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I. touched. Casper. [...] AND he's been coming a fair bit closer and looking at me, full on looks

this is great news! obviously he's still figuring out how much of a threat you are (you evil threatening hulk who keeps giving him delicious prime food and a roof over his head, terrifying it must be.) I hope you're doing lots of loving slow blinking back at him to build trust and get it into his tiny mind that he's not being menaced at all and the only risk is that he'll end up drowning in kittehlove.
Our two are obsessed with these cardboard scratching boxes £9 did seem like a bit of a swizz for what's essentially a cardboard box with more cardboard inside it but it's worth every penny. Even Higgins - who's never quite understood scratching posts - loves them :)

TPIUWP - and Higgins is a brilliant name for a cat - PLEASE let him be mainly black with a white shirt front - I mean, if he's not, it's still a brilliant name 'n' that - but Higgins the butler cat would be perfect

this is great news! obviously he's still figuring out how much of a threat you are (you evil threatening hulk who keeps giving him delicious prime food and a roof over his head, terrifying it must be.) I hope you're doing lots of loving slow blinking back at him to build trust and get it into his tiny mind that he's not being menaced at all and the only risk is that he'll end up drowning in kittehlove.

The boys come from a multi-cat family - we think there were 4 sisters and the 2 boys - and we think that they were pretty much left on their own for nearly the first year - that's NO human contact at all, so the vital time that they need to be handled and socialised when very young kittens quite simply didn't happen

Then all 6 were "rescued" and housed as 2 lots of 2 sisters and the boys in a 3rd pen - they were allowed to mix and play in a large pen - and the first 2 sisters were re-housed quite quickly, but the boys and the remaining sisters were very timid so putting a lot of people off - we got the boys coming up to a year in the shelter and the remaining 2 sisters were eventually re-homed after, what I'd guess to be about 18 months in a cat rescue

You can't begin to understand how timid they are - we went to another cat shelter last week and were basically buried under cats wanting new homes, and that's how properly socialised cats should be - but not these 2 - but we'll get there . . . eventually

Oh! and I'm also the supplier of a new heated cat bed for them - we let them have the run of outside during the day but the utility room they have for their shelter is a bit spartan, so that's been addressed

And they've got 2 huge indoor cat trees to play in ----- me again

Feathers(?) --------- that'll be me

Special "nobby" Swedish cat food -------- yep!

Home cooked, butcher bought meat -------- you're getting the idea now
I love the lengths you go to for them, HV.

I dread to think how much I've spent on them - zoo plus deliveries are a regular thing at work - luckily, for the time being, I'm the only one here so I can pretty much have anything delivered that I want with no-one raising an eyebrow - and as I'm the boss, even when I do end up with people working with me it'll not cause any problems - I was even thinking of bringing FiFi into work one day and let her run around the unit - but Mrs Voltz put a stop to that stroke of genius
It is! Shorter than Charlie's but thicker. Like plush velvet.

Have you posted pictures of your gorgeous boys before? I don't remember seeing them, but maybe I've missed them along the way.

Yes I have, but not for a while - I mean I have plenty of recent photos on my camera and on my phone, but I've lost the USB cable for my camera and never had a USB cable for my phone (and don't use t'interwebs on it, so can't send them to my email or anything) - I keep meaning to rectify the situation by popping into Maplins but it's a bit of a trek for just one sodding cable iykwim.

Might see if I can text some photos to hubby this evening, he has a USB cable for his phone! I am good with PC hardware but am a complete dunce when it comes to phones tbh.
TPIUWP - and Higgins is a brilliant name for a cat - PLEASE let him be mainly black with a white shirt front - I mean, if he's not, it's still a brilliant name 'n' that - but Higgins the butler cat would be perfect

:) He's not very butlery looking - tabby and white with a permanently furrowed brow, the name does suit him perfectly though. Here he is modelling the scratch box


In other news, she's definitely using her scratching post a fair bit, and her claws aren't getting caught as much anymore. It still sounds a bit awkward as she goes up and down stairs, but not too bad. It was likely that metal-bottomed cage for months wot did it.

she's probably altering the way she walks as well.
The boys come from a multi-cat family - we think there were 4 sisters and the 2 boys - and we think that they were pretty much left on their own for nearly the first year - that's NO human contact at all, so the vital time that they need to be handled and socialised when very young kittens quite simply didn't happen

Then all 6 were "rescued" and housed as 2 lots of 2 sisters and the boys in a 3rd pen - they were allowed to mix and play in a large pen - and the first 2 sisters were re-housed quite quickly, but the boys and the remaining sisters were very timid so putting a lot of people off - we got the boys coming up to a year in the shelter and the remaining 2 sisters were eventually re-homed after, what I'd guess to be about 18 months in a cat rescue

You can't begin to understand how timid they are - we went to another cat shelter last week and were basically buried under cats wanting new homes, and that's how properly socialised cats should be - but not these 2 - but we'll get there . . . eventually


talking to my girls earlier and we think that we should see if madamme will tolerate other felines enough for us to try kitten fostering so they can try to aviod scardey cats. i've got a bit of a break, but i know the people who organise it locally and i can have a chat about their requirements.
:) He's not very butlery looking - tabby and white with a permanently furrowed brow, the name does suit him perfectly though. Here he is modelling the scratch box

He has exactly the same expression as the cat a friend of ours used to have called Stupid Norman. The cat.
Vintage Paw, it sounds as though Peggy is simply a bit of a hoo-er, she just can't help herself :D

Just super-friendly really, I think if she was genuinely on heat there'd be no room for doubt. She may well calm down soon.
My cat has something similar except it's a loop, so he can sit in it. He *loves* it

On the subject of feline sleeping arrangements, when a cat already has two-thirds of a double bed, is said creature taking the mickey by shoving me in my belly with her hind paws in an effort to annex even more bedspace?
On the subject of feline sleeping arrangements, when a cat already has two-thirds of a double bed, is said creature taking the mickey by shoving me in my belly with her hind paws in an effort to annex even more bedspace?
I spent last night with a cat and a toddler in the bed. I didn't get much sleep.....
I spent last night with a cat and a toddler in the bed. I didn't get much sleep.....

I suppose I should be grateful it isn't worse. Before we moved to this place we'd taken the bed apart and were sleeping on the mattress prior to the move. So what does Midnight do when I'm sleeping in late and she still wants an early breakfast?

She takes advantage of knowing I always roll away from her when she shoves at me by shoving until I fell off the mattress and on to the floor, whereupon she she waited for me to overcome my confusion and then sat on said mattress, in the spot I'd been occupying seconds before, with a look on her face that clearly said:

'Ah, you're out of bed. Now you're up can you go and fill my dish?'
On the subject of feline sleeping arrangements, when a cat already has two-thirds of a double bed, is said creature taking the mickey by shoving me in my belly with her hind paws in an effort to annex even more bedspace?

I resolve this by not having the cat in the bedroom when I am sleeping. She has two sofas, various blankets, chairs and a double bed to choose from so hard done by she is not.
I resolve this by not having the cat in the bedroom when I am sleeping. She has two sofas, various blankets, chairs and a double bed to choose from so hard done by she is not.

Ah! but the one thing I notice you not having is a thumb latch door with a 2" gap at the bottom that a cat can get it's front paw under and give it a right good old


I suspect, I maybe wrong but there's a fair chance that the cat might just end up on the bed
Ah! but the one thing I notice you not having is a thumb latch door with a 2" gap at the bottom that a cat can get it's front paw under and give it a right good old


I suspect, I maybe wrong but there's a fair chance that the cat might just end up on the bed

The cat used to scratch on the door so we made loud noises and she learnt not to do that.

Cats can be trained.
unfortunately, so can bakunins. by cats

Hah. :D

I just can't sleep with animals on the bed or in the room. When I was a kid I remember friends who had cats saying they woke up with the cat on top of their head and the thought of that freaks me out. Obviously what others do is totally up to them and fine innit.
Ah! but the one thing I notice you not having is a thumb latch door with a 2" gap at the bottom that a cat can get it's front paw under and give it a right good old


I suspect, I maybe wrong but there's a fair chance that the cat might just end up on the bed
We are new to the cat game ,Puisin has worked out that scratching the carpet outside our bedroom will get mrs21 to give her attention, at 2am or later :D she is banned mostly from the bedroom after the pissing and shitting under the bed incident :hmm:
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