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why the bbc is going down the pan

'sports people get off plane' trumping all other news at the moment. Its things like this and royal coverage which make you realise how utterly sychophantic they are at the beeb.
'sports people get off plane' trumping all other news at the moment. Its things like this and royal coverage which make you realise how utterly sychophantic they are at the beeb.
Royal coverage? What Royal coverage? Is it on now? Is it the Queen? She always dresses lovely.
Scare piece on BBC News channel now about MDMA, "one of the main ingredients in ecstasy". Apparently it's getting stronger and the people taking it are getting younger, some as young as 18 :eek:. It's even available on the internet these days. Apparently someone died after taking one pill. This is put to current MDMA users and they're told they're lucky to be alive.
Yet again they're running an article on disgraced minister Liam Fox but forgetting to use the 'disgraced' prefix. It's like facts don't matter to them anymore.
The beeb? For sure. But how would you have done the article, iyswim? Genuine question, not having a pop :)
Off the top of my head, I'd leave out the trivialising rubbish about badges and Monty Python. And just get basic facts right - whatever you may think of Trotsky he did not "break with Lenin and Stalin in the 1930s", as A) Lenin was already dead by then, B) Trotters had already been expelled from the USSR by then, and C) El Trotto always claimed to be the true inheritor of Lenin, and therefore could not in any sense be said to have "broken" with him.

Seriously, krtek these are just basic facts - you'd think the Beeb journo would have been taught them in Oxbridge/her expensive private school. Getting basic facts right shouldn't be a luxury optional extra, should it?
Off the top of my head, I'd leave out the trivialising rubbish about badges and Monty Python. And just get basic facts right - whatever you may think of Trotsky he did not "break with Lenin and Stalin in the 1930s", as A) Lenin was already dead by then, B) Trotters had already been expelled from the USSR by then, and C) El Trotto always claimed to be the true inheritor of Lenin, and therefore could not in any sense be said to have "broken" with him.

Seriously, krtek these are just basic facts - you'd think the Beeb journo would have been taught them in Oxbridge/her expensive private school. Getting basic facts right shouldn't be a luxury optional extra, should it?

I agree, yes, of course the facts need to be just that and leave out the badges and Python stuff. I was just wondering - besides the poor quality journalism on display there - how you or anyone else here would file such a story. What would you say, in essence? If you were assigned that task by the editor or head of news etc?

(And if I may add; not all of the thousands of people who work for the beeb have Oxbridge/expensive private school backgrounds)
(And if I may add; not all of the thousands of people who work for the beeb have Oxbridge/expensive private school backgrounds)


I agree, yes, of course the facts need to be just that and leave out the badges and Python stuff. I was just wondering - besides the poor quality journalism on display there - how you or anyone else here would file such a story. What would you say, in essence? If you were assigned that task by the editor or head of news etc?

(And if I may add; not all of the thousands of people who work for the beeb have Oxbridge/expensive private school backgrounds)
No, but a disproportionate number do. Remember 7% of the UK population is privately educated.

I was referring to the people on the ground; runners, porters, canteen staff, drivers, lifters, IT, librarians, staff who are never seen on telly and so on...

No, but a disproportionate number do. Remember 7% of the UK population is privately educated.

Ok, understood. And perhaps the journo in question is privately educated. I was just wondering how the urban who know their stuff would have presented an easy to comprehend article (without the frivolity and incorrect statements)...
I was referring to the people on the ground; runners, porters, canteen staff, drivers, lifters, IT, librarians, staff who are never seen on telly and so on...
And who should have been given the assignment.

Ok, understood. And perhaps the journo in question is privately educated. I was just wondering how the urban who know their stuff would have presented an easy to comprehend article (without the frivolity and incorrect statements)...
For the most part, with aplomb.
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