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Why Labour are Scum

"The people with the creative spark to think of a new idea and the get-up-and-go to make it work. Who often have to fight against the odds to succeed, but put in the hours, the sweat and the hard graft to do it.

"So I want this message to go out loud and clear today: in a Labour Party I lead, they will be as much our heroes as the nurse or the teacher."

Translation: fuck you nurses and teachers.
I don't see UNITE breaking in the sense of Len issuing a call and leading the troops out. It might happen in stages - with Scotland voting to disaffiliate from Scottish Labour, and triggering a wider debate.

More broadly, I think the reality is that building a new party is not a short term prospect - but that the demand for a political alternative is clearly out there, and new forms of organisation are needed to give expression to it. The idea that we'll just have one-off national (ie London) based set-piece mobilisations and then go home again until the next one is just as depressing.

That's how Rees and German and Co, operate, its as if they want to dampen down opposition.
His bro has checked out the "solar weather" and predicts he will win. Wonder if the Express will run that on their front page?


I seem to remember his brother's weather predictions are/were quite accurate, but I reckon he'd better stick to what he knows rather than trying to branch out into political punditry...
Corbyn is obsessed with internationalism, anti-imperialism, nuclear disarmanent, afaik, he hasn't done much on 'basics' social security, housing, etc, willing to be put right though.

shame John McDonnell isn't on it again
No that's not right - he is a big internationalist (and good on him) but he's also done quite a bit on the housing crisis in London and calling for rent controls and council house building.
No that's not right - he is a big internationalist (and good on him) but he's also done quite a bit on the housing crisis in London and calling for rent controls and council house building.

As I said ready to be corrected, and nothing wrong with internationalism, its crucial, but basic issues are crucial too.
Ed's back in the chamber for the attack on Osbornes 5% cuts in non protected dept's to be announced today.

Re: above link to article that's by Wintour, he is a Blairite/Tory.

Oh, and Chris Leslie describes the new 23,000 benefit cap as 'necessary'

Update: Milliband has come out fighting, defending benefit claimants, challenging the 12 billion cuts form the most vulnerable.
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Many Labour supporters were relieved the party did not win the election, acting leader Harriet Harman has said.

She said people lacked confidence in Labour's leadership abilities and economic credibility, and felt it had the "wrong message".
As part of its election campaign Labour held six million conversations with voters across the UK - something which was hailed by Mr Miliband on the eve of the election.

But Ms Harman said many voters felt its message was not relevant to them, saying it was seen as on the side of "people on benefits" and not those who "work hard".

"It doesn't matter how many leaflets you deliver if the message is not right," she added.

Fuck off.
Many Labour supporters were relieved the party did not win the election, acting leader Harriet Harman has said.

Yup, nothing Labour supporters love more than ten years of Tory government.

A general piece of advice for Labour party types: before you say anything in public, write it down and read it back to yourself. Ask yourself, is what I'm saying here ridiculous deranged bullshit and/or completely meaningless drivel? If the answer is yes, tear it up and think of something else to say. Or just kill yourself.
But Ms Harman said many voters felt its message was not relevant to them, saying it was seen as on the side of "people on benefits" and not those who "work hard".

Then maybe you should have made the point that most benefits go to working or retired people who wouldn't need them if their employers paid them decent wages and gave them decent pension schemes.
And I'm not a politician or anything, so how come these cretins who supposedly do this for a living can't comprehend the basic principles of how society works?

I think they do comprehend but are just pandering to the Daily Mail mentality of many people about benefit recipients - which makes it even worse. :mad:
Frontrunner to be next leader receives less than warm response at event during union conference after refusing to say whether he opposes £23,000 annual cap

Andy Burnham, the frontrunner for the Labour leadership, was jeered during the first hustings at a trade union conference when he refused to say outright whether he was opposed to an annual benefits cap of £23,000.

He said the issue was complex and could not be answered with the simple yes or no sought by the chair of the proceedings on Tuesday, the Daily Mirror journalist Kevin Maguire.
Translation: my PR bloke has yet to tell me where I stand on this. Pathetic.



Bit of a find this: a whole cohort of Blairites, proto spin doctors(Phil Collins) and Journo's including the odious Purnell(who knew the damage he would go on to cause to vulnerable lives then) but also Andy Burnham, in an ill fitting suit.

I would have thought this story is more at home in the "Why the Guardian and/or Telegraph are shit" threads than this one, TBH. If this is your idea of a significant example of Labour being scum, then there's a whole lot of other stuff you appear to be missing.

It might even be worth starting a "Why are treelover's posts becoming ever more hyperbolically OMG :eek: about relatively minor issues which he has noticed elsewhere?" thread, though I'm not sure that I can actually be bothered
I would have thought this story is more at home in the "Why the Guardian and/or Telegraph are shit" threads than this one, TBH. If this is your idea of a significant example of Labour being scum, then there's a whole lot of other stuff you appear to be missing.

It might even be worth starting a "Why are treelover's posts becoming ever more hyperbolically OMG :eek: about relatively minor issues which he has noticed elsewhere?" thread, though I'm not sure that I can actually be bothered

Oh grow up, its an open board, I will post what I like.
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