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Don't forget, garlic is poisonous to cats.
It takes a lot to kill one though. More than a whole bulb for a large healthy cat.
You may experience some vomiting.
That's why I have to keep telling Gary that what I'm eating is not, in fact, for him. I eat a lot of garlic and I don't want him getting the shits, it's bad enough that the fool chews on leaves (I had an urgent translation job on Thursday that was due for earlier than I thought, and wasted about 10 minutes cleaning up his puke, I was not impressed).

I hope to fuck those XL cats don't become a big thing. Poor kitties.


what the heck is the matter with hoomans?
That's no more an XL Bully cat than my Jakey is - they're tiny for a start, and usually good natured.

It's a sphynx with achondroplasia (aka dwarfism) - the same sort of achondroplasia that Dachshunds and Basset Hounds have.
They're not accepted for registering with the GCCF which doesn't recognise cat breeds deliberately bred for achondroplasia, but the cat is just a normal cat personality type cat.

It's just clickbait.
Yeah, you can't exactly use it for intimidation or guarding or showing what a Billy Big Bollocks you are. Sphynxes are cute - they look like little aliens - but I wouldn't want to own one because of all the coat care they need and they get cold easily and all sorts.
Don't forget, garlic is poisonous to cats.
It takes a lot to kill one though. More than a whole bulb for a large healthy cat.
You may experience some vomiting.
It wasn't actually a garlic one. It had a cream cheese and bacon filling. But Spud didn't get to eat it in the end. He managed a bite before I took it off him and put it in the fridge, and I'll share it between them all tomorrow.
Up at the vet first thing this morning (he's on monthly injections now for his arthritis and was due one, not an emergency or anything!) and vet said he's looking a lot perkier now he's better hydrated, which I agree with, he's certainly more back to his normal self.
We asked to have a look at his last blood test results cos I forgot to ask for a copy at the time, we knew his kidneys were fucked at this point, but seeing the numbers was a bit :eek:
It's all about his quality of life, which for now is pretty good, all things considered.
We got a B12 supplement for him as that'll probably help a bit too, cats with late stage kidney disease tend to have it go right through them without much of a chance to absorb it, so a daily supplement helps with condition and energy.
His weight's the same as last time (well a little higher, but last time he was weighed he was very dehydrated, so it's just hydration making the difference) and the vet said don't expect him to gain weight at this stage, just keep him eating as much as possible so he doesn't lose weight too rapidly.
I mean we know he's on his last legs but we're all (vet included) happy with the way he's doing at the moment, given his age and the state of his kidneys which is just one of those things that a lot of elderly cats have trouble with (in the wild they wouldn't live long enough for it to be a factor but common in elderly pet cats of all varieties) - everything else seems to be working OK for now.
Just some proof that Vastra doesn't exclusively do dismay and disappointment

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Cats are not antisocial​

Cats indeed descended from solitary creatures, but this doesn’t mean they’re hermits. In wild or feral colonies — which form the basis of most feline social research — cats develop dynamic relationships with their peers, selecting a few “preferred associates” (Hollenbeck’s words) to hang out with.

Cats are not antisocial​

Cats indeed descended from solitary creatures, but this doesn’t mean they’re hermits. In wild or feral colonies — which form the basis of most feline social research — cats develop dynamic relationships with their peers, selecting a few “preferred associates” (Hollenbeck’s words) to hang out with.
Aye they're solo hunters that don't rely on help for their subsistence, not hermits.
Before Sonic died, he and Jakey were glued at the hip, one never did anything without the other in tow (except vet visits ofc.)

I enjoy those videos from cameras on cat collars where you see them greeting and interacting with their friends and neighbours, and chasing off their enemies!
The girls enjoying the new electric blanket purchased today

Lilith has her annual health check and jab tomorrow afternoon. She's a healthy cat so I'm more dreading the carrier battle!

i knew my Speedy was getting old when he stopped putting up a fight and just walked into the carrier. :(
i used to have to unscrew the top from the bottom, drop him in and slap the top on fastish, kneeling on it while i re-screwed the two parts. that's becuase otherwise he'd do the four-paws-on-the-corners thing.
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