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Will you vote for independence?

Scottish independence?

  • Yes please

    Votes: 99 56.6%
  • No thanks

    Votes: 57 32.6%
  • Dont know yet

    Votes: 17 9.7%

  • Total voters
So it just appears to be reflecting voting intentions rather than who did better in the debate? As I said, didn't see it but would be v surprised if Darling debated better than Salmond.
I didn't watch either (btw STV turned down BBC request to show it) but yes, seems to be.
so his best showing by that poll is in the over 35's. Any reason that might be so?

I'll wait till tomorrow for a more conclusive polling though.
So it just appears to be reflecting voting intentions rather than who did better in the debate? As I said, didn't see it but would be v surprised if Darling debated better than Salmond.

it wasn't all salmonds show but overall he did the better debate. And thats being objective not wishful.
it wasn't all salmonds show but overall he did the better debate. And thats being objective not wishful.

In style, but not substance. He came across as being very dogmatic and not backing up some of his claims like the currency union and how he was going to set up a sovereign wealth fund while using the money elsewhere.
A big opportunity that Darling missed was when Salmond said that Scotland has to kick out 30K young people a year. AIUI they choose to leave.

I've just done a scan of some message boards on which I mostly lurk and their immediate reaction is that Salmond lost the debate.
Just out of interest - why is it snp policy to have currency union with uk.?Seems to be the question that always makes the snp look weak. Would it not have been better to bite bullet on that one a long time ago and make case for own currency?
Just out of interest - why is it snp policy to have currency union with uk.?Seems to be the question that always makes the snp look weak. Would it not have been better to bite bullet on that one a long time ago and make case for own currency?

Yes Scotland have said they will retain the pound and want a currency union. If they don't get the currency union, they will keep using the pound as we do right now. It is not that hard to comprehend. I can't believe the debate will come down to this.
Just out of interest - why is it snp policy to have currency union with uk.?Seems to be the question that always makes the snp look weak. Would it not have been better to bite bullet on that one a long time ago and make case for own currency?
We keep the pound for a while then decide what's best.
Unfortunately think it's stuff like that the debate will come down to. Maybe because it does seem somewhat illogical to advance a case of independence whilst allowing power of setting interest rates to remain in the U.K. Is it just cause of possible birth pangs of setting up a new currency that the snp didn't go for that policy ?
I agree, but Salmond was just as bad.
Agreed and darling didn't need to be stellar to lose ground in the polls for better together whereas salmond did need to be stellar to gain ground for yes imo
After a little reflection, I feel the worst thing was the format, switching away for commentary and adverts. The commentary was frankly useless and boring. And I REALLY DID NOT want to hear from the lieutenants. But it really broke up any flow of the debate. I suppose the idea must have been to have something along the lines of a boxing match, but it didn't work for me.
Yes Scotland have said they will retain the pound and want a currency union. If they don't get the currency union, they will keep using the pound as we do right now. It is not that hard to comprehend. I can't believe the debate will come down to this.
How it the degree of economic independence a future Scotland will have not a major issue. :confused:
After a little reflection, I feel the worst thing was the format, switching away for commentary and adverts. The commentary was frankly useless and boring. And I REALLY DID NOT want to hear from the lieutenants. But it really broke up any flow of the debate. I suppose the idea must have been to have something along the lines of a boxing match, but it didn't work for me.

Why did you not like the commentary, it is basically the same as the shite you post on here.
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How it the degree of economic independence a future Scotland will have not a major issue. :confused:

But it will be up to the people of Scotland ultimately. I hope they switch currency in the long-term, but to suggest that this issue is in any way significant is missing the point entirely.
But it will be up to the people of Scotland ultimately. I hope they switch currency in the long-term, but to suggest that this issue is in any way significant is missing the point entirely.
Can't agree with that at all, having your economic policy decided by another countries central bank would be hugely significant for me. I'm not going to pretend that representative democracy is some wonderful utopia but the shifting of economic decisions to the Bank of England was a regressive step, and Salmonds intention to have them continue to make economic decisions for a future Scotland is stupid.

I'm not saying that if I had a vote keeping the pound would make me vote no to independence but like the idea of keeping the Royal Family, staying in the EU etc it would dampen my enthusiasm for a yes vote.
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It really depends what you mean. A formal currency union - which Salmond wants - would result in Scottish representation in the Bank of England. I agree with you on currency, we should move away from the pound. But even in that context, a currency union should give more independence, or at least, central bank policies which suit the economic climate in Scotland. In the short-term, I do not really see a problem. Build up the trappings of the state first, then move onto a different currency system.
Can't agree with that at all, having your economic policy decided by another countries central bank would be hugely significant for me.
It isn't now, and wouldn't then be another country's central bank. It'd be the central bank of a currency union. (The name of the bank may be confusing, but it's a UK institution).

I don't support currency union, or for that matter handing the powers over interest rates to a central bank as at present, but the Bank of England is no more solely English than the English Chanel.
Something else occurred to me: the rest of the U.K. has benefited greatly from oil; but before the oil was discovered, how much did Scotland benefit from the rest of the U.K.?

Didn't Scotland have industry? Something about building ships and whatnot.
Indeed it did. My father used to work in the Glasgow shipyards in the 40s and 50s.

My old man used to supervise the construction for the the line he worked for and take delivery from some of the yards. Probably what gave him the mesothelioma that killed him last year. Riveting and building on the stocks out in the open into the 1950s...what the fuck were management thinking?
Just out of interest - why is it snp policy to have currency union with uk.?Seems to be the question that always makes the snp look weak.

Not being an SNP fan I don't KNOW but I think the theory for keeping the pound was so the whole Indy thing wasn't as scary to undecideds as it could be. Having to sort out a lot of stuff if we go Indy it would be 'easier' to retain the £ temporarily at least.
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