in a position where he could rest his chin on my arm), and whenever I did nod off I dreamed about infected eyes :eek:

Hope he's feeling better soon Epona - they are a worry ALL of the time aren't they?
Well he's had all his eye drops for today, hopefully they start to take effect soon (they include a steroid for the inflammation, so hopefully it will at least be less sore and puffy tomorrow.

I've had to treat his eyes a few times in the past, this is drops which is a bit easier than the cream I've used before - the cream needs to be applied in a line along the lower eyelid where it meets the eyeball which is a bit more up-close and precise work than plonking in a drop of liquid.

This we can do more like ME: "hello Radey-splodgers, do you want a cuddle?", HIM: "yes please, oh this is a nice cuddle". ME: "I'm just going to rub your head and face, is that OK? Nice firm grip for a head massage". HIM: "Ooh yes I like that. Hold on, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT IN MY EYE?". ME: "Don't know what you're on about, more cuddles?" HIM: "Ok, sure. Scritch behind my ears this time."
Hope he's feeling better soon, Epona

I just watched Supervet for the first time ever and I don't think I could ever watch it again. I sobbed the whole way through. Not especially because of the animals, but because I could feel exactly what the owners' were feeling. Having an ill pet is just a terrible, terrible thing to go through.
Hope he's feeling better soon, Epona

I just watched Supervet for the first time ever and I don't think I could ever watch it again. I sobbed the whole way through. Not especially because of the animals, but because I could feel exactly what the owners' were feeling. Having an ill pet is just a terrible, terrible thing to go through.

Thanks :)

I know what you mean about supervet, it's the sort of thing I watch if there's something I am upset about but have been unable to have a good cry over, it sort of shifts the crying blockage, if that makes any sense. He was my parents' local vet back when they had pets, before he had a TV show. He never did anything that fancy for their pets, except treat a budgie for psittacosis which required a course of 10 weekly antibiotic injections at £150 a pop. :eek: Having pets can be expensive.
Hope he's feeling better soon, Epona

I just watched Supervet for the first time ever and I don't think I could ever watch it again. I sobbed the whole way through. Not especially because of the animals, but because I could feel exactly what the owners' were feeling. Having an ill pet is just a terrible, terrible thing to go through.
It's an amazing prog and some of the outcomes are just incredible but I find the supervet himself fucking irritating tbh :) :oops:
sympathy likes or should that be sympathy ouches !

my first cat used to try washing my feet / toes or anything else she could reach at stupid o'clock - once awake I got the plaintive "feeeeedd meeeee" treatment ...
I think Perry might think Moonie is a squirrel. At the old flat he often watched the squirrels out of the window and imitated their noises, and he keeps making the squirrel noises to the new cat, too. Obviously he doesn't really know he's a cat himself and he can probably tell Moonie isn't the only other animal he knows, a dog. So she's a squirrel. :D
sympathy likes or should that be sympathy ouches !

my first cat used to try washing my feet / toes or anything else she could reach at stupid o'clock - once awake I got the plaintive "feeeeedd meeeee" treatment ...

i'm trying to come up wi6th a stratagy to convince him to desist. i ndon't want to keep him out of the room, cause being woken up by him snuggling into my arms is adorable. but this is the third time he's bitten my feet and he's gone for himself twice. and himself is diabetic, so foot injury is potentially more serious.

Epona, you have any ideas?

cause the only thing i was thinking of was to evict him as a direct response to every incident of biting. pick him up, put him in the hall and shut the door.
^ a bit old school, but rather than getting rid of the cat, or paying £££ for a cat behaviourist - what about making your bed with a blanket or throw on top, tucked in at the bottom, rather than just a duvet? That way cat can snuggle up to / sleep on you, even wake you up by shouting for food at 3am or leaving a dead mouse in your hair, but can't bite feet, at least.

i think the biting is probably not deliberate, just a byproduct of you being asleep and the cat being overcome with adrenaline and physically desperate to play at stupid o'clock (it's the same as the mad dashing around the house - sometimes they're just overwhelmed with the urge to DO SOMETHING - anything - as they generally live a cushier and more boring existence than they're evolved for.
I'd just shut him in another room at night, I don't really tolerate cats being disruptive in the bedroom. Only 1 of mine is allowed in the bedroom, the other 2 spend the night in the sitting room because they can be a bit of a nightmare arguing over the best spots on the bed if they are allowed in. You can always snuggle with him at other times.
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