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Why Labour are Scum

Who, apart from the London electorate, would give him something responsible to do?

To be fair to the London electorate, the boundaries of Greater London were gerrymandered way back at the beginning of the GLC to include some pretty rural bits of the home counties and Johnson was elected by the outer 'doughnut'. Central and even suburban London is pretty amazingly Labour right now.
To be fair to the London electorate, the boundaries of Greater London were gerrymandered way back at the beginning of the GLC to include some pretty rural bits of the home counties and Johnson was elected by the outer 'doughnut'. Central and even suburban London is pretty amazingly Labour right now.

I've worked that out from facebook, from the number of London friends incensed by the "idiots" that didn't buy into Mr Milliband was going to turn the UK into the land of milk and honey
Labour could simply refuse to accept Sugar's resignation; like Farage, he would have no option but to stay unhappily with the status quo.

He resigned from his actual job (business czar or something) within a couple of months of being given it. He kept his peerage though of course.
Jim 'Shiraz Socialist' Denham (AWL) has a hilarious blog piece about how vital it is for unions to retain Labour affiliation. He's gobbing off about how TUSC are scum for losing Labour Gower constituency too

https://shirazsocialist.wordpress.com/ 2015/05/12/keep-unite-affiliated-no-new-popular-front/ (link broken for the usual reasons)
Have to say that I'd missed this contribution to the "leadership debate" from Trissy...
Tristram Hunt, the Labour MP and historian who last week pulled out of the race to lead his party, described them as the “John Lewis community” voters whom Labour needs to attract if it is to stand any chance of winning back power.

The MP for Stoke-on-Trent said the party had to gain the support of more affluent and aspirational voters if it was ever to recover from this month’s general election defeat and Labour’s worst performance since 1983.

Mr Hunt said that Labour needed to show it was “also on the side of families who want to shop at John Lewis, go on holiday and get a new extension”.

A new low?
Does anybody believe this bollocks about 20,000+ new members since Friday morning?

I considered joining so I could vote for the most left wing candidate for leader, but there's not even a least right wing candidate. Everyone is saying the same thing, poverty is caused by lack of aspiration so the poor can fuck off. We must be the party of middle management, the party of people who think a waitrose apple is somehow different from the apples down the market, the party of people whose 4x4 goes up mountains in the advert but rarely gets further than Maidenhead in real life, the party of people who guilt trip their kids about the sacrifices they've had to make to afford the fees for the school they fucking hate, the party of those whose biggest problem is a lack of real problems. The party, in short, of cunts.
They've tightened up on the old free coffee now; you have to get your card read to access the freebies....so no more multiple drinks per day. Unless you have more than one card; I'm up to 4.
Have to say that I'd missed this contribution to the "leadership debate" from Trissy...


A new low?

I thought they had lost touch with working class voters who defected to Ukip in the north?
And lost touch with the Scots who just hate them for being Tories?
Given that they did pretty well in London I'd say a lot of their voters are fully Waitrose-handed already.
Maybe the fact that they will be out of power quite possibly for good, has meant they have lost touch with their own minds...
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