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Why is the UK allowed 4 national teams in the world cup?

China gets the PRC, Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei because they won't allow the latter to compete as Taiwan. Not sure if Macau gets a go, would have to check.
ETA Looks like they do though they got booted this time for refusing to go and play in Sri Lanka.
Heligoland is part of Germany now. They do have a football pitch, though - bottom-left.

Heligoland is their second lot, the Faroe islands third and Greenland fourth

Heligoland is German not Danish. They were briefly British but Queen Victoria gave them to the Kaiser despite their desire not to be given to the Kaiser, then in WW II we bombed them back to the bedrock

I think the British teams were central to creating international football competitions, so nobody could stop them having 4 teams, just like the USSR which wangled itself 3 seats at the UN in 1948: USSR, Ukraine, and Belarus.
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The UK is allowed 4 national teams because it is made up of 3 nations and a province(?) Not sure why they get to have a team tbh (NI) Why do people keep asking this, the UK is NOT a nation or one country. Never has been and never will be
The UK is allowed 4 national teams because it is made up of 3 nations and a province(?) Not sure why they get to have a team tbh (NI) Why do people keep asking this, the UK is NOT a nation or one country. Never has been and never will be
This is just semantics. Wales is either a free nation or an occupied territory. I'm glad Fifa have picked their side and I'm hoping they're giving the Free Wales Army the odd bung
Heligoland apparently technically has a national team, although it doesn't play any matches.

Hazarding a guess, I'd say it's an anomaly dating from a time when it was British and recognising national teams was effectively up to the FA.
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Heligoland is German not Danish. They were briefly British but Queen Victoria gave them to the Kaiser despite their desire not to be given to the Kaiser, then in WW II we bombed them back to the bedrock

I think the British teams were central to creating international football competitions, so nobody could stop them having 4 teams, just like the USSR which wangled itself 3 seats at the UN in 1948: USSR, Ukraine, and Belarus.
There's always a know it all isn't there
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