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"Young professionals" to infest flats above Iceland

Good thread this. Funny to read people defending yuppies, who have wrecked Clapham, Hoxton, Notting Hill, Islington, etc etc and are now making accelerated inroads into Brixton.

The Councillors who voted this through should be ashamed of themselves.
Robo said:
Good thread this. Funny to read people defending yuppies, who have wrecked Clapham, Hoxton, Notting Hill, Islington, etc etc and are now making accelerated inroads into Brixton.
My oh my, you sound dreadfully familiar! And look at that IP address! What a coincidence!

Are you the returning obsessive poster formerly known as Anna Key?
Robo said:
Good thread this. Funny to read people defending yuppies, who have wrecked Clapham, Hoxton, Notting Hill, Islington, etc etc and are now making accelerated inroads into Brixton.

The Councillors who voted this through should be ashamed of themselves.

It isn't "yuppies" that have "wrecked Clapham, Hoxton, Notting Hill, Islington, etc etc and are now making accelerated inroads into Brixton.", it's the process of gentrification. If it wasn't for the economic and social conditions, allied to the preferences of central and local govenment, then (yuppies or not) we wouldn't have so much to worry about.
Brandishing the term "yuppie" does bollock all to assist arguments against gentrification, in fact in some ways it hinders them. It's as crass as middle-class suburbanites moaning about visiting hordes of "townies" and "chavs" in places like Richmond and Wimbledon.

As for the councillors, you appear to be labouring under the misconception that most of them have a conscience or a sense of shame.
ViolentPanda said:
It isn't "yuppies" that have "wrecked Clapham, Hoxton, Notting Hill, Islington, etc etc and are now making accelerated inroads into Brixton.", it's the process of gentrification. If it wasn't for the economic and social conditions, allied to the preferences of central and local govenment, then (yuppies or not) we wouldn't have so much to worry about.
Brandishing the term "yuppie" does bollock all to assist arguments against gentrification, in fact in some ways it hinders them. It's as crass as middle-class suburbanites moaning about visiting hordes of "townies" and "chavs" in places like Richmond and Wimbledon.

As for the councillors, you appear to be labouring under the misconception that most of them have a conscience or a sense of shame.

Very well put. There's far more to the process of gentrification than can be attributed to any one particular group of scapegoats or stereotypes.
ViolentPanda said:
It isn't "yuppies" that have "wrecked Clapham, Hoxton, Notting Hill, Islington, etc etc and are now making accelerated inroads into Brixton.", it's the process of gentrification. If it wasn't for the economic and social conditions, allied to the preferences of central and local govenment, then (yuppies or not) we wouldn't have so much to worry about.
Brandishing the term "yuppie" does bollock all to assist arguments against gentrification, in fact in some ways it hinders them. It's as crass as middle-class suburbanites moaning about visiting hordes of "townies" and "chavs" in places like Richmond and Wimbledon.

As for the councillors, you appear to be labouring under the misconception that most of them have a conscience or a sense of shame.
OK, you don't like the term "yuppy." So what? Use whatever term you want to describe the little gits.

If you walk into a working class pub in central Brixton - there's only two left now, the Beehive and the Goose - and say: "Christ, Lambeth Council has just agreed to stuff a load of yuppies in the flats above Iceland" people know exactly what you're talking about. And few will respond:

"I say! How dare you speak disparagingly of yuppies! It's like criticising an Auschwitz survivor! And it's so counter-productive! You should be talking about underlying economic and social factors!"

Give it a try.

editor said:
My oh my, you sound dreadfully familiar! And look at that IP address! What a coincidence!

Are you the returning obsessive poster formerly known as Anna Key?
Anyone can post from a Lambeth library and I've already said how I discovered these boards. You're not very welcoming are you?

Robo said:
I heard about this site from someone in the Beehive, who said nice things about it. But others said you face a banning for:

- arguing with a moderator
- proposing that moderators are elected by members
- proposing that moderators are subject to the posting rules
- referring to the Editor as "Swampy"
- writing like a banned poster called "Anna Key"
- attacking one of the Editor's brown-nosers (Dubversion?)

I suspect that half the table went up the Tate Library and signed up. Just for the crack, like.

Perhaps you should ban everyone who drinks in the Beehive, in case they dislike yuppies, and anyone posting from a Lambeth public library, in case they're someone you're obsessing about.

Relax Editor. Deep breath. Feel that paranoia disappear. :D
Robo said:
Anyone can post from a Lambeth library and I've already said how I discovered these boards. You're not very welcoming are you?
Why don't you just answer the question?

Are you the poster formerly known as ANNA KEY?

Or do I have to pop around to your terminal and find out for myself?

(edit: two minutes later....oh look! He's just gone offline!
editor said:
Why don't you just answer the question?

Are you the poster formerly known as ANNA KEY?

Or do I have to pop around to your terminal and find out for myself?

(edit: two minutes later....oh look! He's just gone offline!

Why not just let him back and be done with it?
Mr BC said:
Why not just let him back and be done with it?

I'm inclined to agree. Water under the bridge and all that.

Editor - I think his contributions to the site far outweigh any disruption and I think it'll save you a lot of stress in the long run.

Anna Key - I would encourage you to apologise to the Editor for the abuse in the pub too as you obviously want to continue to post on Urban and I think that's all he's after.
editor said:
Why don't you just answer the question?

Are you the poster formerly known as ANNA KEY?

Or do I have to pop around to your terminal and find out for myself?

:D :D :D What would you have done? I would have given a lot to see that scene.
Mr BC said:
Why not just let him back and be done with it?

Why bother having rules! Why not let people post up malicious and vindictive lies about you, try to undermine the credibility of the moderators, maliciously attack moderators whenever they feel like it, break all the rules they like and generally take the piss on a near-daily basis!!!!

Great idea!!

editor said:

Why bother having rules! Why not let people post up malicious and vindictive lies about you, try to undermine the credibility of the moderators, maliciously attack moderators whenever they feel like it, break all the rules they like and generally take the piss on a near-daily basis!!!!

Great idea!!


Oh dear. That'll be a 'no' then.
Mr BC said:
Oh dear. That'll be a 'no' then.
Bad hair day.


editor said:

Why bother having rules! Why not let people post up malicious and vindictive lies about you, try to undermine the credibility of the moderators, maliciously attack moderators whenever they feel like it, break all the rules they like and generally take the piss on a near-daily basis!!!!

Great idea!!


Feel that paranoia. :D
In all seriousness, Editor; I know both of you, and am willing to spend (lots of) time and effort on intermediating.
Is this something you'd be willing to have happen - and is there mileage in it?
IntoStella said:
Perhaps it would be productive to lead by example?
You could do well to reacquaint yourself with the rules around here.

I'm fucked off with reading your unprovoked personal attacks and lies.
Robo said:
OK, you don't like the term "yuppy." So what? Use whatever term you want to describe the little gits.
Tut tut, a load of bollocks in the very first sentence. Not a good omen.

I didn't say I don't like the term "yuppie" (if you bother to read what I actually wrote, rather than what you think I did, I said (to paraphrase) that it's gentrification that's the proble, not just one manifestation (the "yuppies") of the problems that gentrification causes.

Got that, or would you like it put even more simply?
If you walk into a working class pub in central Brixton - there's only two left now, the Beehive and the Goose - and say: "Christ, Lambeth Council has just agreed to stuff a load of yuppies in the flats above Iceland" people know exactly what you're talking about. And few will respond:

"I say! How dare you speak disparagingly of yuppies! It's like criticising an Auschwitz survivor! And it's so counter-productive! You should be talking about underlying economic and social factors!"

Give it a try.
Don't be a tit.
Yes, people will recognise the term "yuppies", but as a convenient shorthand for "incomers who've got more money than me" rather than it's original meaning.
Red Jezza said:
In all seriousness, Editor; I know both of you, and am willing to spend (lots of) time and effort on intermediating.
Is this something you'd be willing to have happen - and is there mileage in it?
None. Seeing as he's never seen fit to apologise for his disgraceful attacks on miss minnie, his outrageous drunken verbal attack on me in the Albert and the vindictive, malicious lies he keeps on posting up here, there is not the slightest chance of me letting him back on again.

In fact, I don't believe a single mod wants him back either, so that's the end of it.

Why the fuck should we put up with any more of his obnoxious, obsessive behaviour?
editor said:
You could do well to reacquaint yourself with the rules around here.

I'm fucked off with reading your unprovoked personal attacks and lies.
Excuse me? How does that follow? What personal attacks? What lies? Any and every observation you don't like is always a personal attack and a 'disgraceful lie', isn't it?

I'm not a liar, as any real friend of mine -- and anybody who has ever been a real friend of mine -- knows full well.
IntoStella said:
Where? When? Have I slipped into an alternative universe?
It was when I was in Glastonbury, not that it's got fuck all to do with you - or are you now his spokesperson or something?

But you don't have take my word for it - why not PM miss minnie and ask her what she thinks of him?

Or you can ask any one of the mods what they think about AK's antics here...
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