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Which urban posters will be entitled to Scots citizenship?

If Scotland goes indy, will I get citizenship?

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Hmm SO's dad is Scottish, I just have a Scottish name. So probably her and the kids would be fine and I wouldn't lol.
Currently, my only way back to the EU is through Italy via a Brazilian OH but because of ridiculous Italian patriarchal laws around male/female descendance, it involves a ludicrous high court process in Rome and me brushing up on my GCSE Italian. Annoyingly even though my Dad and two siblings are Irish, I cannot become Irish as he was British at the time of my birth.
Was your dad born in Ireland?
No. My Dad is a British guy who emigrated to Ireland in the 90s and then got citizenship after Brexit. His two other kids were born after he became a dual citizen to both Irish parents.

Literally none of my parents, grandparents, great grandparents or otherwise as far as I can date back had anything other than English lineage 'at the time of my birth' - key point.
Currently, my only way back to the EU is through Italy via a Brazilian OH but because of ridiculous Italian patriarchal laws around male/female descendance, it involves a ludicrous high court process in Rome and me brushing up on my GCSE Italian. Annoyingly even though my Dad and two siblings are Irish, I cannot become Irish as he was British at the time of my birth.

Can’t you just get the Eurostar?
:rolleyes: :D
I often thought this would be a great way for an independent Scotland in the EU to raise revenue.

1. Create something like the Irish common travel area. So England, Wales, Norn (and maybe the Republic, just for a laugh).

2. Come up with some kind of grandfather eligibility criteria for people within the common travel area who were UK citizens at independence.

3. Charge people in that criteria but not residents of Scotland £5000 or £10000 for a Scottish EU passport.

Kerching for the Scottish treasury and the EU would like it politically and practically.

The Scots with just need a way to force the Spanish not to oppose their membership. One for the auld alliance?
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Will people who are civilly partnered to people who were born in Scotland count?
I would imagine you would be in the same situation as Middle Q, your partner becomes a Scottish citizenship. You move there and after three years you apply for Scottish citizenship.
You probably won't be able to apply if you continue to live in the UK
Me. I live here and pay tax here, since the 1990s apart from brief spells of less than a year in England and Ireland.
My family have been Scots - working farmers- for about ten centuries, as long as records go back. It only changed with my grandfather's generation and I wouldn't know one end of a tractor or shire horse from another.

So, I'll guess I'll qualify for a hypothetical Scots citizenship that won;t be offered in any of our lifetimes.
My mum was a scot, does that give me options?
Options connected to citizenship? Not yet, but in the hypothetical event of a hypothetical SNP government of a hypothetical newly independent Scotland, the current SNP leadership would award you Scottish citizenship (and a nice passport). You wouldn’t have to give up British citizenship if you didn’t want to. But you would have to choose a favourite manufacturer of morning rolls and stick to it, remembering which you chose whenever challenged.
When they said they'd follow the Irish way, I thought they meant the old Irish rules where even a grandparent was enough. In which case I'd be in. But they mean the current Irish rules. 😔 Do I get points towards it for a Scottish grandad and naming my kid Malcolm?
The article doesn´t mention people married to a Scottish person. If they are included, I´m in!
I haven’t read the government document, but I don’t think that would be enough. I’m assuming neither you nor your spouse is living in Scotland. So your spouse can apply, but that doesn’t affect your status. You’d need to live in Scotland or have lived in Scotland previously for a certain number of years.

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