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Will Gary Lineker be presenting Motd on Saturday?

I was talking more about dlr’s comment, which is pertinent, though to my mind possibly overly academic for a culture wars slanging match.

Personally, I think what Lineker said appeared to have coherence for some purely by chance, but I don’t have a great problem with that.

I’m mostly just enjoying the fireworks.
Nah not by chance. He made the statement about the UK's dismal record at taking refugees. Which is correct, and he had clearly checked the numbers first. Then he talked about German rhetoric in the 1930s. I don't doubt that that also came after some research that found solid equivalencies. It is the dehumanising language that is most striking, and that would most easily find equivalencies.

I think you're giving him too little credit here. The way he has refused to back down shows he has confidence in what he said. That confidence has come from having done his research first.
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Nah not by chance. He made the statement about the UK's dismal record at taking refugees. Which is correct, and he had clearly checked the numbers first. Then he talked about German rhetoric in the 1930s. I don't doubt that that also came after some research that found solid equivalencies.

I think you're giving him too little credit here. The way he has refused to back down shows he has confidence in what he said. That confidence has come from having done his research first.

I have respect for him not backing down. At least to the extent that I respect anyone with lots of “fuck you money” doing this.

We def need a better way of handling the needs of refugees. Can’t argue there.

Not too sure how it all links to the Nazis, but sure someone will be along to sort that bit out soon.
This is brilliant - it has snowballed rapidlly and the BBC have massively shot themselves in the foot. It has also shown that, though the gammony culture warrirors and their cheer leaders in government have loud voices, they are a minority. Most people will this as an outrageous assault on free speech - even those who dont agree with Linekers - hardly explosive - tweet. It has exposed the BBC's cowerdice and craven desire to appease the government and the baying gammon mob. It also exposes the reality of the "cancel culture" bullshit.
It has also robbed the government of control of how its vile refugee policy is framed (especally with labour too timid to attack it for what it is) - now most people understading of it will be framed through Lineker's tweet.
Im not quite jumping up from the sofa in unison with my mates shouting "fucking yes!!" - and smashing my glass topped coffee table in the process- when Lineker eqaulised agasint germany in Italia0 90, but Im definitely punching the air in appreciation.
I have respect for him not backing down. At least to the extent that I respect anyone with lots of “fuck you money” doing this.

We def need a better way of handling the needs of refugees. Can’t argue there.

Not too sure how it all links to the Nazis, but sure someone will be along to sort that bit out soon.
The obvious one is Rwanda. The Nazis mooted deporting Jews somewhere - Madagascar was mentioned - before settling on mass murder.

But there have been plenty of examples of Braverman using dehumanising language. And yes Lineker is a millionaire, but he means this shit. He's taken refugees into his home in the last year or two. Is he a soft liberal? In many ways, yeah. But is he a fucksite better than most others in his position in society? Yeah, he is.
The Jews that were trying to enter Germany in small boats controlled by criminal enterprises?

good one, cheers, dont stop
Come off it. Of course various exact circumstances were different, but the sentiment is the same. DEHUMANISE.

You're being a bit thick here.

Sorry - can you try another example of dehumanising language that is new rather than eg. traceable back at least 20 years?

Still fuck Suarez right.
Absolutely fuck Suarez, yes. Always. Since when does one piece of shit coming up (because of, oh I dunno, the context of the thread at the time) mean all other incidences of racism are forgiven? Tell me how exactly would Cavani have been relevant to the conversation? Did Henderson wear a shirt with him on as well? :rolleyes: give over. Any racist is a piece of shit, OBVIOUSLY.

Liverpool fan I'm guessing. Your club fucked up. Big time. Most have. It's apologised since, which Evra accepted, so have some humility about it yourself otherwise you're defensive yeah butting about racism and that's not a good look. Take it on trust from Millwall stock yeah :( you gotta be able to say when something was/is shit in your own camp otherwise you look like a dodgy apologist. It's the very basics of structural racism and white privilege.

Fuck me you can really see where the pubs kicked out on this thread can't you. Maybe I should have ignored that but ffs. And no, I can't sleep :mad:
Not too sure how it all links to the Nazis, but sure someone will be along to sort that bit out soon.
Associating refugees de facto with criminal activity; using words like 'menace' and 'invasion' to describe a fairly desperate group of people; stoking up tensions by implying they are a threat to the country i.e. 'billions'; resorting to draconian measures such as deportation and detention; and generally, politicising the mistreatment of a minority group for political gain.
Associating refugees de facto with criminal activity; using words like 'menace' and 'invasion' to describe a fairly desperate group of people; stoking up tensions by implying they are a threat to the country i.e. 'billions'; resorting to draconian measures such as deportation and detention; and generally, politicising the mistreatment of a minority group for political gain.

Yeah, I saw the “billions” quote. That was pretty mental.
This is brilliant - it has snowballed rapidlly and the BBC have massively shot themselves in the foot. It has also shown that, though the gammony culture warrirors and their cheer leaders in government have loud voices, they are a minority. Most people will this as an outrageous assault on free speech - even those who dont agree with Linekers - hardly explosive - tweet. It has exposed the BBC's cowerdice and craven desire to appease the government and the baying gammon mob. It also exposes the reality of the "cancel culture" bullshit.
It has also robbed the government of control of how its vile refugee policy is framed (especally with labour too timid to attack it for what it is) - now most people understading of it will be framed through Lineker's tweet.
Im not quite jumping up from the sofa in unison with my mates shouting "fucking yes!!" - and smashing my glass topped coffee table in the process- when Lineker eqaulised agasint germany in Italia0 90, but Im definitely punching the air in appreciation.
I'm loving the shooting themselves in the foot but the BBC is massively milking this now in its death throes.
first they blocked Gary from the BBC-then they stopped Ian from the BBC, then they blocked you from the BBC.then they blocked me from the BBC etc 😱 ….. and then we had to watch ITV !!!
Read a book, ffs. :D

Umberto Eco's Ur-Fascism
5. Besides, disagreement is a sign of diversity. Ur-Fascism grows up and seeks for consensus by exploiting and exacerbating the natural fear of difference. The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.

7. To people who feel deprived of a clear social identity, Ur-Fascism says that their only privilege is the most common one, to be born in the same country. This is the origin of nationalism. Besides, the only ones who can provide an identity to the nation are its enemies. Thus at the root of the Ur-Fascist psychology there is the obsession with a plot, possibly an international one. The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia. But the plot must also come from the inside: Jews are usually the best target because they have the advantage of being at the same time inside and outside. In the US, a prominent instance of the plot obsession is to be found in Pat Robertson’s The New World Order, but, as we have recently seen, there are many others.
bbc breakfast now running the linekar story with added input from Andrew Neil. you couldn't script it.
How the BBC didn't see that coming, honestly.

I think a lot of the current Tories and their fellow travellers have drunk so much of the 'Silent Majority' Kool-Aid that they actually believe this bullshit and reckon that most people in the country are racist fucks and this move would be supported. The people may not be dyed-in-the-wool lefties but most draw the line at out-and-out xenophobia.

By banning Linaker and Attenborough, they are making people who normally don't follow politics look up and pay attention as Linaker and Attenborough are part of the establishment in a lot of people's minds.
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