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Who's been where then?


missing in inaction
I went to the Table Tennis on sunday.

No real reason to pick it, other than we thought we stood a chance in the lottery as no-one else would be interested. I also didn't note that it wouldn't be held in the Olympic village :facepalm:

On brighter notes, the British lad won, and I was pleased to see a portly carriage doesn't preclude someone from competing in the Olympics:


Although he did lose.
I've been here, I've been there, I've been every fucking where...

In reality though, I've only been sat here on the sofa watching stuff on my computer :(
Been to the Olympic Stadium for the opening ceremony rehearsal and Wembley for GB v UAE. Considering heading down to the Olympic Park next week to see if I can pick up some returns, hopefully for the handball in the Copper Box.
Been to the Olympic Stadium for the opening ceremony rehearsal and Wembley for GB v UAE. Considering heading down to the Olympic Park next week to see if I can pick up some returns, hopefully for the handball in the Copper Box.
What's the procedure for returns? Any idea on prices?
Been to the Olympic Stadium for the opening ceremony rehearsal and Wembley for GB v UAE. Considering heading down to the Olympic Park next week to see if I can pick up some returns, hopefully for the handball in the Copper Box.

I really want to go to the village.

We've got paralympics athletics tickets, hoping the atmosphere is as good and everyone's not 'Olympicsed out'
Rowing on Monday - it was great :D apart from the 40 minute walk from the bus drop off point to the stands. We got to see the women's double sculls break the Olumpic record :cool:
I went to womens' basketball on Saturday morning. China vs Czech republic. Quite enjoyed it despite myself.

Like Mattie, we chose tickets on the basis that they were cheap and we were likely to get them. Plus the daughter is unaccountably sporty, so she was up for it.

We were mainly there for a wander around the park, tbh. It's a weird place.
What were the quesues like to get in? Did it take you as long as they warn us about? (ie two hours!)

I really dont want to have to get there for 8am for our 10am event next week, I'd fall asleep while I was watching!
I went to Beach Volleyball last night.

Amazing venue, in terms of the sport side of things well it was a proper weird experience. You basically get drunk, listen to cheesy music, get encouraged to clap, cheer, stamp your feet, do congas and all kind of nonsense. was great fun but the pinnacle of Olympian achievement i don't think so. oh and it was too cold for bikinis but they do have dancers in swimwear which is a bit random

in terms of queues etc. getting in to the venue was incredibly efficient because, i suspect, it was entirely run by squaddies and volunteers. the only G4S people we saw were standing around doing fuck all in the park. Unreal we are giving that shower of shit any money beyond whatever they are paying the people they have actually mustered on the ground.

couple of pictures


Nice pictures, Dan U.
I've been to an international beach volleyball tournament - not the Olympics, though - and all that razzmatazz and audience participation and blinking cheerleaders were part of the deal then, too. I remember being rather bamboozled by it at first, but it's pretty impossible not to get sucked into the daftness and join in. Hugely enjoyable day out, all told.
Nice pictures, Dan U.
I've been to an international beach volleyball tournament - not the Olympics, though - and all that razzmatazz and audience participation and blinking cheerleaders were part of the deal then, too. I remember being rather bamboozled by it at first, but it's pretty impossible not to get sucked into the daftness and join in. Hugely enjoyable day out, all told.

yeah thats it, it is really hard to not get sucked in. we had a cracking night out!
Just picked up a couple of tickets for the women's semi final in the football at Old Trafford on Monday. It will be Team GB if we beat Canada tomoz! Likely against USA.

What's this lottery and how's that work??
I am going to women's semi final footy (so not proper footy really) on Monday at Wemberley, canoe sprint at Eton Dornay on Friday and to the Olympic stadium on Saturday for the athletics to see the women's long jump FINAL, men's javelin FINAL, men's 5000m FINAL, women's 800m FINAL, women's 4x400m FINAL and MEN'S 4X100M FINAL

I'll tell you who has been there - then ......

That bloddy Cameron, he has been everywhere, trying to get his ugly mug associated with success. Him and Prince William and his bint, they have also been everywhere..

Bet they don't pay full whack for their tickets either!!
went to brazil v belarus at old trafford. good fun.
Don't suppose you noticed anyone with an SLR camera did you? I'm off on Monday and want to take my camera (which is less than the 30cm size restrictions) but I'm afraid the G4S twats will act up!
yes, I went to ExCel on Monday to see part of the men's 62k and women's 58k weightlifting.

It was brilliant!! A great atmosphere - everyone was supportive of all the competitors. Found it quite exciting. I'd only bought a £20 ticket but had a great view - well worth the money.

Was great to see our Zoe Smith, she came 12th overall but she broke the British record and she's only 18 so a good hope for the future
Don't suppose you noticed anyone with an SLR camera did you? I'm off on Monday and want to take my camera (which is less than the 30cm size restrictions) but I'm afraid the G4S twats will act up!

Loads of people with slr's at the two things I have been too.

TBH all searches have been pretty cursory beyond going through a scanner and been done by the army at both venues in have attended. It has all been incredibly laid back and good natured
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