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i can't find the one where hobbes manages to hide behind the standard lamp...

found it

£86.99 - and you can get a further 7% off if you "buy" an annual 7% discount off every purchase you make "thing" which costs <£10

But it's technology sorting out something - you can't put a price on that
Are their bowls in the same place? You might find feeding one at one end of the room and the other at the other discourages stealing half way through a meal.
Are their bowls in the same place? You might find feeding one at one end of the room and the other at the other discourages stealing half way through a meal.
Yeah but when I tried moving them before they freaked out.

Main question is though is 3 packets of wet food enough? They're like dogs; always on the prowl for food.
Yeah but when I tried moving them before they freaked out.

Main question is though is 3 packets of wet food enough? They're like dogs; always on the prowl for food.

It's more than what we give our cat. She has a pouch twice a day and she is generally satisfied. Every so often she'll shout at night for an extra pouch but that seems to coincide with when she's spewing furballs.

Perhaps a higher protein food would be better for them; Applaws (which is hideously expensive) is good, especially the dry stuff. You only have to give a small amount so it lasts a good long while.
We give the cat two small things of applaws a day, but he has biscuits always available. Apparently it's some kind of evolutionary thing, little and often. He eats probably quarter of a bowl of biscuits a day, and eats his wet food in two goes, so he usually has a bit left....whereas if we don't put them out he bolts his wet food and vets at us. Vet says he is perfect weight, no fat belly on him at all- basically he's regulating himself
It's more than what we give our cat. She has a pouch twice a day and she is generally satisfied. Every so often she'll shout at night for an extra pouch but that seems to coincide with when she's spewing furballs.

Perhaps a higher protein food would be better for them; Applaws (which is hideously expensive) is good, especially the dry stuff. You only have to give a small amount so it lasts a good long while.

Yep. switching to the higher meat content foods has led to a significant decreace in rate of consumption and in demands. you can actually eat your dinner in the same room as her without her starting begging.

and Maharani, were there specific reasons why you got the recomendations of wet foods only. because the usual recomendations tend to be 'a bit of both' so they get the benefit of crunchies for their teeth and the high water content to protect from urinary tract problems. another reason to use dry foods as well is that if your cat isn't a scoff the lot and then puke type feeder, dry food can be left out all the time, so cats can follow a natural feeding pattern of eating small amounts 10-15 times a day, rather than a couple of big meals.
Yep. switching to the higher meat content foods has led to a significant decreace in rate of consumption and in demands. you can actually eat your dinner in the same room as her without her starting begging.

Her Moggesty doesn't beg, merely issues a Royal command.
£86.99 - and you can get a further 7% off if you "buy" an annual 7% discount off every purchase you make "thing" which costs <£10

But it's technology sorting out something - you can't put a price on that

Yeah, fuck that, I feed the food bully in a different room.
Electronic cat feeding gadget - £87
Stopping the cats interfering with each others meals for free - £Priceless

Different brands should have feeding guidance on the pack or the box somewhere. You'll need to know their weight to apply it, though.

For example, the Royal Canin Ultra Light I'm feeding Peg at the moment, it says 4.5 pouches a day for a 5kg cat. Many of them also state how that should be adjusted if your cat is overweight or underweight. You need to do a bit of maths if you're feeding a mix of dry and wet, or mixing and matching your various wet foods, but if you do half the rda of one and half the rda of the other it should work out fine.

But there's no way to apply a standard rule across all foods of X per day, since they all have different calorie contents.
i have a woman staying with us Monday - Friday. she is a "cat person" and has six of her own. she joined us yesterday and bought treats to feed my cats with. she got home two hours earlier than us and sent maybe 20 pictures of my cats to me via whatsapp, eating the treats she had bought them, telling me she thought my cats were too thin (they're not, however all of hers are massively overweight). i asked her not to feed the cats treats and she said she wouldn't. then at 2 in the morning i hear her coaxing them into her room, obviously with treats.

this morning she sent me a text informing me the cats had slept with her (we leave the house before she wakes up)

weird or not weird? last night was the first night she's been with us and i really don't want her feeding them anymore of that cat crack stuff :mad: she seems ok apart from that :(

there is a significant decrease in the level of royal commands. we, or rather you as the royal doormat actually gets to eat your own dinner unmolested.


I am NOT just the Royal Doormat. I'm also Chief Butler, Head Chef, Head Doorman, Dispenser of Cuddles, Tickles and Strokes, Guardian of the Royal Treats, Massager of the Royal Ego, Groveller-in-Chief, Emptier of Her Moggesty's Regal Litter Box, Pourer of the Royal Cat Milk and Occasional Scratching Post.

It's a full-time job, I'll have you know.

You're just jealous because I get more lap time than you, so there.

***Goes off to fuss over the Supreme Being***
i have a woman staying with us Monday - Friday. she is a "cat person" and has six of her own. she joined us yesterday and bought treats to feed my cats with. she got home two hours earlier than us and sent maybe 20 pictures of my cats to me via whatsapp, eating the treats she had bought them, telling me she thought my cats were too thin (they're not, however all of hers are massively overweight). i asked her not to feed the cats treats and she said she wouldn't. then at 2 in the morning i hear her coaxing them into her room, obviously with treats.

this morning she sent me a text informing me the cats had slept with her (we leave the house before she wakes up)

weird or not weird? last night was the first night she's been with us and i really don't want her feeding them anymore of that cat crack stuff :mad: she seems ok apart from that :(
You need to set the boundaries
Put in catflap just before we went away round the side of the house. She knows it's there, but because she can see us sitting in the lounge through the glass doors she sits there miming 'Oi! Hoomins! Door!' and won't go through the flap until one of us has shouted 'CATFLAP!' out of it. By which time we might as well have opened the doors, but we don't want her to start expecting it as a matter of course.
i have a woman staying with us Monday - Friday. she is a "cat person" and has six of her own. she joined us yesterday and bought treats to feed my cats with. she got home two hours earlier than us and sent maybe 20 pictures of my cats to me via whatsapp, eating the treats she had bought them, telling me she thought my cats were too thin (they're not, however all of hers are massively overweight). i asked her not to feed the cats treats and she said she wouldn't. then at 2 in the morning i hear her coaxing them into her room, obviously with treats.

this morning she sent me a text informing me the cats had slept with her (we leave the house before she wakes up)

weird or not weird? last night was the first night she's been with us and i really don't want her feeding them anymore of that cat crack stuff :mad: she seems ok apart from that :(
think weird tends to be on something of a sliding scale for cat people, I quite like being awakened by soggy nose nudges in the early hours of the morning but accept its not to everyone's taste. As they're yours you have a perfect right to insist she doesn't feed then anything if she stays with you again and if she does then she can't stay.
i have a woman staying with us Monday - Friday. she is a "cat person" and has six of her own. she joined us yesterday and bought treats to feed my cats with. she got home two hours earlier than us and sent maybe 20 pictures of my cats to me via whatsapp, eating the treats she had bought them, telling me she thought my cats were too thin (they're not, however all of hers are massively overweight). i asked her not to feed the cats treats and she said she wouldn't. then at 2 in the morning i hear her coaxing them into her room, obviously with treats.

this morning she sent me a text informing me the cats had slept with her (we leave the house before she wakes up)

weird or not weird? last night was the first night she's been with us and i really don't want her feeding them anymore of that cat crack stuff :mad: she seems ok apart from that :(

She's a feeder. Tell her they have an allergy and will shit and puke all over the place if she doesn't stop giving them treats. Actually, that is the rational response, I'd have yelled at her already :oops:

Oh and btw a lot of people who have overweight cats think my cats are too thin - my vet however says it is refreshing to see normal athletic cats instead of obese ones, apparently it makes a nice change.

If anyone ever turns up with treats again, tell them one of your cats is diabetic and on a strict food regime and confiscate any treats or food that you don't approve of. I actually think your guest's behaviour is outrageous.
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She's a feeder. Tell her they have an allergy and will shit and puke all over the place if she doesn't stop giving them treats. Actually, that is the rational response, I'd have yelled at her already :oops:

Oh and btw a lot of people who have overweight cats think my cats are too thin - my vet however says it is refreshing to see normal athletic cats instead of obese ones, apparently it makes a nice change.

If anyone ever turns up with treats again, tell them one of your cats is diabetic and on a strict food regime and confiscate any treats or food that you don't approve of. I actually think your guest's behaviour is outrageous.

i agree.

turning up to someone's house, specially if i'm staying over, i might well take something for the animals as well as some vino. but unless it's a repeat visit, then i'll hand it all to my freind and let them decide. exception tends to be when the animal knows me and knows i arrive with treats and i know from a past visit it's something they can have. and, this is usually dogs, but their nose is usually in my bag looking for their pressie before i get to put it down. i wouldn't think about giving random stuff to people's pets without permission any more than i'd give loads of stuff to their kids.

and nods. healthy cats are supposed to be sleek. not rotund.
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I am NOT just the Royal Doormat. I'm also Chief Butler, Head Chef, Head Doorman, Dispenser of Cuddles, Tickles and Strokes, Guardian of the Royal Treats, Massager of the Royal Ego, Groveller-in-Chief, Emptier of Her Moggesty's Regal Litter Box, Pourer of the Royal Cat Milk and Occasional Scratching Post.

It's a full-time job, I'll have you know.

You're just jealous because I get more lap time than you, so there.

***Goes off to fuss over the Supreme Being***

i on the other hand, share my home with a cat who isn't in charge of me. and get to sleep without a tail being flicked up my nose.
Listening to Ted the vet talk about how Charlie needed to lose weight was amusing after he told me his cat is fat and has diabetes.

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