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Cat just came skulking in, all worried. Hid under the bed. When I went and asked him wha’gwan he cautiously indicated that something outside had spooked him. As I did when he was a kitten, I lifted him up so he could see out of the various windows. (This being a cat who doesn’t like to be held, but circumstances…) He peered around, and then shifted his weight to indicate he’d had enough, I put him down and he immediately asked to be let out. So I guess he needs to take care of business. I’ll be checking him for fight wounds later….
My goodness Monte !
I’m glad you found them. But how on earth did they end up at the bottom of a dustbin
This has reminded me of an incident that happened to me when i was 7 or 8. I was taking our rubbish out to the midden in the back green (i grew up in a tenement) I dumped the rubbish in one the bins then i heard the tiny squeals. Id just dropped it onto a litter of kittens. We had a fair amount of feral/stray cats in the area.

Luckily they all seemed to be ok, my parents had come out by that time as i was bawling my eyes out as i'd thought i had killed them.
My goodness Monte !
I’m glad you found them. But how on earth did they end up at the bottom of a dustbin?
They must have climbed up onto the oil drum next to it and fallen in.
Farmer Paul had lined up a couple of barrels and the bin to block the exit from the meadow to discourage the cows from trying to escape. The cows are behind an electric fence so it wasn't really necessary.
I'm just glad I didn't go to work today.
I was worried they weren't going to make it as it was. I think they must have been stuck in there for a while.

The mother is Tiggy, the tabby licking them dry.
I live on a farm and my tom cat Raedwald attracted the attentions of a feral queen (Cally).
Tiggy is one of the two resulting cats from that union, Harry is the other. They are half feral as they were brought up by their mother but accept food from me. Raedwald has since been neutered but Cally and Harry have not yet due to poverty. They will be done soon.
The two drowned kittens are from a recent litter from Tiggy. I only saw them for the first time over the weekend.
They are curled up next to me with their brother from another litter Harry Jnr. He is generously sharing his body heat with them.

From the left, Raedwald, Tiggy and Harry.

It's more complicated than the Archers around here.

This is Harry with his daughters Betty and Blackberry. Betty is Jnr's sister and their mother is Cally. Blackberry is an only child whose mother is Tiggy.

This is Harry and Jnr.

Betty and Harry Jnr are the only two survivors of this litter of five, the others succumbed to cat flu.
If poverty is a issue you can probably get help with neutering from the RSPCA or Cats Protection as they're desperately keen to stop unwanted litters being born. They'll even lend you a cat trap if catching them is difficult.

Unneutered toms are also far more likely to catch or pass on FELV or FIV (feline AIDS) through fighting or mating which is another good reason to get them snipped.

According to Cats Protection, one un-spayed female can be responsible for 20,000 descendants if 5 year if they all lived which is a sobering thought. Glad the kittens are doing well anyway.
She is quite obscure really, particularly if you're not even in the US.

she's obscure here too. i just thought i'd look the name up.

When I was a kitten I had some American kids' books and the children in them had a cat of that name.

wow! do you remember where the books were from, iowa maybe?
education here is very localized, i knew from kidhood who Peter Minuit was, but there's no reason anyone else in the other 49 states would know that.
I was very strict about no treats in the past, and I regret bringing treats into Cat’s life. I refuse to give him Dreamies cos I’m led to believe they’re the most addictive (it’s the Felix ones here) but if he had his way he’d eat treats instead of food. We manage with a mix of negotiation, manipulation, and hard refusal (on both sides).

I've actually remembered since posting that I did once or twice have a pack of webbox treat sticks which I used to give pills in before pill putty was much of a thing, or as occasional bribes - but yeah my main concern was Radar with his food fads would start refusing to eat anything but the treat sticks!

He once ate one whole - for those who are not familiar these things are about 6 inches long - it went down in 1 piece, he made a gagging noise, and brought it back up in one piece... and I thought yeah maybe not.
Inaccurate or a tory kitty?
Inaccurate. The previous cat was definitely a Tory: very much up for a fight, be it with a human, another cat or smaller, more killable species, and liable to get very angry if she didn't get what she knew she deserved.

The new one less so. He's very fixated on food, but not at all violent or hateful. Even today, as I tried and eventually managed to administer flea drops, he wasn't clawing me as he desperately tried to escape.
she's obscure here too. i just thought i'd look the name up.

wow! do you remember where the books were from, iowa maybe?
education here is very localized, i knew from kidhood who Peter Minuit was, but there's no reason anyone else in the other 49 states would know that.
They are by Edward Eager and at least the first one, Half Magic, is set in Ohio.

The children find a charm, and one of them, whilst holding it, wishes Carrie could talk. It's a rather old, worn out charm which can only half do wishes, so she can only half talk, in a slightly disturbing and frustrating way.

Then they figure it out and try to correct the wish, but not quite right, so she talks at top speed half the time and is silent the other half.

Eventually they wish for her to be back to normal, but doubly so.
Off to the Vet today for dental and work on a funny cyst that's she's developed on the corner of her mouth. All pretty routine from the vets perspective but I'm incredibly anxious about it all. Mostly due to not having been back to the vet much since poor old Lyndon at the start of the year. So yeah, I feel really off. :(

She's being really good about it all though.

Off to the Vet today for dental and work on a funny cyst that's she's developed on the corner of her mouth. All pretty routine from the vets perspective but I'm incredibly anxious about it all. Mostly due to not having been back to the vet much since poor old Lyndon at the start of the year. So yeah, I feel really off. :(

hope all goes well
Off to the Vet today for dental and work on a funny cyst that's she's developed on the corner of her mouth. All pretty routine from the vets perspective but I'm incredibly anxious about it all. Mostly due to not having been back to the vet much since poor old Lyndon at the start of the year. So yeah, I feel really off. :(

She's being really good about it all though.

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It was all fine, of course. 5 teeth less but her comprehensive bloods were all good and insurance paid for most of it. Massive bald spot on her thorax poor thing, just where she likes to be stroked.

It was all fine, of course. 5 teeth less but her comprehensive bloods were all good and insurance paid for most of it. Massive bald spot on her thorax poor thing, just where she likes to be stroked.

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Hope she heals up quickly! Probably a great relief to have those teeth gone.

My Jakey's fur takes ages to grow back these days when he's been shaved, he'd only just got fluffy on his throat from the previous lot of blood tests before having to be shaved again for the most recent ones - hopefully she will be furry again soon :)
Hope she heals up quickly! Probably a great relief to have those teeth gone.

My Jakey's fur takes ages to grow back these days when he's been shaved, he'd only just got fluffy on his throat from the previous lot of blood tests before having to be shaved again for the most recent ones - hopefully she will be furry again soon :)

Oh bless him! Here's hoping he gets a proper chance to regrow it now.

We'll see how she goes, she's no spring chicken but has very thick fur, so she might be alright.
friend was concerned about time-share kitty's health last week (he was officially cat sitting while 'owners' were away) and wasn't sure he would come home from the vet's.

kitty (alfie) has responded well to anti-biotics and turned up to stay for the weekend.

he has decided the bath is the right place to take a bath (so long as there's no water involved)

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i have suggested he needs a rubber duck...


alfie did not wake up from his afternoon nap today, he was at friend's place.

Aye, poor Alfie and all the humans that love him.
I do think failing to wake up from a nap is probably one of the best ways a cat can go however, dreaming of being a lion hunting antelope and then quietly slipping away without any pain or distress or unfamiliar surroundings.
Cat just came skulking in, all worried. Hid under the bed. When I went and asked him wha’gwan he cautiously indicated that something outside had spooked him. As I did when he was a kitten, I lifted him up so he could see out of the various windows. (This being a cat who doesn’t like to be held, but circumstances…) He peered around, and then shifted his weight to indicate he’d had enough, I put him down and he immediately asked to be let out. So I guess he needs to take care of business. I’ll be checking him for fight wounds later….
Hope Cat's alright.

My housemate just told me Lilith was attacked this morning by Cookie from next door! Apparently they were grappling on the ground, and there's bits of her fur all over the place. He said she ran upstairs and wouldn't let him cuddle or comfort her. She greeted me as usual though, when I got in from work and has scoffed her dinner with her usual enthusiasm and jumped on my lap for a stroke. Most importantly, I've checked for blood and there doesn't seem to be any injuries. I wonder if that little git was also responsible for her ear injury last year.
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