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I've just been bullied out of my tea this evening by an elderly cat who's three or four clicks away from his death bed

Please bear in mind that we've got a step up onto the bed as the old soldier can't jump very well yet some how this evening, the smell of cooking liver just about drove him wild - so there's me, sat down on the table tucking into my liver, sweet corn and potato wedges for tea when from the other side of the table comes a scrabbling sound and Bob appears on the chair usually occupied by Mrs Voltz

From there it was but a mere stepette onto the table, over the table and a Purrp'ed "hello, where's mine then?"

Which of course "some" was being saved for him along with the cooking "juice"

when/if he eventually shuffles off this mortal coil - I'm absolutely convinced that a shake of a "treats" container - some extra special human "treat" food or some cat milk will see him turning Charon's boat around and have him skimming back across the Styx and up the River Sheppy for some final "extra's"
Whatever you name her you will always call her something else. I'm sure most of my lot think they're called Oi or Packitin.
Mine is usually called 'furball' or 'idiot cat'. He does have a proper name that we chose because it was ridiculous- Ghengis for a teensy fluffy blue eyed thing. Now he is a monster it sounds really pretentious so we don't use it.....
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She just saw off the local tomcat. They stared at each other through the patio doors. He hissed, raised his hackles and then fled in terror.

Perhaps I will name her Boudicca or Persephone or something like that.

Budika would be harder edged, it's a great idea …
Or NZINGHA! (African warrior queen) . ? …
Beautiful confident kitty btw.
I've just been bullied out of my tea this evening by an elderly cat who's three or four clicks away from his death bed

Please bear in mind that we've got a step up onto the bed as the old soldier can't jump very well yet some how this evening, the smell of cooking liver just about drove him wild - so there's me, sat down on the table tucking into my liver, sweet corn and potato wedges for tea when from the other side of the table comes a scrabbling sound and Bob appears on the chair usually occupied by Mrs Voltz

From there it was but a mere stepette onto the table, over the table and a Purrp'ed "hello, where's mine then?"

Which of course "some" was being saved for him along with the cooking "juice"

when/if he eventually shuffles off this mortal coil - I'm absolutely convinced that a shake of a "treats" container - some extra special human "treat" food or some cat milk will see him turning Charon's boat around and have him skimming back across the Styx and up the River Sheppy for some final "extra's"

Hiya love, I just want to say that although I might bang on about the correct diet and appropriate foods that is for cats with the expectation that a good diet could keep them healthy for years to come - if you have a very elderly cat with a fading appetite, I do think it is best to just let him have whatever he takes a fancy to, in that situation where there is not so much concern about longterm future health, then showing an interest/appetite in any food is more important (in terms of both happiness and getting some calories) than it being the exact right food iykwim, if it were one of mine that were elderly and maybe not that much span of time left, I would just let him eat whatever the fuck he wanted to eat or showed an interest in, in most cases in that situation it is it better that than eating nothing.

Love to you and your dear old cat, who I am sure you care for wonderfully. :)
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He shows massive interest in food - the whinging starts most mornings at about 6.00am on a weekend and 5.00am on a school morning - he doesn't even meow like a "proper" cat - image a cat with a really REALLY sore throat and that's what he sounds like - I find it quite funny, but it stresses Mrs Voltz out - and he'll start eating it and enjoying it - with and without meds, I hasten to add and then the second that he realises that your in the kitchen making a cup of tea - he'll stop eating and start his whinging again

But if you leave him alone - by the time you could back from where ever it is your going - the cat bowl is pretty much cleared up - likewise at night - bring the remaining food up and come morning the bowl is pretty much all gone

I've also taken to giving him half his kidney tablet morning and again at night rather than a full one with the morning meal - at least my way he'll get two chances of eating some meds rather than putting hope on just one meal - and we've halved the dose of the anti-inflammatory and seeing him "jump" around yesterday this reduction seems to have perked him up a bit
My wife had been threatening to get a cat ever since she found a mouse in the kitchen bin about a month ago.
She brought back a kitten from the local feral cat's summer litter which consequently shat everywhere and hid behind anything it could find for two days before escaping out of the boy's bedroom window. I thought that that would be the end of that until I came home from work on Tuesday looking forward to a peaceful two week break only to be confronted by mother feral cat sitting in my chair with kitten stretched out in front of the stove.
I have a list of things I am no longer allowed to do in my own house in case I scare off Cergy the kitten.
Stupid bloody name, stupid bloody cat, to think, we could have got a Jack Russell, it would have caught any wandering mice, would shit outside and wouldn't run and hide everytime you reached for your glass or just even moved slightly trying to get comfortable sitting on the sole remaining chair in the house

The boys looking all lovely. They're currently smacking one another in the face :rolleyes:
My wife had been threatening to get a cat ever since she found a mouse in the kitchen bin about a month ago.
She brought back a kitten from the local feral cat's summer litter which consequently shat everywhere and hid behind anything it could find for two days before escaping out of the boy's bedroom window. I thought that that would be the end of that until I came home from work on Tuesday looking forward to a peaceful two week break only to be confronted by mother feral cat sitting in my chair with kitten stretched out in front of the stove.
I have a list of things I am no longer allowed to do in my own house in case I scare off Cergy the kitten.
Stupid bloody name, stupid bloody cat, to think, we could have got a Jack Russell, it would have caught any wandering mice, would shit outside and wouldn't run and hide everytime you reached for your glass or just even moved slightly trying to get comfortable sitting on the sole remaining chair in the house
I bet you love them though :)
My boyfriend is obsessed with the fact that I don't feed his cat enough and that my cat railroads their food dishes and leaves his cat starving. We've just taken him to the vets for his annual injections and the little sod has put on half a kilo in a year
Does anyone know why a cat stamps their foot? I understand the kneading for food, bit I've noticed our cat leans up against a door frame or table leg and stomps her back foot. It's funny, but I'm wondering if it means anything?
One of my little sods has just been sick on my feet. *cries*.
I love them all dearly, but seriously, FFS. :mad:

I have never had a boyfriend I've needed to take to the vets for his annual injections...


Really? I have to pretty much nag my husband into having his flu jab every year, he doesn't want to have it but with his asthma (he has already been to A&E once this year)... it's actually not that different from getting one of the cats into the carrier :hmm: :eek: :D
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Heidi is currently preparing to disappear under the dishwasher due to the NYE fireworks :-(
She's surprisingly still on her new bed and there's been three big bangs
Does anyone know why a cat stamps their foot? I understand the kneading for food, bit I've noticed our cat leans up against a door frame or table leg and stomps her back foot. It's funny, but I'm wondering if it means anything?
I would look at her feet and see if there is something on the pads of her paws. Otherwise no, never heard of it
In case the NYE fireworks are too noisy, I'll put the radio on for Hilli and Ben de-Dog. More noise from the windy weather atm !
I fell asleep on the sofa for a bit with Sonic in my arms. Woke up to Sonic still in my arms with Radar looming over us both and smacking Sonic on the head. Put out my hand to stop the wee shites from fighting in my fucking face and now have 2 puncture wounds on finger - unclear as to whether from teeth or claws but it was Radar wot done it. Now awake and bleeding all over the bloody place. I love them but ffs.
I fell asleep on the sofa for a bit with Sonic in my arms. Woke up to Sonic still in my arms with Radar looming over us both and smacking Sonic on the head. Put out my hand to stop the wee shites from fighting in my fucking face and now have 2 puncture wounds on finger - unclear as to whether from teeth or claws but it was Radar wot done it. Now awake and bleeding all over the bloody place. I love them but ffs.
Oh ouch! I couldn't resist the temptation to tickle someone's magnificent tummy the other day and ended up with multiple arm scratches (but thankfully no blood!)
Charlie's perched on the arm of the sofa next to me, alerting me to the fact that even though he's still got 1/3rd of a plate of food left, it's the kind he doesn't like as much so would I kindly get him something else.

And the good little Ryan-drone that I am, I will kindly get him something else.

Charlie surely deserves a New Years kiss even if he is being a demanding little horror! :D
Does anyone know why a cat stamps their foot? I understand the kneading for food, bit I've noticed our cat leans up against a door frame or table leg and stomps her back foot. It's funny, but I'm wondering if it means anything?
Not quite foot stomping, but anything like this?

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