Radar 2006-2020, Sonic 2006-2022, Jakey 2007-2024
Havnt been on here for a while. Maybe some remember Dexter he was feral when we took him on nine years ago. All is well he still spends a lot of time indoors but likes it in the garden. He never poops in the garden he jumps over the fence and goes into the bushes in the small area of grass , trees.
but the last couple of months he’s become jumpy. He’s always charged upstairs when we have a delivery I get that but he’s become scare if I open a box, sometimes if I close a cupboard door.
I’m especially mentioning it because he was eating in the kitchen this evening I’m creeping around and I took an elastic band off some spring onions. He was off.
As far as I’m aware he hasn’t suffered any trauma involving boxes of elastic bands. He’s comfortable in the house has a lot of cuddles , has various sleeping places variably ends up snoring, sighing and eventually sleeping on his back he even lets me scratch his belly.
It’s quite a serious question. Any of you experienced similar behaviour?
Do you know how old he is?
Could be a number of things, obviously something that scared him at some point is one of them, but you say you don't think that is likely.
It could be that his sight or hearing is starting to go a bit, so loud noises or sudden movements are more scary. (Although this is often age related, it isn't necessarily - cats get a lot of the same problems with their sight or hearing that we do - age related ones would be macular degeneration, retinal atrophy, cataracts for the eyes, and a lot of older cats experience hearing loss.)
Cats also can get dementia much like humans can when they are old.
If I were you, I'd book a non-urgent vet appointment (assuming nothing urgent is going on with his health) - they can check his eyes and ears.
Cats that lose their sight or hearing even completely can adjust very well in a safe indoor environment, so if it is that, try not to be too concerned about his future.