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High Voltage - I've mentioned this before, but I don't remember who to:

I had the worst time trying to find a reliable method for getting Charlie's tablets into him. Good food, bad food, marmite, butter, cheese, malt hairball paste... all might work once, but never more than a few times, and all often took an hour to get the tablet in.

Then I tried Arden Grange Liver Paste for cats. It's a miracle food. Comes in tubes that last about a month. You keep it in your fridge once it's open. The ingredients are basically what you'd expect in the human equivalent. It smells like it'd be good on toast :hmm:

Anyway, in the past 18 months he's probably been awkward with his tablets less times than I can count on one hand.

The past is the perfect consistency to ball around a tablet, so it's about the size of a pea. You can smear a bit on his nose first so he gets the smell and taste for it, then as he licks that off give him the bit with the tablet in it. I give Charlie a bit more after as well, to make sure the pill has gone down.


You can get multi-packs from Amazon. Be aware of the use by date though.
definately sounds easier than the poke it in their mouth and feed them a slice of finger routine. trying to type with nips on 3 fingers - not fun
I've got one of those - he left it embedded in a toilet roll :D

i got one embedded in my foot when i put one of my shoes on.

Cat fur felts remarkably easily.

Or so I hear.


longhair cat being very silky and floooffy,- it's possible to spin their fur. freind collected the fur off her longhair's brush for a couple of weeks for me so I could give it a try.

if i can find where I put it, i'll do a snall square with the cat fur as a piccy of a cat. and pop it into a plastic coaster for her

Next door's cat trying to disguise himself as a turkey in the hope we won't notice he's snuck in!
He needn't bother, I'm more or less resigned to having three bloody cats now :facepalm:
I didn't ever feel that any of our cats were hugely attached to Nate (I mean it was his idea in the first place that we get cats, but they are all really attached to me and mostly sort of ignore him), but since he has been home from hospital my little cat Sonic keeps going up to him with massive mohican/christmas tree tail type thing going on (a lot of his hair standing on end in excitement) and rubbing his head on Nate and mewling like a little kitten. It is really quite touching.
I didn't ever feel that any of our cats were hugely attached to Nate (I mean it was his idea in the first place that we get cats, but they are all really attached to me and mostly sort of ignore him), but since he has been home from hospital my little cat Sonic keeps going up to him with massive mohican/christmas tree tail type thing going on (a lot of his hair standing on end in excitement) and rubbing his head on Nate and mewling like a little kitten. It is really quite touching.
Glad to hear Nate is home, and Sonic is so happy about it! :)
In terms of getting pills into the cats, I often find the best way is to just hold them between my thighs and force a pill into them, it only takes a couple of seconds and is quickly forgiven.

Another good method though involves 'pill pockets', a cat treat with a gap in the middle that you can put a pill into. When Jakey was on antibiotics for a while due to gum inflammation I found it easy to feed him pills by cutting a slit into any old cat treat and inserting a pill, he would just eat the entire thing when I held it out to him and he doesn't ever chew anything enough to realise that there was something else in there!

He is a complete greedy guts of a cat though, I am sure that many are a bit more discerning about their food.
Oh yes, I tried putting pills in treats as well. Unfortunately Charlie is quite picky. The liver paste has been the best option. And sadly grabbing him to do it 'manually' just isn't an option. He's far too strong, far too fighty. Trust me, I've tried. I had to give him peppermint zantac via a syringe into his mouth for a few days. I will never, ever do that again. It traumatised him to such an extent I still feel unbelievably shit about it.
I don't know why they don't make all pet pills tastier. The ones my old boy had to have for the last few years of his life (can't remember what they were called) were so appealing that he used to sit there staring and salivating whilst I got them out of the pack, then hoover them up.
In terms of getting pills into the cats, I often find the best way is to just hold them between my thighs and force a pill into them, it only takes a couple of seconds and is quickly forgiven.

Another good method though involves 'pill pockets', a cat treat with a gap in the middle that you can put a pill into. When Jakey was on antibiotics for a while due to gum inflammation I found it easy to feed him pills by cutting a slit into any old cat treat and inserting a pill, he would just eat the entire thing when I held it out to him and he doesn't ever chew anything enough to realise that there was something else in there!

He is a complete greedy guts of a cat though, I am sure that many are a bit more discerning about their food.

I've put a "like" on this because there isn't a "you haven't met Bob" option - when he was deigning to eat Waitrose Steak that's exactly what I used to do until I spotted the little sod slitting the chunk of meat apart and hoiking out the pill so he'd only eat the meat - he got quite good at that

Oh yes, I tried putting pills in treats as well. Unfortunately Charlie is quite picky. The liver paste has been the best option. And sadly grabbing him to do it 'manually' just isn't an option. He's far too strong, far too fighty. Trust me, I've tried. I had to give him peppermint zantac via a syringe into his mouth for a few days. I will never, ever do that again. It traumatised him to such an extent I still feel unbelievably shit about it.

Charlie meet Bob

Bob this is Charlie

You have a LOT in common

This mornings, hopeful, success revolves around a tin of Sardines with the 2 crushed pills mashed into the fish - and when I left the kitchen with our cups of tea normally he's instantly distracted from whatever I've just given him his morning meds in and starts whinging for "different" - not this morning though - barely a turn of the head
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This mornings, hopeful, success revolves around a tin of Sardines with the 2 crushed pills mashed into the fish - and when I left the kitchen with our cups of tea normally he's instantly distracted from whatever I've just given him his morning meds in and starts whinging for "different" - not this morning though - barely a turn of the head

This morning with the Sardines wasn't a success - it started as a success but then it stopped

Luckily - a parcel with 2 tubes of the liver paste arrived this morning - annoyingly it's the one for Dogs - but I've checked ingredients against the same manufacturers one for cats and all appears to be the same

Vintage Paw And - miracle of miracles - it appears to have worked'ish - if this is a long term solution (and let's be honest, long term with Bob, is very relative here)

He's only had half of his kidney tablet - he's going to get the other half this evening with the other antacid

There is evidence in the tray of him "firming up" iykwim - so that means that he's going to get a half dose of the Lexicom anti-inflamatory

And now he's had a bit of a sniff round a bowl of renal biscuits and eaten a few

There's some more wet renal food on order, which he's liked previously and some other food for sensitive stomachs - it's not renal but it's another type of food for him to turn his nose up at
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first time on this thread :hmm: we have a cat issue - our neighbour started feeding a stray, and we feed her as well (the stray not the neighbour :hmm:)

The neighbour took the stray home but she wasn't happy, seems happier in our street - so the stray is always hanging about and has become very affectionate towards me (her feeder) and mrs21 is now thinking of taking her in, I have taken her inside a few times but she seems anxious to get out again

is there a way of making her happier about being indoors ? We call the cat pusheen (the woman who tried to adopt her coined that)
And now he's turned his nose up at the biscuits AND a half tray of wet renal food that he used to like - on the plus side the final zoo plus food order has just arrived so I've got some more options for this afternoon's feed attempt
first time on this thread :hmm: we have a cat issue - our neighbour started feeding a stray, and we feed her as well (the stray not the neighbour :hmm:)

The neighbour took the stray home but she wasn't happy, seems happier in our street - so the stray is always hanging about and has become very affectionate towards me (her feeder) and mrs21 is now thinking of taking her in, I have taken her inside a few times but she seems anxious to get out again

is there a way of making her happier about being indoors ? We call the cat pusheen (the woman who tried to adopt her coined that)

The cat's going to feel trapped by being inside - we had major problems with Bob over this - and now coming up to 20 years later he's finally got his head around being inside but the second you lock him in a room, like yesterday for example, we had a bloke doing some work on the chimney and he was going to do some angle grinding so we shut Bob in the bedroom (with Mrs Voltz I hasten to add, so he wasn't alone) after about 20 minutes he was really getting stressed

It's going to take time and patience - you could try Feliway spray or a plug in like a room odouriser but for cats that calms them down

Oh! and I've just had a thought - she's not starting to train you into the rules of the In/Out game she?
The cat's going to feel trapped by being inside - we had major problems with Bob over this - and now coming up to 20 years later he's finally got his head around being inside but the second you lock him in a room, like yesterday for example, we had a bloke doing some work on the chimney and he was going to do some angle grinding so we shut Bob in the bedroom (with Mrs Voltz I hasten to add, so he wasn't alone) after about 20 minutes he was really getting stressed

It's going to take time and patience - you could try Feliway spray or a plug in like a room odouriser but for cats that calms them down

Oh! and I've just had a thought - she's not starting to train you into the rules of the In/Out game she?
blimey, 20 years! I will see if we can get her used to it. Our Neighbour took pusheen to the vet and they found out she had been 'seen to' so may previously have had an owner - actually cats don't have owners do they? I'm beginning to feel that they actually own you , and then go and own someone else
blimey, 20 years! I will see if we can get her used to it. Our Neighbour took pusheen to the vet and they found out she had been 'seen to' so may previously have had an owner - actually cats don't have owners do they? I'm beginning to feel that they actually own you , and then go and own someone else

Chances are Pusheen's still got that original 'owner' and is just branching out a bit :D
Well that miracle didn't last very long - got the second half of his kidney med into him and then he didn't want to eat the other pea size blob of liver pate with the antacid in it - so I then broke out the "sensitive stomach" reindeer (sorry kiddies, no Santa this year) reindeer cat feed - mixed this into the liver (+ med) and of course, that didn't touch the side, he managed to "miss" the med though so a small 2nd helping and it looks like he's had his meds for today - finally

Roll on tomorrow
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