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Scottish government coalition dissolved (25/4/24)

Scottish Labour are going to call a vote of no confidence in the Scottish Government which is a step up from the Tory one about Humza himself.
Ah, OK. Well if they get the backing of the Greens and Ash Regan (I hesitate to call her “Alba”, because they’re such an irrelevance), then Holyrood elections here we come.
Agreed, because who was going to step up? But even without a credible alternative they’ve burned the bin to the ground.

Anus Sarwar and his zeal for privatising everything and introducing university tuition fees (Labour in Scotland have been itching to do this for years). Possibly with the bumptious haemorrhoid Alex Cole-Hamilton accessing the ministerial Prius on one of the less important portfolios - but breaking social media with 24 press releases an hour on the topic "the Liberal Demcorats voice in government is being heard- here I am emptying a bin in Prestonpans."

What a time to be alive.

And yes, the SNP created the conditions for these nonentites to approach power, with their loss of direction and abysmal politics. Even allowing for the difficult headwinds facing the SNP, Humza has managed to create a situation where his political future is in the hands of the fat linesman and Ash fucking Regan. If that doesn't demonstrate how cosmically shit he is at politics, I don't know what does.

There was literally no need to do what he did. Doing it made him look childish and acting in bad faith. Doing it has shown how few friends he has even within his own party, Doing it will mean either a) he's an ex FM and ex leader within 10 days or b) he clings on peevishly to the bitter end in 2026, stating that the vote is only advisory, and he doesn't have to go- meaning all the SNP's Westminster attack lines on the dying Tory government down there go up in smoke.

This disastrous miscalculation only ends in his resignation and the end of a frontline political career. It also hastens his party into a fractious and bitter period in opposition. Crazy stuff really.
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Anyone have any sense of how hard Scottish Tories are going to want to push this? Presumably they stand to lose a fair few MSPs if there's a new election? Will they only want to push it so far?

Existential hatred of the SNP who have been shoeing them for the best part of 25 years, and the scalp of a devolved government which has been itching powder under their expensive suits for 20 years, means that the fat linesman will not hesitate to sacrifice a few backbench MSPs that no one has heard of anyway.

Toppling the SNP in the run up to a GE can only play well for the Tories, a boost to morale and a rare reversal of a consistent downward trajectory.
Stephen Flynn's on maneouvres, on the one hand calling for "cool heads" and praising the resolve of the beleagured Yousaf, on the other someone's floating lines that he'd be interested in the SNP leadership and may seek entry to the Scots parliament via a by-election.

Flynn is a very capable performer but to be honest if I held an SNP Westminster seat I'd be cancelling everything and throwing all energies into making sure I still had my job after the General Election. There are growing rumours that Sunak will call an early election next week.

Looks a bit like badly timed hubris, to me.
I thought that the Alba MSP had already said she wouldn’t support that, so it’s a non-starter?


she has just submitted an open ended letter suggesting Humza gets on with the independence referendum agenda and stops being kind to trans people as conditions for her support.

If I were Humza I'd tell her where to stick her letter, but knowing how crap he is he'll probably have a cringing letter of acquiesence delivered on a silver tray to her door, by a butler wearing a wig and court shoes.

she has just submitted an open ended letter suggesting Humza gets on with the independence referendum agenda and stops being kind to trans people as conditions for her support.

If I were Humza I'd tell her where to stick her letter, but knowing how crap he is he'll probably have a cringing letter of acquiesence delivered on a silver tray to her door, by a butler wearing a wig and court shoes.

12:02 in Guardian live blog:

Alba says it would not back Labour bid to bring down Scottish government

Ash Regan, the only Alba party MSP, will not back Labour’s motion of no confidence in the Scottish government (see 10.53am), a spokesperson for the party has said. In a statement Alba said:

Anas Sarwar’s grandstanding is just an attempt to remain relevant. However, unionist parties should beware in their glee. As much as Humza Yousaf and the SNP find themselves in a tricky predicament, independence supporters will not turn back to the yoke of Tory and Labour mediocrity. Alba Party are now ensuring that independence supporters have a party they can turn to.

I think the open letter might relate to the vote of confidence in Humza personally?
Sky reporting that Humza will be speaking to the leaders of all the other parties over the next few hours.

Could he be looking for another coalition partner?
The SNP are in freefall with the fallout from Nicola Sturgeon resigning and the fraud charges against Peter Murrell, Humza Yousaf is a bit of a non-entity and there's been a lot of bad news stories rumbling away for a while (ferry contracts, hospital problems etc). Plus the current Scottish Greens are considered massively out of touch with the electorate in terms of being more concerned with identity politics so the SNP are hoping that publicly cutting ties will distract from their own shit show and save them a few votes.
Sad but true
Cheers weepiper grateful.

Are the greens going to get a thumping as well or is their vote pretty solid, and it's just the the SNP (internal/electoral) coalition that's falling apart?

Sort of reversed image of the Lib Dems at the 2015 GE?
They'll likely take a thumping. They were seen as untested at the time of the last election. Now they've given up half of their own values and have been SNP court jesters for a couple of years.
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