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Your daily cat and kitten news

In case I get busy and don't get a chance to do this, I just want to send Season's Greetings to all of you and your fluffies. Have a great one!

and of course merry christmas* to you and the fluffies too, and thanks for all the fluffiness you have added to urban over the year

:woof: :meow: :meep: :meep:

* other winter solstice-ish festivities are available.
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Normally my cats are pretty good at mealtimes, but this evening I made a rice dish with fish in it (kind of based on my own very non-traditional recipe which is somewhere between jollof rice and kedgeree), and I spent the entire meal with a fork in my right hand and my left hand on Jakey's chest holding him away from my plate at arms length :facepalm: Not the most relaxed meal I have ever had!
I had a kitten who stayed under the sofa for two weeks. He was just two big bright eyes in the darkness. Had to haul him out of there in the end.

I have a thread request. Sometimes I want to post something trivial and lighthearted about my cats, and I come on here and there's some awful sadness or worry going on, so of course I don't post.

I like these portmanteau threads. I used to dislike them, but I think they work pretty well most of the time. But I wonder if it might be an idea to have two separate threads: a happy daily kitty news and a worrisome daily kitty news? I have no idea if it would even be possible now that this thread is so big....
I think part of it is understanding the pain goes with the joy, wrt to our little furry overlords. I think we all understand when someone is grieving or going through a bad time, and we all understand when someone is excited with the arrival of a new little fluffball.
I had a kitten who stayed under the sofa for two weeks. He was just two big bright eyes in the darkness. Had to haul him out of there in the end.

I have a thread request. Sometimes I want to post something trivial and lighthearted about my cats, and I come on here and there's some awful sadness or worry going on, so of course I don't post.

I like these portmanteau threads. I used to dislike them, but I think they work pretty well most of the time. But I wonder if it might be an idea to have two separate threads: a happy daily kitty news and a worrisome daily kitty news? I have no idea if it would even be possible now that this thread is so big....
I think the happy and the sad work together. I mostly try to post funny or pretty pics of my cat(s)
but if someone has sad news I like that they post it so we can be supportive.
Oh hello you! Lovely kitty.

I think all cats are different with the hiding-under-the-sofa thing. I'm told Herbie (RIP) spent nearly a month on top of the hot water tank, only emerging when OH was out to eat and use the litter tray. Breeze was under the sofa for about 2 hours, then successfully lured out by Dreamies and from then on, assumed she owned the place.
BTW, how much boiled turkey can one cat eat before they explode? I cooked up about a kilo of the stuff that was going cheap, gave both Charlie and Breeze a few small bits and left the rest on a plate on the counter to cool. Uh, you can guess what happened next :facepalm:. I'd say about 1/4 of the plate is gone, and she'd have carried on if I hadn't hauled her off. I'm waiting for the technicolour yawn, or failing that, a poo that would do a lion proud sometime tomorrow around tea time.
There's a wee kitty been hanging around our front door for a week or so now. One of my neighbours has mistaken him for one of mine a couple of times now and let him into my flat; my other neighbour has nicknamed him 'Charlie' and seems to have a bit of a cat crush going on. Don't think he's homeless cos he seems well fed and friendly... He is a Massive Cute (i ended up letting him in for a bit while mine were out earlier. I am not feeding him though..)


This is what one of my cats thinks of me going away for Xmas

This is what one of my cats thinks of me going away for Xmas

Mine did the same when I packed for Thailand :)

What has every bought for Xmas for the buggerlugs then? The new wooden cat dream ski lodge cum house was their pressie. Well I could justify buying it if I said it was a gift. They have the usual bag of catnip which is hidden in a high place otherwise it gets found and ripped open. I've also bought their own body weight in Dreamies and they will be assisting me in the demolition of the turkey. I know Ma ana Pa Mogden have a gift too but that's not til new year.
There's a wee kitty been hanging around our front door for a week or so now. One of my neighbours has mistaken him for one of mine a couple of times now and let him into my flat; my other neighbour has nicknamed him 'Charlie' and seems to have a bit of a cat crush going on. Don't think he's homeless cos he seems well fed and friendly... He is a Massive Cute (i ended up letting him in for a bit while mine were out earlier. I am not feeding him though..)

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He looks like his name ought to be Charlie, it suits him :)
I had a kitten who stayed under the sofa for two weeks. He was just two big bright eyes in the darkness. Had to haul him out of there in the end.

I have a thread request. Sometimes I want to post something trivial and lighthearted about my cats, and I come on here and there's some awful sadness or worry going on, so of course I don't post.

I like these portmanteau threads. I used to dislike them, but I think they work pretty well most of the time. But I wonder if it might be an idea to have two separate threads: a happy daily kitty news and a worrisome daily kitty news? I have no idea if it would even be possible now that this thread is so big....
I don't think you should worry, though I can see that you would. We've had an awful year with Bob and our departed Hellbeast but its always lovely to hear of other felines having a good time with their humans.
Now under the sofa. How long do new cats normally stay there for? :D

When we moved - "large boned" Robert stayed in the airing cupboard, only coming out for food and "facilities" when the humans were out at work for about a month - he's not very brave though and when he did eventually brave the "new world" that we were subjecting him to - he then got out and totally disappeared for 3 days - let me tell you - THOSE were 3. Long. Days.
first time on this thread :hmm: we have a cat issue - our neighbour started feeding a stray, and we feed her as well (the stray not the neighbour :hmm:)

The neighbour took the stray home but she wasn't happy, seems happier in our street - so the stray is always hanging about and has become very affectionate towards me (her feeder) and mrs21 is now thinking of taking her in, I have taken her inside a few times but she seems anxious to get out again

is there a way of making her happier about being indoors ? We call the cat pusheen (the woman who tried to adopt her coined that)

consider it a 3 month exercise to get a cat in.

always feed inside. encourage play inside. offer treats inside. get a litter tray, but expect it to be ignored. but let her back out when she wants to go for a while. then try just not opening the door as fast as she askes, but encouraging her back with treat/play/warm laps. if she wants a home, she will decide to stay eventually
BTW, how much boiled turkey can one cat eat before they explode? I cooked up about a kilo of the stuff that was going cheap, gave both Charlie and Breeze a few small bits and left the rest on a plate on the counter to cool. Uh, you can guess what happened next :facepalm:. I'd say about 1/4 of the plate is gone, and she'd have carried on if I hadn't hauled her off. I'm waiting for the technicolour yawn, or failing that, a poo that would do a lion proud sometime tomorrow around tea time.

I've seen a normal size cat eat half a large roast chicken. and you have a monster don't you?
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the first cat I ever had was a long hair tortie - I'm told she was of a quality that we could have showed her if she could have been arsed

Now, I'm not for one second saying that my Mother spoilt that cat but she did get rock fish poached every now and again - and whilst it was cooking the cat would whinge and whinge and whinge until it was cooked and just about cooled down enough for her to eat it - she'd then eat until she could eat no more - then she'd sprawl out in front of the fire with a tummy that was drum skin taught - wait until a little had been digested enough so that she'd go out and force down another mouthful or two - she was a fair bit smaller than Breeze so I think you got off pretty lightly with only 250gr of chicken been snaffled in one hit
I've seen a normal size cat eat half a large roast chicken. and you have a monster don't you?
Quite a monster, yes, and a bottomless pit when it comes to food. She spent the evening sprawled out on the bed, but was shouting for breakfast from 7.30, very loudly, this morning. Nothing in the litter tray yet - that's going to be fun, not! :)
A friend once caught her Oriental Shorthair trying to pull a freshly cooked leg of lamb in through the catflap one Sunday lunchtime. Some poor bugger must have got it out the oven and put it on the counter to rest with the window left open :facepalm:
Quite a monster, yes, and a bottomless pit when it comes to food. She spent the evening sprawled out on the bed, but was shouting for breakfast from 7.30, very loudly, this morning. Nothing in the litter tray yet - that's going to be fun, not! :)

the redibreak mine ate was worse. i'll forgive her though, her tray is in the downstairs loo with the wipe clean floor and she may have gone squit explosively, but only on the floor in the downstairs loo. she'd tried, poor thing.
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