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Is it good luck or bad, when a black cat crosses your path? I always forget

i always thought black cats were considered good luck in england (after the era of black cats being put on trial / killed for witchcraft)

i used to know someone with a black cat (cat had been a stray and decided he was moving in with friend) - they lived quite near a church, and kitty used to go and photobomb wedding photos, which was generally seen as a good luck sign.

the priest did talk to friend about whether they might come to an arrangement for cat to be an 'optional extra' for weddings (in the same way you get charged a bit for the choir, or bells ringing)
Just got back from a few days away and there is something wrong with Ken's ear :/ He's holding it funny and shaking his head lot, and won't let me investigate. He also has a sad look on his face, though that could be reproach for the holiday. Vet appointment this afternoon. I've now taken him five times for non vaccination reasons and his brother hasn't been at all :D

get well soon, ken
After yesterday's all day on the bed, he spent pretty much the entire day outside today. He didn't go more than about five metres from the cat flap, as I could see him through the patio doors, but nor did he appear to go to sleep out there. Instead he just sat there, staring at his quite tiny world.

I have been staying with a friend over the last few days and this is her adorable cat, who is very amenable to a fuss and who made a failed attempt to share my bed.

When I spoke on the phone to my OH I said 'Paddy would be SO jealous if he could see me.' To which he replied 'No he wouldn't. He wouldn't give a fuck!'.

I think he might be right. When I got home, I had had a cup of tea with OH, watered the plants, fed the fish and gone to check on next door's cats before Paddy emerged from our bedroom. And then it was only to eat some food.
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