It all went well. It was easy enough to get her in her carrier. She cried the way there, but didn't on the way back. She didn't really settle though.
It seems she's not a scratcher - she was reasonably relaxed, if a little curious and slightly nervous. No tantrums, though she did jump down for a wander around the room at one point.
She's a full kilo heavier than Charlie was, and Charlie was a pudgy bugger. Ted reckons it'll be okay if we can get her down to around 6kg. Bloody hurt my wrist getting her out of the taxi, heavy bugger.
She seems in good health. She had her vaccinations, and I need to go back for round two since we don't know when she was last jabbed. Heart and lungs sounded good, kidneys were equal size, not too big, not too small. He noticed how deep set her eyes were, she has a very deep thingymajiggy (the tear duct type thing), and he reckons that's why she gets so much gunk at the corners of her eyes. He had a big old squeeze of her eyes, which kind of squicked me out, but he couldn't see any immediate worries, apart from just being aware they're a bit special. He said her teeth were in a good state.
Jesus though, 6kg.'
He was super happy I'd adopted an older cat from Iris'. He used to call Charlie 'monster' because he was big, and when he called me into the room he looked in her carrier and asked "what have we got this time, then?" and I replied, "another monster" and he did a massive grin.
*sigh* I've missed Ted.