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Why Labour are Scum

All these cunts that like to bang on about what an easy life it is on benefits. If it's so fucking easy, give up your job and join in. Otherwise keep your gob shut.

Those cunts are the real purveyors of a "politics of envy" - they're bitterly jealous of anyone they suspect of putting one over on them, however spurious the grounds are for their assumptions.
People wonder why I support a class war - well, the sort of middle-class mank-bags that come out with shite tropes about benefits, are a part of why.
'It's not fair, I'd love to have loads of kids like poor people do but then I'd be poor'.

Someone who worries about having enough disposable income before they worry about children, wouldn't be my ideal parent. If they can't see that there's nowt wrong with being poor, they're unable to think beyond their own comforts.
But then, like a lot of my contemporaries, I come from a household that had fuck-all disposable income, and 4 kids in the house. Oddly enough, we did okay!
All these cunts that like to bang on about what an easy life it is on benefits. If it's so fucking easy, give up your job and join in. Otherwise keep your gob shut.
There was a person on - sigh - Sunday Morning Live this morning who said that if a pregnant woman couldn't afford a sofa she should make do with sleeping on the floor.

She was sat next to Charlie Wolf.
There was a person on - sigh - Sunday Morning Live this morning who said that if a pregnant woman couldn't afford a sofa she should make do with sleeping on the floor.

She was sat next to Charlie Wolf.

Yes, she is a family lawyer who also said that because she lived in one room for a time with her family, then anyone who is poor should do so, bonkers, but these views are getting traction.
The things is if there is a new party of the left as some people across social media are calling for, who would 'lead' it, John Rees?
Yes, she is a family lawyer who also said that because she lived in one room for a time with her family, then anyone who is poor should do so, bonkers, but these views are getting traction.
Noone even questions why such people are invited to a discussion about benefits. Last I heard CHarlie Wolf was a right wing radio presenter, an ambassador for the US republicans. Not anyone working in the system in any way with any experience.
There was a person on - sigh - Sunday Morning Live this morning who said that if a pregnant woman couldn't afford a sofa she should make do with sleeping on the floor.
I have clients like this. I spend an inordinant amount of time requesting funds from every charity in the book to buy bits of furniture for them. :(
I have clients like this. I spend an inordinant amount of time requesting funds from every charity in the book to buy bits of furniture for them. :(

Clearly they need to sleep on the floor.

Even then, down among the bugs and vermin, they'd still be miles above the fucking tories.

The things is if there is a new party of the left as some people across social media are calling for, who would 'lead' it, John Rees?

He seems ok...?

I'm sure someone will tell me how wrong I am. I don't know the guy. I've heard him speak on the youtubes and like i say he seems ok.
There was a person on - sigh - Sunday Morning Live this morning who said that if a pregnant woman couldn't afford a sofa she should make do with sleeping on the floor.

She was sat next to Charlie Wolf.

I slept on a floor for about 2 years as a 20-something. It wasn't fun, and arguably did my joints a severe disservice that has come home to roost as arthritis.
Clearly they need to sleep on the floor.

Even then, down among the bugs and vermin, they'd still be miles above the fucking tories.

He seems ok...?

I'm sure someone will tell me how wrong I am. I don't know the guy. I've heard him speak on the youtubes and like i say he seems ok.

I wouldn't piss on Rees if he were burning, unless I happened to be pissing petrol at the time. The man's a plastic revolutionary vanguardist twat who'll say anything his paymaster (whoever that happens to be at any given moment) requires.
There was a person on - sigh - Sunday Morning Live this morning who said that if a pregnant woman couldn't afford a sofa she should make do with sleeping on the floor.

Fucking hell that sounds like something out of a Dostoevsky novel :facepalm: :mad:
Who does she mean when she talks about 'hard working families' and those who have 'big families' one day they could be a big hard working family, then two redundancies, then they no longer the former, they become 'scroungers' in Harmans eyes.
The thing is that we are now learning that "scrounger" for both Labour and the Tories includes people who previously thought they were "hard working families": people in work but relying on tax credits.
I wouldn't piss on Rees if he were burning, unless I happened to be pissing petrol at the time. The man's a plastic revolutionary vanguardist twat who'll say anything his paymaster (whoever that happens to be at any given moment) requires.
Can you go into more detail? He seems pretty sincere - as far as I we can see. Who are his paymasters?
Can you go into more detail? He seems pretty sincere - as far as I we can see. Who are his paymasters?

He's a former functionary of the SWP, current member of Counterfire (better known for its failed non-unionised caff than for its politics) and his paymasters are whoever hire him to write a story.
I'm sure Rees seems sincere - perhaps he is sincere - but he's been part of the vanguardist left for so long that he appears to truly believe that he one of the chosen few who should lead us, come the revolution. Of course, like any good leader, he'll stay in a bunker until the shooting has stopped....
Scum and why. Leaving aside grand theories I asked my M.P. why it was that the reddest of the red Labour Authorities in the land could allow Starfucks to have a franchise in my NHS Labour controlled hospital without them doing a single thing. In with the tax dodgers and out with The League Of Friends or indeed any local people - of which there are many who could have provided a service. Likewise the hospital shop selling water at £1.50 a bottle.

And they wonder why people don't vote for them.
Some people seem to think it's "aspirational" to look at the poor like shit on the bottom of your shoe. At least it's beginning to be challenged within the PLP - even if a substantial section of the leadership seems to think it's ok to demonise people for no other reason than being poor.
Some people seem to think it's "aspirational" to look at the poor like shit on the bottom of your shoe.

Sadly this is the case across society, including people who are only just able to or are not quite making ends meet. The one good thing that could come out of this aggression against the working poor is that more people will realise that they are also seen and treated in the way that they are being encouraged to treat those who are without work.
They have no knowledge of the lives of people on benefit - it's based on Channel 5 "I get benefits for my 35 kids so I don't need to work a day in my life" bollocks
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