danny la rouge
More like *fanny* la rouge!
I can't get the STV stream here in Ireland. I'm hearing they can't even get it in the Borders.
it's ok DC! they are on the caseits been refusing to play for me for the last 25 minutes. Guess we'll be catching it on youtube tomorrow then inept cunts
I can't get the STV stream here in Ireland. I'm hearing they can't even get it in the Borders.
Good one ... 74drewThis is working for me, quick sign up required http://zattoo.com/watch/stv
Shit yes, that would have been a good idea!http://zattoo.com/watch/stv
This link works, but I'd use a throwaway email address
Not sure, he is focussing on a lot of crap that is neither here nor there ..Salmond is using his time better.
Nope, Salmond not forcing an answer from Darling.
Salmond is speaking to the audience; Darling is speaking to Salmond. Good tactic by Salmond.
Salmond is speaking to the audience; Darling is speaking to Salmond. Good tactic by Salmond.