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Why Labour are Scum

Leadership contenders and other senior people now queuing up to junk various mildly social democratic policies by which the Miliband-led party sought to differentiate itself from the Tories.

How Labour politicians disowned the party’s key policies - Manifesto pledges hurriedly dropped or finessed after the general election defeat
Labour figures have disowned their party’s key policies with almost indecent haste since their general election drubbing. Here are the key manifesto pledges that have been dropped or finessed since 7 May:

Mansion tax
Free schools
EU referendum
Welfare cuts
NHS privatisation
Energy bill cap
right wing commentators refer to Michael Foot's 1983 manifesto as "the longest suicide note in history".

If that's true then this leadership camapign is nothing more than an extended funeral oration for the party. A desperately mediocre Dutch auction of mean spirited right wing politics, fronted by abolsute nobodies.

At this moment in time it really is hard to see how Labour will ever govern again. As othes have said, if you want mean spirited right wing politics and crony-capitalist corruption, the Tories are much more efficient in delivering it. If the route to power is to become more like the Tories, then one has to ask, what is the purpose of power in the first place- why bother?
right wing commentators refer to Michael Foot's 1983 manifesto as "the longest suicide note in history".

If that's true then this leadership camapign is nothing more than an extended funeral oration for the party. A desperately mediocre Dutch auction of mean spirited right wing politics, fronted by abolsute nobodies.

At this moment in time it really is hard to see how Labour will ever govern again. As othes have said, if you want mean spirited right wing politics and crony-capitalist corruption, the Tories are much more efficient in delivering it. If the route to power is to become more like the Tories, then one has to ask, what is the purpose of power in the first place- why bother?

The sad thing being that the absolute nobodies see themselves as better propositions than Miliband, and they are.
For capitalism.
It's quite a shock to find out that Miliband actually was the most left wing of all of them.

Apparently most of the Labour party didn't even support their own policies, and they wonder why they lost the election.
It's quite a shock to find out that Miliband actually was the most left wing of all of them.

Apparently most of the Labour party didn't even support their own policies, and they wonder why they lost the election.
That fag paper between the two under Milliband is starting to look like Springfield gorge. I can see the Labour party having a familiar fate as they cross it.
It's quite a shock to find out that Miliband actually was the most left wing of all of them.

Apparently most of the Labour party didn't even support their own policies, and they wonder why they lost the election.

This presupposes that they have any actual beliefs of their own beyond self-enrichment and the acquisition of power. I see little evidence that they do.
What is your answer to these questions?
I don't see UNITE breaking in the sense of Len issuing a call and leading the troops out. It might happen in stages - with Scotland voting to disaffiliate from Scottish Labour, and triggering a wider debate.

More broadly, I think the reality is that building a new party is not a short term prospect - but that the demand for a political alternative is clearly out there, and new forms of organisation are needed to give expression to it. The idea that we'll just have one-off national (ie London) based set-piece mobilisations and then go home again until the next one is just as depressing.
right wing commentators refer to Michael Foot's 1983 manifesto as "the longest suicide note in history".

If that's true then this leadership camapign is nothing more than an extended funeral oration for the party. A desperately mediocre Dutch auction of mean spirited right wing politics, fronted by abolsute nobodies.

At this moment in time it really is hard to see how Labour will ever govern again. As othes have said, if you want mean spirited right wing politics and crony-capitalist corruption, the Tories are much more efficient in delivering it. If the route to power is to become more like the Tories, then one has to ask, what is the purpose of power in the first place- why bother?

There's no hopefor Labour in terms of being a force for change because the mentality is set in stone now. Blair became leader in 94, so unless you're at least in your 30's, Labour being this right-wing doesn't even seem wrong to you. "Left-wing" doesn't mean collective ownership of the means of production to the young, it means not being rabidly anti-immigration and being pro-NHS. Labour have given in to the Tories to such an extent that their government, policy and even language has been colonised beyond the point of repair. Imagine what a bunch of cunts the next generation of Labour MPs will be. There won't even be the slightest memory for them as Labour as a socially democratic party, let alone a socialist one. Anyone vaguely principled will run a mile from them.
Yes exactly Favelado - when Clause 4 was dismantled, the writing was on the wall...and the whole idea of a political class (or a media or legal class or in fact, any grouping with any percieved smidgeon of power) has been a further segregation of the privately educated and socially connected middle classes while we, the labouring masses are simply reduced to human capital.

Of course, any organic system will ultimately be scuppered by lack of diversity and failure to adapt so therein lies a window of opportunity for creative and pragmatic solutions from the despised underclass...but without any sort of collective solidarity, people are always vulnerable to corruption, blandishments and gestures of acceptance from those with power...as the current crop of mediocre (but greedy) politicians (of any stripe) merely illustrates. One of 'us' indeed.
There's no hopefor Labour in terms of being a force for change because the mentality is set in stone now. Blair became leader in 94, so unless you're at least in your 30's, Labour being this right-wing doesn't even seem wrong to you. "Left-wing" doesn't mean collective ownership of the means of production to the young, it means not being rabidly anti-immigration and being pro-NHS. Labour have given in to the Tories to such an extent that their government, policy and even language has been colonised beyond the point of repair. Imagine what a bunch of cunts the next generation of Labour MPs will be. There won't even be the slightest memory for them as Labour as a socially democratic party, let alone a socialist one. Anyone vaguely principled will run a mile from them.

I wonder if there'll come a time (after another electoral kicking perhaps) when they declare that the problem is the name of the party, and that they need something more modern. 'Democratic Party' perhaps...
But with the name 'Labour' they can still blather on about how 'they' invnted the NHS and the welfare state etc. One thing these cunts do care about is branding, and they know they've got a marketable brand here.

And how would they come up with another name when they stand for abosultly nothing? They can't be the 'we want to be in power so we can get all those lucrative non-executiv directorships we've been promised' party can they?
Andy Burnham has said we should boycott the 2018 world cup, which just goes to show that his PR man has told him to pretend to care and that he wants people to see the name 'Andy Burnham' in the papers.

Surely those dead migrant workers only have themselves to blame Andy? For not being aspirational enough?
Burnham in his speech at Ernst and Young:

"Far too rarely over the last few years has Labour spoken up in praise of the everyday heroes of our society. The small businessman or woman. The sole trader. The innovator, the inventor, the entrepreneur. The businesses that feed us, cloth us, keep our houses warm, get us to work, entertain us"

Miliband just didn't gobble you lot enough... I'll show him how it is done! :facepalm:
Next time I eat out I'm going to make sure to follow Andy's lead and tell the worker to pass on my thanks to the owner for ensuring I was able to eat. Where would be without their incredible philanthropy?
As much as I love my gridiron football it does irk me no end when once a team wins the supebowl - the trophy gets handed to the owner first ...
"Far too rarely over the last few years has Labour spoken up in praise of the everyday heroes of our society. The small businessman or woman. The sole trader. The innovator, the inventor, the entrepreneur. The businesses that feed us, cloth us, keep our houses warm, get us to work, entertain us"

And the landlord who keeps a roof over your head I suppose :rolleyes:
Burnham in his speech at Ernst and Young:

"Far too rarely over the last few years has Labour spoken up in praise of the everyday heroes of our society. The small businessman or woman. The sole trader. The innovator, the inventor, the entrepreneur. The businesses that feed us, cloth us, keep our houses warm, get us to work, entertain us"

Miliband just didn't gobble you lot enough... I'll show him how it is done! :facepalm:
Huff had this text of Burnham's E&Y speech....not sure if it's what he said or pre-release stuff. Either way...pretty shocking, even by their own piss-poor 'standards'.:facepalm:
"Far too rarely over the last few years has Labour spoken up in praise of the everyday heroes of our society. The small businessman or woman; the sole trader; the innovator, the inventor, the entrepreneur. The small businesses that become big businesses.

"The people with the creative spark to think of a new idea and the get-up-and-go to make it work. Who often have to fight against the odds to succeed, but put in the hours, the sweat and the hard graft to do it.

"So I want this message to go out loud and clear today: in a Labour Party I lead, they will be as much our heroes as the nurse or the teacher."
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