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When the Swansea Six that I mentioned up thread first came to live with me they use to climb up my legs when they could see me preparing food for them on the work top. I had to wear really tough jeans for weeks or my legs would have been permanently punctured!

Yup - I am "educating" Sgarba out of that one right now. Diùra is so far much more laid-back about it.
After hearing of all the terrible cases of XL Bullies killing or trying to kill their owners, I wondered if a cat had ever killed its human, and I was surprised to find at least one has tried.
This one can clearly be seen plotting its waiter's untimely demise, before attempting to suffocate them on numerous occasions.


Nah it's when they lurk at the top of the stairs and stick their paw out in front of your feet as you're heading downstairs that you know it's a serious attempt :D
Spud does that every morning. He dives out of bed the second he sees me making moves to get up, and he waits at the top of the stairs for me. As soon as I start down the stairs, he bolts straight across my path, and races down the stairs. He tries to make it look like he's just playing but I know what's going on.
Just got back from a few days away and there is something wrong with Ken's ear :/ He's holding it funny and shaking his head lot, and won't let me investigate. He also has a sad look on his face, though that could be reproach for the holiday. Vet appointment this afternoon. I've now taken him five times for non vaccination reasons and his brother hasn't been at all :D
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