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Why Labour are Scum

Talking of which, I heard that vile little shit Parsons talking about his 'concept' of the "anything but working class" on R4 this morning. I know, I know...it's my own fault and all that...I do normally turn over to R6 before that fucking smug vicar's programme...but today I obviously forgot.:(
Children from white working class backgrounds in particular need to be taught more about aspiration and the chance to improve their lives, Liz Kendall, one of the Labour leadership candidates, has said.

Aspiration = Hatred of the unemployed, disabled and working poor

Yup, the implication is crystal clear. If you're poor, it's because you don't have enough aspirations. Never mind Blairism, it's pretty much unreconstructed Thatcherism. The next square in the big game of catchphrase bingo is 'a rising tide raises all boats'.
Meanwhile Burnham said...
.....he wanted to counter the perception that Labour gave an easy ride to some people in society who “did not want to help themselves”. He said Labour was right to challenge “indiscriminate welfare cuts”, including the bedroom tax, but he suggested there should be further cuts at some level short of the Tory proposal for £12bn of savings.

It should be probably somewhere in between [zero and £12bn], shouldn’t it?” he said. “These are things we’re going to look at. I’ve not today got specifics. But I am saying Labour does need to win back those people who have that feeling about us.”
Talking of which, I heard that vile little shit Parsons talking about his 'concept' of the "anything but working class" on R4 this morning. I know, I know...it's my own fault and all that...I do normally turn over to R6 before that fucking smug vicar's programme...but today I obviously forgot.:(

I heard that, and his spiel about the 'benefits culture' he pontificates about in The Sun,(does he still know anyone on benefits)he really is a reactionary shit isn't he, like that former WRP member John Bird.
He says this applied to a whole series of policy areas. In rail, Labour’s pledge to allow the state to bid for franchises strayed too close to nationalisation. In banking, its pledge to impose limits on individual banks’ market share smacked of clunky state intervention.


Chris Leslie this time, FFs, nationalising the railways is a popular policy.

Meanwhile on Owen Jones twitter he is quoting Caroline Flint as saying in a Sun article "we must attack benefit scroungers"

no link, I really hope he has misinterpreted her, but unlikely
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Apparently the Labour Party has nothing better to do than monitor social media to kick people supportive of Scottish Nationalism out of the party


Nice party.
Apparently the Labour Party has nothing better to do than monitor social media to kick people supportive of Scottish Nationalism out of the party


Nice party.
Interesting that they mentioned the reapplication shit as though they be receiving anything from this person that hasn't been ejected from there body. Cheeky fucks. I wonder if any of the statements made by party members here would be enough to get them the boot.
Interesting that they mentioned the reapplication shit as though they be receiving anything from this person that hasn't been ejected from there body. Cheeky fucks. I wonder if any of the statements made by party members here would be enough to get them the boot.

Also are Labour party members who urged votes for the Tories to keep the SNP out going to be expelled?

I'd compare this to a political crackdown but honestly it's more like Barclays' Compliance Officer trawling through social media to find employees moaning about their day at work in order to sack them.
Also are Labour party members who urged votes for the Tories to keep the SNP out going to be expelled?

I'd compare this to a political crackdown but honestly it's more like Barclays' Compliance Officer trawling through social media to find employees moaning about their day at work in order to sack them.
Hopefully they'll be quietly disappeared by a man in a twenty year old Mondeo.
45,000 now joined the Labour Party in the last three weeks... :confused::facepalm::eek: Yes, I don't get it either and I'm a member! :)

It'll be that cheap/free membership that allows people to vote on the leadership. How many will be Tory troublemakers signing up to vote for the shittest candidate? (admittedly, in a bucket of turd, it must be a difficult choice to pick the turdiest).
It's standard to boot out members found campaigning for other parties isn't it? Don't see anything particularly weird about that letter.
It's standard to boot out members found campaigning for other parties isn't it? Don't see anything particularly weird about that letter.
The letter referred to his expressed voting intention (reported by a social media informant to the 'compliance officer'). That's not really 'campaigning', is it? Just a bit shit...even for a political party.
support, campaign, whatever - it's a bit vindictive, but not particularly out of the ordinary. And there's no trawling needed - another party member who's friends with him on twitter will have just reported him is all.
A letter saying that they are sorry he feels disillusioned and asking him to take part in changing Labour's future a better strategy surely? Even if futile in this case, you shouldn't go round sending arsey letters that end up on political forums (for example), when your popularity is at an all time low. A bit of emotional intelligence at least.
It'll be that cheap/free membership that allows people to vote on the leadership. How many will be Tory troublemakers signing up to vote for the shittest candidate? (admittedly, in a bucket of turd, it must be a difficult choice to pick the turdiest).
If there was an actual left wing candiadate a few thousand tory saboteurs would be a good thing.
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