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Why Labour are Scum

She's just got something about her that makes my skin crawl. Like a cross between Michael Howard and Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter movies.
I can never recognise her until she's introduced (either my memory or her forgetable face) and always assume she's the Tory on the panel :(
It's been a hellish week, even by usual standards - MEPs back TTIP, the government and her loyal opposition attack impoverished children and Greece capitulates to Eurocrat vermin. :(
Tory MEP's (naturally) and 1 Libdem MEP are the only one's iv'e seen backing it. The rest, and the majority from what i can tell, oppose it. FWIW
Tory MEP's (naturally) and 1 Libdem MEP are the only one's iv'e seen backing it. The rest, and the majority from what i can tell, oppose it. FWIW

In the Euro parliament 436 voted in favour, 241 against and 32 abstained. The Labour group have expressed opposition to the treaty being enforced through secretive arbitration courts and want to secure various protections for public goods, but by and large they support it.
In the Euro parliament 436 voted in favour, 241 against and 32 abstained. The Labour group have expressed opposition to the treaty being enforced through secretive arbitration courts and want to secure various protections for public goods, but by and large they support it.
Let's say I'm not going to agree with much of what Labour do, but can they get some ideas, anything, for fuck's sake. They think the left of the party are holding them back, but the right hasn't got anything to offer at all in terms of policy. Do they think they can win in 2020 by saying Conservative policy in a nicer way, sometimes in a Northern accent? Or maybe knowing their way round the trendier bits of London better than the Tories? Some of them used to be DJs you know. Chukka Khan, Chukka Khan let me rock you Chukka Khan. George Osborne's never been to Dalston Superstore, but Stella Creasy goes past on the bus to Walthamstow, like, all the time.

They're pointless. If you're a Tory, you're going to vote Tory. If you're a social democrat, you might vote Green now. If you're a socialist, well tough shit for voting. Labour are a party for no-one. Maybe the mildly confused.
In the Euro parliament 436 voted in favour, 241 against and 32 abstained. The Labour group have expressed opposition to the treaty being enforced through secretive arbitration courts and want to secure various protections for public goods, but by and large they support it.

If it's such a great idea, why does anything need protecting from it?
He seems to forget that you can marry at 16. Totally fucking crazy that a 16 year old married couple can do things together, that they could not see in a cinema, or buy a DVD with shows it. Old enough to marry, yet can't buy a can of beer or vote.

You can join the fucking army before you can vote in this country.
I'm going to make a wild guess and say that, on the basis of his position on previous and ongoing threads, Sasaferrato is not terribly concerned about that

Well naturally. Does wonders for a young lad, army life. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger what? Unless it blows your legs off, then it just makes you shorter.
I'm going to make a wild guess and say that, on the basis of his position on previous and ongoing threads, Sasaferrato is not terribly concerned about that

Well, I certainly am not against people joining the army. I am a little concerned that people make an assumption that everyone joining is going to be on the front line. There are many trades within the forces which do not put people in harms way, and being reasonably paid whilst training is certainly good.
There's another thread about the military grooming kids already, this one is about Labour being scum.
Yes, in Boys Service. 18 for the front line though.

Would that the letter of the law were adhered to, but there were plenty of instances of 17-and-a-half year olds doing frontline service in Iraq and Afghanistan on the basis of "they'll be 18 by the time the posting is over".
“We have to listen and respond to that, and that is why we are going to be voting against the welfare bill we are not going to be voting against the household welfare cap and we are going to be understanding the point about three or more children,” she added.

She said she had heard working families “say so often we have got one child, we would really like another but we cannot just afford it because the child care is too expensive”.

She argued these families were working hard and they think it was unfair that others could have the bigger families they would love to have if they were in a position to do that.

Who does she mean when she talks about 'hard working families' and those who have 'big families' one day they could be a big hard working family, then two redundancies, then they no longer the former, they become 'scroungers' in Harmans eyes.
Who does she mean when she talks about 'hard working families' and those who have 'big families' one day they could be a big hard working family, then two redundancies, then they no longer the former, they become 'scroungers' in Harmans eyes.
It's fucking bullshit, what they mean is they 'can't have' more children because they don't want to give up the stuff that I don't have because I have three kids. I don't have holidays, I have a crappy tiny flat, all our electrical stuff is old or secondhand and I have a 14 year old car that I'm probably going to have to get shot of now because I can't keep it running with the tax credit cuts. How dare they pretend that I have everything they do.
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