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As a side note, being Aspie I've always found I understand cats instinctively (unlike humans) and tend to get along with mogs rather better than I do with people. I was wondering if this was a common factor among us Aspies.

Absolutely. I understand the cats :) Their interactions, moods, body language are actually very straightforward to me. Interactions with humans are a confusing maze with potential downfall at every corner. I think it is simply because they do not give confusing messages, if they are in a 'leave me alone' mood they do not smile and say hi and pretend. I also easily accept their 'leave me alone' times, cos I know that feeling. I find cats really easy to read (not just cats, but many animals, they don't say one thing when they mean another).
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Granted that is VERY SELECTIVE quoting - so please forgive me :)

But <tap tap tap> times passing

Sorry, something really unpleasant is going on at the moment (not to do with the cats or my relationship with hubby) but we have a lot of stress at the moment and it doesn't seem the right time to be working out how to get cat photos off my phone when we are looking for legal advice about something serious and in limbo waiting to see what will happen in a bad situation. Hopefully will get around to sorting some photos over the weekend, but it may have to wait for a bit.
I am still intrigued by the concept of a heated cat bed

Snuggly leopard print bed with a low watt heating pad in the base - costs about .23p / day to run - where the boys are going to be spending their day when "out" of their overnight room is a bit chilly and with it not getting any warmer (I REFUSE to say with W_ _ _ _ r word just yet but we all know what that means) they need a solution - and looking at the amount of white fur in the bottom of the bed it would appear to be a bit of a hit with both boys - just as well as now it can't go back
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Trying to keep up with cool cat pics and failing! Wilbur has suddenly gotten very homely and I'm assuming the weather is a factor, and was vocal and very present when I returned from work earlier. Cooked a roast chicken this evening which makes my heart pang for Sachin as it was his bestest thing in the whole cat world. The others do share it with me but they don't have his batshit must have chicken attitude. I miss him still :(
Garden envy again Rutita1 :)

Mzee Smudge is back in the building. Vets cost £560 (ARGH). He's got a tough of pancreatitis and his kidneys are buggered. I'd expect we've got a few months more with him. Very affectionate today. The vet said that he was proper fighting to rip his drip out the whole time, like a don :cool:

Moz brought a mouse in just now (second kill of the day) and Mzee growled and chased him out of the building. The war horse lives. Worth the money, will eat beans on toast through September :)
Idiot cat helping himself to raspberries from the fridge as I unpacked the shopping.

I did intervene before someone tells me raspberries are poisonous- mostly because raspberries are expensive!
On the subject of huge cats, I've always been partial to the Maine Coon:


They're quite chunky.
OMG, what a magnificent beast!

I had two cats who were half Maine Coon - the male was normal size and the female slightly on the small side. IIRC the mother (who was the pure Maine Coon - the father was the local Mr Lover Tabby) was quite small.
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Peg still doesn't seem to want to drink water. I've seen her drink twice since she's been here. She gets very excited at the prospect of going in the bathroom and jumping on the sink - which ties in with her last owner saying she liked to drink from a dripping tap - but she's very reluctant to actually drink there.

However, she loves the gravy on her food, and of late I've been adding water to it. It doesn't seem to put her off, and she'll tolerate it even when it starts to resemble soup, so for the time being that's how I'm getting water into her, which is good enough I suppose.

She sat on my knee for quite a long time this evening :thumbs:

She's become less clingy now. Not as many headbutts, but they do still happen now and again. She still loves rubbing around my legs, and against anything that stands still for long enough. She adores playing with toys and stalking moths. She's happy to sleep in a room on her own now. At first she had to be near a person, but now she'll go and sleep on the bed on her own for hours at a time.

She LOVES her new cat beds. They have super soft and fluffy bottoms, and she kneads them while making the cutest chirping noises. This one in particular is a fave - very soft.
Oh, and she doesn't tend to ask for food, she just waits until you go and feed her. And if she does ask for food, it's tough to work out if she is, because it seems to resemble her normal 'let me love you' behaviour. But then when she comes into the kitchen while I'm feeding her she will rub herself against things once or twice, and then just sit there ever so patiently. She's a very polite cat, not at all destructive (Charlie would demolish an entire room if you weren't fast enough to feed him). I'm still finding it difficult to read some of her behaviours, but that will come in time.
I saw a MC stud at a cat show once, he was utterly massive, like a miniature fucking lion. The owner told me he weighed 35lbs. The heaviest of my boys (who has just knocked a load of stuff off a bookcase and fallen awkwardly trying to get back down to the ground, idiot lump that he is bless him) weighs 14lbs (not fat, just large and muscular), and he seems massive to me. He is an ex-stud and is big for his breed (Oriental Shorthair) but would be tidgy next to a 35lb MC.
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I am still intrigued by the concept of a heated cat bed

Now, with an added extra soft base pillow - honestly, Mrs Voltz took one look at the recent addition to the boys sleeping arrangements and commented that their bed is better than ours - whereupon she decided to sit in it as if to make a point (yes, she did fit - quite comfortably, actually)
. . . The heaviest of my boys (who has just knocked a load of stuff off a bookcase and fallen awkwardly trying to get back down to the ground, idiot lump that he is bless him) weighs 14lbs (not fat, just large and muscular), and he seems massive to me. He is an ex-stud and is big for his breed (Oriental Shorthair) but would be tidgy next to a 35lb MC.

That's a goodly weight for a "normal" cat - I remember Large Boned Robert - at his peak just tipped the scales at 6.6kg - I'd like to say that he, like Epona's "lump" was not fat, just large and muscular - but I'd be lying - the funniest thing we saw was Bob trying to get out of the cat flap - getting lodged half way through, with his rear legs sticking out straight behind him and having to pull himself through with his front legs (the cat flap was a little small as well) - and then Rusty coming along behind him and deciding to motivate him through the flap with a raking of her claws across his arse

It was about this time that he was put on a strict diet and we did get his weight down to a more manageable 4.5 - 5kg - and he slipped through the cat flap like a greased cat going through a greased cat flap
Peggy's a pudgy thing. But like Charlie, from above/behind when standing she looks sleek and healthy, but her belly wobbles when she runs, and when she lies on her back it all flops out.

Turns out the wet food she likes the most is the diet food, so she's on that for the moment. I haven't had her weighed yet, but I'll try to wean her over to some 7+ old people food once she's looking a little more healthful. She's getting plenty of exercise, she's very active, full of energy, and I give her a good workout with her toys 2 or 3 times a day, and she has a good run around herself every now and again.
Need a bit of advice: I have two adult cats, I feed them three pouches each a day of felix. They just seem hungry all the time though. They pounce on me as soon as I step foot into the kitchen. I used to mix wet and dry feeds but was advised against it. Am I feeding them enough, is there a better food I can give them to keep them fuller for longer? Many thanks kitty thread.
Need a bit of advice: I have two adult cats, I feed them three pouches each a day of felix. They just seem hungry all the time though. They pounce on me as soon as I step foot into the kitchen. I used to mix wet and dry feeds but was advised against it. Am I feeding them enough, is there a better food I can give them to keep them fuller for longer? Many thanks kitty thread.
Can't really advise at the moment but would want to ask:-
  1. how old are they ?
  2. what genders are they ?
  3. do they look porky or do you know their weights ?
  4. who advised you against a mix of wet and dry ?

This pic reminds me of one of a series from Calvin and Hobbes - where Calvin, I think, is due home from school and in about 3 frames you get various tiny "bits" of Hobbes waiting in hiding - in one a bit of tail, in another an ear etc - and the last one it's Kablam-O - as Hobbes goes crashing into Calvin
Can't really advise at the moment but would want to ask:-
  1. how old are they ?
  2. what genders are they ?
  3. do they look porky or do you know their weights ?
  4. who advised you against a mix of wet and dry ?
1. They are 3.
2. Both girls.
3. One is decidedly bigger than the other and does try to steal the smaller one's scran.
4. Vets and friends.
This pic reminds me of one of a series from Calvin and Hobbes - where Calvin, I think, is due home from school and in about 3 frames you get various tiny "bits" of Hobbes waiting in hiding - in one a bit of tail, in another an ear etc - and the last one it's Kablam-O - as Hobbes goes crashing into Calvin



maybe this one - although it was fairly regular

i can't find the one where hobbes manages to hide behind the standard lamp...
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