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"Young professionals" to infest flats above Iceland

atm the cost of the flats is - to me - less material than that no one knows who's building the fucking things. the developers don't seem to exist, unless it's the ones who appear on some sort of islamick approval list to which i've above posted a link. i tried calling saracen property services to find out if they were handling the flats, but they seem to have shut up shop.
fanta said:
I don't think so, if I had the money then I would and I'm more of a slob than a yuppie. But I still think it is beyond what most locals can afford.
My objection is this lazy labelling of anyone who buys a house in Brixton as an 'infesting yuppie'.
t0bytoo said:
By most of your lots definition, you'd have to be a yuppie to buy a flat anywhere in Britain these days.
Thing is, you do in most places. Hence the quite justified resntment. If the housing market wasn't so mad and so many people entirely excluded from it, all the yuppies in the world could move wherever they wanted and it wouldn't be remotely such an issue.

Instead you get this line which adds up to "this is how it is, so shut up and stop complaining". Well, that's not going to happen. Why the fuck do I think it's all right for the single young professional market to be so thoroughly catered for when the rather older professional librarian gets told to fuck off?
editor said:
My objection is this lazy labelling of anyone who buys a house in Brixton as an 'infesting yuppie'.

Real yuppies are buying riverside high-rised palaces for a million-plus! But I still think that buying private flats in somewhere like Brixton is not something most locals can enjoy...
Justin said:
I think it a reasonable assumption from our experience of these developments. I have seen the plans for the developments of similar description about to go up behind my current gaff: they're scarcely big enough for a cat to swing a mouse.
But like Old Slapper, you haven't actually seen the plans for this developement so you're just guessing, right?

Glad that's cleared up.
Justin said:
Thing is, you do in most places. Hence the quite justified resntment. If the housing market wasn't so mad and so many people entirely excluded from it, all the yuppies in the world could move wherever they wanted and it wouldn't be remotely such an issue.
So you resent the people buying flats because the housing market is 'mad'?

Don't you think your anger might be a little misplaced?
The way I am feeling at the moment, I would rather have Yuppies living around here than the little fucking shitbags who have just sprayed grafitti all over my mate's walls on the main road. She is trying to sell her house and the buyer has just dropped out, having seen this vandalism. :mad:
editor said:
So you resent the people buying flats because the housing market is 'mad'?

Don't you think your anger might be a little misplaced?
I resent them, I resent the policy, I resent the market and I resent all the fucking whining that takes place on their behalf when people like me are less than fucking chuffed about it.
Justin said:
No. Making a reasonable assumption. As people do. As even you may occasionally do.
I'm making no assumptions about the cost of these flats or their interior plans because, like you, I don't know next to nothing about them yet.
Justin said:
I resent them, I resent the policy, I resent the market and I resent all the fucking whining that takes place on their behalf when people like me are less than fucking chuffed about it.
Blimey. So much hate.
Oh, and by the way, when I can eventually afford one then I won't want to know any of you lot...

...the pub beckons, a bientot bods. :cool:
editor said:
I'm making no assumptions about the cost of these flats or their interior plans because, like you, I don't know next to nothing about them yet.
I'm going to make an assumption that their nature and cost may very well be in line with the nature on cost of many similar developments.
Justin said:
I resent them, I resent the policy, I resent the market and I resent all the fucking whining that takes place on their behalf when people like me are less than fucking chuffed about it.

And your solution is what exactly?

You seem to be saying that if you had the cash you'd do exactly what the 'yuppies' are doing.
Justin said:
I'm going to make an assumption that their nature and cost may very well be in line with the nature on cost of many similar developments.
So if you had the cash available, would you buy a flat?

Or would you live in a bucket somewhere to spare yourself all the resentment from people like yourself?
editor said:
But like Old Slapper, you haven't actually seen the plans for this developement so you're just guessing, right?

Glad that's cleared up.
No, it is perfectly reasonable to make an informed estimate on the basis of information on very similar developments very nearby, such as those in Rushcroft Road and Dover Mansions. We can reasonably assume that a one bedroom flat will cost in the region of £225,00, as Mr Retro said. Those with two or more bedrooms will cost a lot more -- from present prices we can again reasonably assume that they will be up to 290,000-300,000 or more for larger flats. These are not made up figures. They are accurate market figures.

As for Justin's alleged hate. He's not hateful. He's angry. And he has every right to be. Can you not tell the difference between anger and hate?
Justin said:
Oh no, it's the editor doing his "Answer the question!" routine again. One of the less attractive features of this site.

I think your silence speaks volumes.

And it says you're jealous of homeowners, nothing more nothing less.
editor said:
So if you had the cash available, would you buy a flat?

Or would you live in a bucket somewhere to spare yourself all the resentment from people like yourself?
So having leapt in with an ill-informed point of view, you've decided to cover your confusion by personally attacking Justin?

Given the widespread and heartfelt plaudits he received recently for his honest and moving post on this subject, I'd say you were digging yourself into a hole with a JCB.
Justin said:
Oh no, it's the editor doing his "Answer the question!" routine again. One of the less attractive features of this site.
Now what were you saying about "digging a hole"?

Answer the question please as it's entirely relevant to the debate. Refusing to do so just makes you look a little foolish.
IntoStella said:
So having leapt in with an ill-informed point of view, you've decided to cover your confusion by personally attacking Justin?
Where's the attack? I've simply asked him a relevant question, one that really didn't need your intervention.

And ill informed? It's not me claiming to know the prices and internal layout!
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