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Flinty is a long hair and is either getting more persistent with her cleaning or my misophonia is sending me batshit crazy. She's insisting on sitting next to me while she does it :( It's not stress cleaning, just continuous. Hurry up weather and improve pllleeaasse!
Flinty is a long hair and is either getting more persistent with her cleaning or my misophonia is sending me batshit crazy. She's insisting on sitting next to me while she does it :( It's not stress cleaning, just continuous. Hurry up weather and improve pllleeaasse!

The slurping sound of them grooming does get noticeable after a while, especially if they are doing it on you, but the one that gets me is when they pull the claw sheathes off their back claws with their teeth - it's the feline equivalent of nails scraping down a blackboard :eek: :hmm:
The slurping sound of them grooming does get noticeable after a while, but the one that gets me is when they pull the claw sheathes off their back claws with their teeth - it's the feline equivalent of nails scraping down a blackboard :eek: :hmm:
Yep Sachin used to be fastidious with that and it would give me the willies. I'm torn between wanting to hear him again and knowing it would drive me batty.
Yep Sachin used to be fastidious with that and it would give me the willies. I'm torn between wanting to hear him again and knowing it would drive me batty.

Completely understandable :)

Don't ever consider pet parrots/parakeets if you have issues with certain noises, it's not just that they are very noisy vocally during daylight hours, but they also grind their beak when they are going to sleep to sharpen it - very noticeable because it happens once they have stopped shrieking/singing for the day - just a repetitive small grinding/creaking/scraping noise that goes on for a while once they have tucked their head onto their back for the night and are nodding off. No-one usually tells you that about birds.
Peggy's nail pulling sounds quite different to how Charlie's did. Her's is much more solid sounding. She doesn't leave claws and whiskers lying around as much as Charlie did. Charlie had spectacular whiskers, though.
Haha. That is now 'his' chair. He shouts at people if they sit on it. He's getting weirder by the day

I'll see your idiot cat and raise you the mighty Noodle. He's developed a fixation with what's SUPPOSED to be my work chair. The work chair that he now graciously consents to share with me, provided I pick him up (gently) and place him on my lap again (gently, it's his preference) and then provide a minimum of a few minutes undivided fussing before he then graciously permits me to actually do anything else.
Completely understandable :)

Don't ever consider pet parrots/parakeets if you have issues with certain noises, it's not just that they are very noisy vocally during daylight hours, but they also grind their beak when they are going to sleep to sharpen it - very noticeable because it happens once they have stopped shrieking/singing for the day - just a repetitive small grinding/creaking/scraping noise that goes on for a while once they have tucked their head onto their back for the night and are nodding off. No-one usually tells you that about birds.

Thanks for the tip.

Speaking of cat territory, my main armchair is a torn mess that I cover with a throw for now as it's been catted. A clean throw went on on Saturday and already it is fuzzy and got muddy paw prints all over it. If I stand for too long I lose my place. The dining table has a lovely tablecloth on it, washed and ironed, but then double Ikea fleece over it to cat proof it. The dining chairs have a coat no matter the rubber brushing and hoovering. I can't eat alone, pee alone, sleep alone, watch telly quietly, surf without paws tapping me, read without noises & demands for attention and my clothes make me look like I've done a drop and roll in fur. Still wouldn't have it any other way :)
Jakey will nick my desk chair by sneaking onto it under my bum if I stand up even briefly, the number of times I have nearly squashed him when sitting back down is a bit worrying, and the daft bugger doesn't seem to take any lessons from being sat on.
This week's day 2 of Casper outside, Clive and FiFi inside - all when wrong when Casper came running in as I was going to work - luckily, a quick Shush!!! and he was up in his safe room (quickly shut), leaving Clive and FiFi having the run of the house and outside

Small improvement on the Clive front - he's starting to accept strokes whilst being fed - interestingly, he immediately "presents" - he's not as bad as he was, still not great but a small improvement - it's these little breakthroughs that make it all worth while

Casper, on the other hand <sigh> it really is one step forward one step back with him - he's now a bit more reluctant to eat from my hand - still one at a time
You'll get there, HV. You've done a lot of hard work recently establishing a solid routine for them, and I think right now it's just important that you carry on with that, so they all understand they have stability. Keep going with it, no matter how useless it feels. I think it'll pay off in time.
This week's day 2 of Casper outside, Clive and FiFi inside - all when wrong when Casper came running in as I was going to work - luckily, a quick Shush!!! and he was up in his safe room (quickly shut), leaving Clive and FiFi having the run of the house and outside

Small improvement on the Clive front - he's starting to accept strokes whilst being fed - interestingly, he immediately "presents" - he's not as bad as he was, still not great but a small improvement - it's these little breakthroughs that make it all worth while

Casper, on the other hand <sigh> it really is one step forward one step back with him - he's now a bit more reluctant to eat from my hand - still one at a time

wot everyone else said about everything. don't look at every step fowards and backwards. look at the change since they arrived at yours.

how is fifi doing?

Thanks for the tip.

Speaking of cat territory, my main armchair is a torn mess that I cover with a throw for now as it's been catted. A clean throw went on on Saturday and already it is fuzzy and got muddy paw prints all over it. If I stand for too long I lose my place. The dining table has a lovely tablecloth on it, washed and ironed, but then double Ikea fleece over it to cat proof it. The dining chairs have a coat no matter the rubber brushing and hoovering. I can't eat alone, pee alone, sleep alone, watch telly quietly, surf without paws tapping me, read without noises & demands for attention and my clothes make me look like I've done a drop and roll in fur. Still wouldn't have it any other way :)

i work part time for an animal charity, so turning up to work in a smart dress, with tufts of cat hair over it and oozing scratches on my hands and limping from a bitten toe is considered perfectly normal
and wot himself neglected to mention is that most of the time, he can now pick up the cat and move him on and off chair and lap without being threatened with bites and scratches.

and his post earlier was prompted by depositing the cat on the floor, standing up and having the cat jump back onto the chair by the shortest route- between his legs. he was somehow supprised by this.
wot everyone else said about everything. don't look at every step fowards and backwards. look at the change since they arrived at yours.

how is fifi doing?

Compared to how they were when we first got them the change in "about" a year is truly remarkable - not compared to "normal" cats mind, but progress has definitely been made

How's FiFi doing? - O. K. is probably fair - she's older than the boys - probably coming up for 12-13 - she spends most of her day asleep on top of a wardrobe where she feels safe - when the spring/summer comes we'll see, I hope, her getting out a bit more but at the moment she seems to be staying inside

She's progressing with her interaction with the boys - I'll give an example of just now - she was in the kitchen tucking into biscuits and Clive was out of her line of sight in the living room - she came out through the door, Clive didn't move or make a move towards her - she hissed twice and continued on her way, she's now sat on the sofa next to me. Her and Clive are not really a problem and I'm sure that, given time, her and Casper will eventually settle down. Again, from this morning, FiFi was in the house, Clive outside and Casper in the downstairs living room. FiFi decided that she wanted to go back to "her room" she trotted up stairs and Casper immediately jumped down out of his tree and followed her upstairs. This often starts his serenading of FiFi and if Mrs Voltz is around one or other of us stopping it before it gets out of hand. I decided to let it run its course this morning and after less than five minutes Casper came back down stairs again - no drama

I've noticed that FiFi's litter tray is not being used some days - now she "might" be going outside, I've not found any little No 2's but "someone" has been occasionally wee'ing on dirty clothes that have not been put in the laundry basket (that'll be me then :facepalm:) so, if nothing else, she's forcing me to be a little bit tidier

And as if to order - FiFi's just popped into her box - and, once again, in her "digging to China" approach to burying has managed to empty half the litter out of the box and onto the floor - bless
I think you're doing everything right, HV. My main concern right now would be, as I said, continuing with this routine you've developed, and also making sure FiFi knows she's loved and has space that's hers.
Oh! FiFi knows she's loved alright - we'll go to bed tonight and in next to no time she'll be on the bed - then she'll stamp up the bed and sit on my chest with her face about 2" from mine purring her little head off - she'll stay there for about 15-20 minutes then swop onto Mrs Voltz, where she'll stay for CONSIDERABLY less than she sits on me, then she'll come back onto my chest and repeat then she'll go down the bed and curl up again my leg or Mrs Voltz's leg and stay there until morning. Leaving us only to "use her facilities" - this is FiFi's routine - she also manages to have 2 or 3 cuddles more when Mrs Voltz gets up and I stay in bed for another hour - this has been our morning routine for quite some time now
They prefer wolfie to me!
Well, Peggy will now eat (some of) the Bozita food I have for her. If I microwave it :D

Fucking royalty, she thinks she is.

Still only really had the gravy, but that's one better than she was doing. I didn't chop/mash the chunks up though, will try that next.

Trying to settle on a good biscuit for her is tough going. She generally likes all of them, so I'm trying to get her onto one that's got the least shit and the most yay in it. She's been having Orijin for a while now, which is pretty great, but has started to not be quite as excited. She really liked the James Wellbeloved Senior, but that's got a lot more filler in it. I've tried her on a trial of Applaws (their dry is complete, unlike their wet), and she loves it, so I've ordered some more. I'll probably end up alternating per tupperware refill (she has a small tupperware upstairs and one downstairs with whatever biscuits she's currently having, which I refill maybe once a week when she's got through it). I wish they all came in smaller bag sizes. Even 2kg is too much if she's alternating. The Applaws comes in 400g trial sizes, which is better. Orijin used to back in the day, but no more it seems.

While I've been typing this she's come back and had another few slurps of her Bozita. Woo.
. . . when the cats knock a load of stuff off the bookcases when they are rampaging around.

CATS knocking stuff off . . . well, anything . . . whilst rampaging around . . . surely not

In a similar vein, I've got an added refinement to "feathers" that I play with the boys, in particular, Casper. He'll get so "into" playing feathers that he forgets where he is, so the game is to try and get him to fall out of the tree - he doesn't hurt himself, but the imaginative ways he's developing to make it look like he meant to fall out of the tree really is most amusing
I'm being mercilessly oppressed again. toggle the Beast that must Feast (AKA Noodle, The Mighty Noodle, King Noodle I and any other aliases he might be known under) is crushing me once again beneath his mighty paws.

You have sheltered and sustained a tyrant, methinks.
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