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Will Gary Lineker be presenting Motd on Saturday?

I wish he'd present it more often... As much as I want to enjoy Alex Scott, and like the fact her presence winds up some gammons, it just feels a bit like someone on work experience. Makes it a bit awkward to watch.
She's not as sharp as Lineker, that's true, but that can come with experience. I'm sure he was bricking it when Des went to ITV.

Jermaine Jenas seems to be heading down the presenting route, over punditry, although whether he wants to do sports presenting, outside the Olympics, I don't know. Lineker is 62, so I suppose he could give it up relatively soon.
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She's fine imo and she has a lot of credit in the bank after what that tory twat said about her grammar.

Edit: not technically a tory but an 'independent' peer, digby jones. Used to be the head of the rapey CBI. The tory twat.
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Jenas might be OK as the main host longer term. In fact as I write doesn't he do some daytime tv? He seems pretty polished.
I like Alex Scott, but when Lineker starter he was a bag of nerves.

There's a difference between commentating on the sofa and commentating on TV.

She will come good.

The one that surprised me is Micah Richards.
Man is born for TV in this generation
Richards just laughs a lot. But most of our pundits apart from a few - Neville, Carragher, Keane. - are just there as a name. People like Wright who seems a lovely guy but not sure he gives much 'insight' over what you'd get off your mate in the pub. The ex Chelsea women's manager Emma Hayes is really good.
I don’t really watch football but caught a game on BT this week and noticed there were 4 pundits. For 15 minutes of halftime, if you deduct 5 minutes for two advert breaks and assume the lead presenter will waffle for a minute or so, then that’s around 2 minutes each.

Assuming one covers attack, one defence then what do the other two do?
I don’t really watch football but caught a game on BT this week and noticed there were 4 pundits. For 15 minutes of halftime, if you deduct 5 minutes for two advert breaks and assume the lead presenter will waffle for a minute or so, then that’s around 2 minutes each.

Assuming one covers attack, one defence then what do the other two do?
Well, at least one of them sells crisps.
I don’t really watch football but caught a game on BT this week and noticed there were 4 pundits. For 15 minutes of halftime, if you deduct 5 minutes for two advert breaks and assume the lead presenter will waffle for a minute or so, then that’s around 2 minutes each.

Assuming one covers attack, one defence then what do the other two do?
Yeah - bugger all. They must know most people don't even watch at half time so it's all ads now. They do a hell of a lot of waffle at the end which they use on Youtube etc.
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