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Workfare steward the Jubilee

I think it's a good thing, unemployed people need to be reminded of their place in our society.
Please tell me you're joking, I really don't want to call one more person "sweetie" before I go to bed.
Lol, he's quite obviously joking.

They should just be glad they got to take part surely that's worth more than all that food, money and a warm bed for the night nonsense?
What's with the link in the OP?

It seems to want a login to a social networking site notorious for its contempt for privacy.

Seems like a pretty shit link to me.
yeah. Some of them were told they were going to be paid, but weren't, and told if you they didn't like it they wouldn't get a chance at "lucrative" work at the olympics. Oh, and they all had to sleep on the street, then change in public in the morning and finally put up tents in the dark in Theydon Bois afterwards. Fucking disgusting shit.

And these contractors know exactly what they're doing. Getting rich off public money, without even paying their bloody staff.

It's fucking sickening what's happening in this country.
you can usually click on the facebook app viwed article on the top left to "view the original" on the Guardian's site.

fucking bastards the people organising this... :(
I've done a lot of this type of work in my time, including managing teams of both paid staff and volunteers at festivals all over the country, and I'm fucking disgusted at the way this company seems to have treated it's workers - voluntary or otherwise.

This is down to utterly shit management pure and simple. If you're bringing a team in from bristol to start work in London at 6am you'd arrange it for a coach to leave Bristol at 3am, so people can sleep beforehand, then sleep a bit more on the coach... or you need to have facilities in place for them to sleep in London if you're going to set off at 11pm for a 2 1/2 hour journey.

If they're working a 15 hour day, they also need to have 3 full rest breaks during that period, with full access to food and toilet facilities in those rest breaks, which means ensuring portaloo facilities are provided, and having supervisors who ensure staff are properly rotated so they all get their breaks.

I hope this company gets prosecuted here, there's no excuse for this sort of shite.
also, this sort of work should always be paid without exception, unless it's for a good cause and the people are actually volunteering rather than being coerced into it.

It is really tough work, and everyone should get paid from the trainee upwards, which was always the way it was when I was working in the industry.

Volunteer stewarding music festivals is different because the volunteers are actually volunteers who want to go to the festival, and get a ticket worth the rough value of their work at minimum wage in exchange. WTF did these guys get out of what sounds like 48 hours of hell, least they should be getting is some decent wedge for that experience.

I think these are the cunts responsible for this

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Just read the article in the G, I'm appolectic(sic), how much worse can it get? they had work camps in the Fens in the 30's, anyone who can should donate to Boycott Workfare,

takes the shine off the Jubilee 'celebrations, wonder if the BBC will cover it?
front page of the guardian according to the authors twitter feed.

worst thing about this IMO is that this company will only have been able to undercut legit companies by using workfare and 'apprentices', so putting other decent companies out of business or at least having to sack staff.

why the hell people are now being expected to get an nvq2 in their own time for basic stewarding roles is beyond me, and there's simply no justification for these roles not being paid roles even if minimum wage. This is not the type of role that needs an apprenticeship, it's basic minimum wage shit work just standing in position wearing hiviz and attempting to get a supervisor if anything actually does happen - it takes a few hours training at most.

If they need a work trial, then do it with a one time local show of a few hours at most. This is an absolute pisstake.
Has Russia Today picked up on this, they will certainly use it...

btw, tried to post the G's photo on here for posterity, didn't work, anyone else try?
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