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Why Labour are Scum

I'm surprised (and disappointed) Tom Watson seems to be keeping quite about a politic meeting he attended where the women were asked to sit away from the men.


Granted this is the sort of stuff that racist halfwits jump on and and I doubt he knew that arrangement had been made but it's a shame it's not been commented on and he seems to be a courageous chap.

I guess it's too close to the election to want to piss people off.

'Labour Left', the Express is having a laugh.
Lots of the commentariat may not like the stone thing, and in many ways its ridiculous and indeed a hostage to fortune, but speaking to people I know they like the idea, they say it may bring back some trust in politics,
Eddie Izzard and Jim Murphy abandon Glasgow rally due to anti-Labour protests
Mark Smith

Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy and Eddie Izzard have been forced to abandon a rally on the streets of central Glasgow, as they were shouted down by nationalists chanting “Red Tories out!”.

Murphy at first gamely tried to turn the chant to “Get the Tories out!”, but judging by this footage from Channel 4 News’s Alex Thompson, Murphy and his celebrity endorser cut their losses and escaped in a waiting car.

Not sure what I feel about this, they are a legitimate party, entitled to a rally, etc.

may have been much more minor incident than reported though
Not sure what I feel about this, they are a legitimate party, entitled to a rally, etc.

may have been much more minor incident than reported though

And people are entitled to protest if they want to. And given the amount of coverage given to Jim Bloody Murphy and the egg throwing, it likely was a minor incident. Surely of more interest is the leader of Labour in Scotland, in *Glasgow* FFS getting that kind of reception. And easy to say it was nationalists -- could be pretty much anyone tbh.
Not sure what I feel about this, they are a legitimate party, entitled to a rally, etc.

People counter demonstrated stuff all the time. It's indicative of how dull this election has been that he felt the need to scamper away when the people their didn't agree with him.

Politicians only seem to talk to invited audiences nowadays.
given the polling figures, 2-1 it was the nats tho :)

And fair play to them.

Depends what you mean by nats I guess -- people voting SNP are not necessarily nationalists and there are plenty of people who are't voting SNP who hate Murphy/Labour.
People counter demonstrated stuff all the time. It's indicative of how dull this election has been that he felt the need to scamper away when the people their didn't agree with him.

Politicians only seem to talk to invited audiences nowadays.

This is why the Tories only ever appear in stage-managed factory settings, with workers made to stand there in respectful silence under threat of discipline. I'd love to see George Osborne try and stand up in public in Glasgow. It'd be more than eggs.
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This is why the Tories only ever appear in stage-managed factory settings, with workers made to stand their in respectful silence under threat of discipline. I'd love to see George Osborne try and stand up in public in Glasgow. It'd be more than eggs.

Large groups of voters scare them without the threat of a P45 to keep them in line.

Good luck to the SNP, I do remember Labour teasing the Tories when they were all but killed off in Scotland ... karma...
I don’t think anyone is suggesting that the fact that he’s carved them into stone means, you know, means that he will absolutely, you know, not going to break them or anything like that.” Lucy Powell Labour Election strategist.


:confused: Which of the vague "promises" is she worried they won't be able to deliver?
My local labour council has obtained an injunction against homeless people using the central library following a protest camp set up by homeless people outside the town hall/library.

A few months ago a group of homeless young people from the place i volunteer went down to anti G4S demo at the townhall. A labour party rally was taking place, so they went to heckle the speakers about welfare reform. They were quickly encircled by labour party supports who chanted scum at them.
My local labour council has obtained an injunction against homeless people using the central library following a protest camp set up by homeless people outside the town hall/library.

A few months ago a group of homeless young people from the place i volunteer went down to anti G4S demo at the townhall. A labour party rally was taking place, so they went to heckle the speakers about welfare reform. They were quickly encircled by labour party supports who chanted scum at them.
if in the break between their 'scums' you shout 'labour' you undermine their message and ime they shut up very quickly.
I don’t think anyone is suggesting that the fact that he’s carved them into stone means, you know, means that he will absolutely, you know, not going to break them or anything like that.” Lucy Powell Labour Election strategist.


:confused: Which of the vague "promises" is she worried they won't be able to deliver?
they've delivered a cardboard cutout of edward miliband :(
Ah the campaigning student Ed Miliband:


"These rent increases are wrong at a time when negotiations are still going on. Students and the university have been let down by both sides because landlords have acted in a reckless and provocative manner. After the latest rent increases, I would urge both sides to put aside the rhetoric, get round the negotiating table and stop it happening again."
be interesting to see how my dad's constituency labour candidate does today, my dad (and two others) had been suspended on completely false charges so that they couldn't stand for selection in the locals to make sure the preferred ones (professionals, managers, solicitors, none of these awful working class trade union types!) got the plum wards. anyway turns out my dad is one of signatures on the branch cheque book and he refused to let them have the two grand in the account to use for campaigning. he's also refused to campaign for them (as have a dozen or so others in the local party - seems solidarity does still exist!) which probably means lots of leaflets have gone undelivered and there won't be much knocking up going on tonight.
Balltyne. The bluff scottish one. Meaden and Jones bleed tory.

Theo might be a sly labour man, but who can say.

Yes, you're right, a policy sinecure for a Scot would send a good message. How about Pocket and Sweet? They are retail entrepreneurs from Balamory, and would signal to a younger generation that Labour supports their aspirations.
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