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N phoned his mum on Friday afternoon before we fed Jakey and gave him his fluids (which we do at the same time, so he is hungry and inhales his food while we are injecting him) - she was very confused about what was making all these waahing noises in the background.

N said "Lol's come in the sitting room so the cat thinks he's going to get fed" while Jakey is going WAAAH WAAAH WAAAH.
I love how vocal my Jakey is - N explained it to his mum as "most of our cats have been like that", but it's a Siam/OSH thing specifically.
I love it when he is on my lap or tucked right up against me and he has a dream.
His feet go all runny runny runny then his mouth goes chomp chomp chomp and I know he has had a dream about catching and eating something.
I love that despite he is a very different species to me, we both dream when we sleep.
I wonder how she learned to do that. Maybe from watching you?

Being in private and mysteriously behind a closed door it really important to some cats.

One-eyed Cat had a secret retreat that I didn't know about for a very long time, and even after I knew about it I never found out how he achieved it.

The lodger would close his bedroom door every day when he went to work. One day he came home unexpectedly in the middle of the day and discovered One-eyed Cat sound asleep in his room.

I think (but do not know) he would jump onto the wall at the end of the garden, from there onto the roof of the neighbor's shed adjoining our garden, then from the shed roof up onto the first floor window cill of the lodger's bedroom, and then up and through the small open gap at the top of the box sash window.

Never saw him do it despite watching out for it. I think he'd wait until no one was around to see him.

I know he continued to do it because (I confess) I occasionally peeked through the keyhole and saw him curled up on the lodger's bed.

I once had a cat who knew that opening the back door required a combination of turning the handle and the key. She would sit on the ledge beside the door and pat and worry at the key and the door handle, clearly trying to work out how to manage the trick.
If they had opposable thumbs they'd rule the world.
Be warned. Maine Coons especially, but domestic cats in general, are evolving in that direction. It's only a matter of time.
My Radar was half Cornish Rex and had their long toes, he could pick stuff up with his front toes and was a scarily good climber.
He was also a right little git mischief and had an often painful sense of humour :)
He was like a mischievous spirit or deity in small feline form.

Miss him loads

Radar 05.jpg
Radar 10.jpg

I feel as though "Radar and the Cat Fountain" could almost be a story book for small children about the naughty naughty cat.

We won the drink fountain in a raffle at a cat show we went to as spectators.
We thought "this will be good, Radar will drink a bit more, he likes a running tap, he will like this"
Oh he LOVED it!

He'd completely wrecked it in less than 24 hours after us plugging it in.

Now Radar was fascinated by water, something I think he inherited from his Cornish Rex side, a lot of that breed like water.
We'd often find him sitting in the washing up bowl in a couple of inches of water. Like you do :hmm:

Sometimes we'd go out and come home and he'd be wet. Sometimes we'd go out and come home and he'd be wet and Sonic would also be wet and very cross.
I swear he could operate the taps for both the kitchen and bathroom sinks.

Now the drinking fountain lasted less than 24 hours because firstly, he went and grabbed one of N's caps and put it in the water bowl and watched the water from the fountain flow all over it (as per the photo), while occasionally poking it with his paw in an experimental way.
N was not happy. He retrieved his cap.

Then Radar went on a rummage around the flat and found some paper napkins that we'd bought for a picnic and put those in the bowl - they disintegrated and were sucked into the motor and caused a horrible grinding noise for a few minutes before the motor spluttered and gave up.

This is why one of his nicknames was "Destructicat" :)
He was very loved but my god he was a little horror ❤️
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Went to see my brother yesterday. His beautiful cat Fizz is super friendly, as soon as I turn up it is virtually non stop leg rubs and twirling for strokes, and she has the softest most super clean luxurious coat that is impossible to resist.
Anyway my brother has a glass topped kitchen table, and the picture I took is like a kind of illusion with Fizz on the table whilst looking as if she is on the chair.

Went to see my brother yesterday. His beautiful cat Fizz is super friendly, as soon as I turn up it is virtually non stop leg rubs and twirling for strokes, and she has the softest most super clean luxurious coat that is impossible to resist.
Anyway my brother has a glass topped kitchen table, and the picture I took is like a kind of illusion with Fizz on the table whilst looking as if she is on the chair.

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She looks like she's levitating!
Ringo and Keith having breakfast. It's difficult to take a photograph of them together despite the fact that they're brothers.

The other night Keith was sleeping on our bed. I rolled over in the middle of the night, previously with legs bent, and luxuriously stretched my legs to their full extent.

As a result a sleeping Keith was propelled across the bedroom. Sorry Keith!
Ringo and Keith having breakfast. It's difficult to take a photograph of them together despite the fact that they're brothers.

The other night Keith was sleeping on our bed. I rolled over in the middle of the night, previously with legs bent, and luxuriously stretched my legs to their full extent.

As a result a sleeping Keith was propelled across the bedroom. Sorry Keith!
View attachment 446781
Don't worry, Keith will get his own back... 😁
Don't worry, Keith will get his own back... 😁
firstly, he went and grabbed one of N's caps and put it in the water bowl and watched the water from the fountain flow all over it (as per the photo), while occasionally poking it with his paw in an experimental way.

is there any possibility that one of his ancestors was a beaver?


The other night Keith was sleeping on our bed. I rolled over in the middle of the night, previously with legs bent, and luxuriously stretched my legs to their full extent.

i managed similar once, when one of the mogs jumped on to the bed a bit vigrously, i rolled over and managed to turf the other mog, who was asleep on the other side of the bed, on to the floor.
Went to the local shop yesterday. They were out of Dreamies. Today, then, disaster struck. No Dreamies for the kitties. I've tried giving them other dry food which they used to like, but no dice. They've eaten their normal wet food but are now looking for afters. Is it anthropomorphism to imagine they're sulking? I might do a "Dear Diary" tiktok later.
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