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Your daily cat and kitten news

We have had our first furball.

She's not a fan of being brushed, and she is not at all impressed with the furball paste Charlie used to love.

Am ordering one of those pet brush mitt things.

(amongst other things :hmm:)
I have to say, with every single vom Charlie did over the last 3 years potentially spelling disaster meaning his thyroid was playing up, my heart sank as soon as she started to heave. It'll take a very long time to get used to the idea that she's not ill (that I know of!). It's left me feeling a bit emotional!
Of course, she vomited on her cat bed, which is now drying off and out of commission for a bit. Which makes me realise how silly it is to only have one cat bed.

Let's not talk about how many new cat beds I've just bought...

I blame High Voltage
in the words of sgt wilson, are you sure that's wise?

one of the rules of being a cat is that everything is a cat bed

with the possible exception of something that hooman intends as a cat bed...

Oh, she makes a beeline for the cat bed I already have. She knows it's for her, and will plop herself down in it quite heavily rather than sitting outside of it on the sofa. I have full confidence she will similarly enjoy the other(s). I think it's wise to have at least one in reserve for times when the other(s) will invariably need washing. After her furball earlier, I replaced her now-drying cat bed with a fleece blanket and she spent an hour awkwardly walking along the back cushions of the settee, unsure what she was supposed to do now there wasn't a nice cushioned circle for her to imprison herself in.

Charlie used to let you pick him up in it and transport him around the room if you wanted to sit down where he was lying. Peggy will let you pull her a short distance in it, but isn't having any of this flying carpet/bed nonsense. Give it time.
i think you have a defective cat


this is natural cat behaviour -


unless of course there's a dog bed to sleep on...
Oh, I DO have a defective cat, most definitely. I put an empty cardboard box in the living room for her this afternoon.

She has shown absolutely no interest in it whatsoever.

Maybe she's not a cat at all.
In more positive news, her claws seem to be a great deal better, and I've pulled up the cotton sheets I'd put in the back bedroom. The carpet there is the same as on the stairs, but 'fresher', having not been tramped all over several times a day for years. So its loops are even more loopy and catchable. But it doesn't seem like she's having many problems with them at all now :thumbs:
But... cardboard boxes, dude. It's like she's never even seen a cat meme.

When mogs do the otherwise unexplainable I adopt the simple mantra 'It's a cat thing.' I find that, rather than driving myself madder than usual trying to figure out cat logic, it's just so much easier to accept tat, regardless of the oddness to we humans, a cat's actions always make sense to the cat. Whether or not they make sense to the humans is, naturally, not of the slightest interest to the kitteh.
I have woke up on hundreds of occasions with a cat on top of my head.

Same here, when I first got Sonic as a 13 week old kitten he was so devoted to me that he had to sleep on my head every night - I'd wake up unable to move my head due to him tangled in my hair and purring. Sorry to say that he was banned from the bedroom once he got big enough to start causing serious neck pain. He has dealt with that just fine, but he does climb all over me in excited greetings when I emerge from the bedroom!

On a slightly more sinister note, Radar caught another mouse last night. He doesn't eat them (insufficient gravy content I suspect), he leaves them in the doorway of the bedroom so that we can't help but notice them when we go to bed. This one though - previously, they have just been dead mice. This one was - well, very badly mutilated. Not eaten. Just when hubby picked it up in some tissue to dispose of it, it kind of fell apart and mouse-gore splattered on the carpet like some sort of rodent slasher movie. Bloody chunks of it fell off. It looked as though it had been put in a blender, and was quite disturbing. Is that in any way normal, or should I be sleeping with one eye open just in case mutilation-cat turns his attentions on us? :hmm:
Hah. :D

I just can't sleep with animals on the bed or in the room. When I was a kid I remember friends who had cats saying they woke up with the cat on top of their head and the thought of that freaks me out. Obviously what others do is totally up to them and fine innit.

depends on the animal. madamme has good manners. she won't step on bare skin, dosen't sit on someone's chest or head in bed, usually settles down on a spare bit of bed, and if she parks on us at night, it's usually on someone's arse. and she's quiet, and dosen't scratch if she's shifted. so she's in with us at least part of almost every night. we did try shutting her out a few times when we first moved and she was in most nights, but she was terrified of storms and we gave up after being woken up by a terrified cat in the hallway who was absolutely desperate for someone to be with. she's a bit less needy now, after I sat through a couple of storms with her holding her tight, but still wants a lot of company

i did however, shut out the constantly fighting kittens, one of whom morphed into th cat, who liked to kill feet that were moved under the duvet. and if pouncing on feet didn't get movement, then she would reach under the duvet and run a single claw lightly along the sole of the foot to just wake me up enough so id move about in a fun way.

oh, and when i stayed at a freind's house, i did work out that sharing a bed with a 6 stone pointer, however well mannered, just didn't work. so he got shut out. my friend used to let him in when i overslept. no alarm clock in the world is as effective as a very large and very playful dog.
. . . I have plenty of recent photos on my camera and on my phone . . . I keep meaning to rectify the situation . . . some photos . . . this evening . . .

Granted that is VERY SELECTIVE quoting - so please forgive me :)

But <tap tap tap> times passing
The ludicrously gorgeous, sleek and purebred idiot cat sleeps on an old removal van packing blanket (the sort rewoven from old fabric scraps that is an odd grey/beige colour and really scratchy) on top of a cardboard box full of football shirts in the corner of our room :D

He climbs on the bed periodically to check we are still there and if I am reading has been known to get under the duvet with me and curl up against my stomach. He started when I was pregnant as apparently the baby's heartbeat is the same rate as a cat's or something. He still does it/ it's adorable
How much do you enjoy cleaning up sick?

I adore them fanatically (as may be obvious from my obsessional activity on this thread) but I am very very glad to only have a timeshare in a loancat. They take over your whole life, you know.

The other day I:
1) got woken up by celebratory yowling at 4am because the lads had caught a mouse.
2) 'Found' said mouse, or rather mouse entrails with my bare feet the following morning.

Hope this helps.
How much do you enjoy cleaning up sick?

I adore them fanatically (as may be obvious from my obsessional activity on this thread) but I am very very glad to only have a timeshare in a loancat. They take over your whole life, you know.

Oh yeah, I didn't even think to mention the sicking, it happens that frequently that cat sick is just something I consider a regular part of my day.
Every home feels more like a home with a cat

Is it that you can't have a cat or circumstances don't allow for a cat - you could always look into fostering cats

yep. one of the people I work with fosters because they go away quite a bit. fostering lets them have kitteys about, but without worry of how cat will cope with them being away.

plus, they get nearly constant kitten.
How much do you enjoy cleaning up sick?

I adore them fanatically (as may be obvious from my obsessional activity on this thread) but I am very very glad to only have a timeshare in a loancat. They take over your whole life, you know.
i've only had to clean up one lot of sick from this cat. oh and one lot of piss. after the door was shut to the room with the mog bog in it and she found bakunin's socks and pissed on them, cause they already were stinky.
Just insured Chester which means he's mine now! My forever cat! Probationary period passed - me and chester!

He more or less follows us round the house now sleeping near us rather than on us. Still don't like being picked up but happy to be put on laps and loves attention. comes running at us miaowing now when we arrive home, instead of hiding! And he's grown a lot. Tiny little thing he was, and he's all chunky and a proper boy cat now. :)
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