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who is responsible for the London attacks?

Well, I don't expect much, but if you swap the words "jew" and "muslim" that could have been written by a Nazi propaganda functionary circa 1934.
Bernie Gunther said:
Well, I don't expect much, but if you swap the words "jew" and "muslim" that could have been written by a Nazi propaganda functionary circa 1934.

Will be interesting to see the BNP electoral results in the aftermath of this!
Bernie Gunther said:
mears is entirely representative of current US right-wing propaganda. I've been following it closely. They are really strongly pushing race wars and pogroms, and also trying to whip up a media outrage about various radical clerics and Ken Livingstone as somehow being responsible for these psychos.

The basic message from these racists though, is that Britons ought to hate and fear muslims because these bombings are exactly the sort of thing that muslims inevitably do. They just can't help hating us because we are free ...

Whatever we do, we mustn't try to examine the causes behind the deaths of 50-odd ordinary Londoners.

It's quite obvious to me the cause of deaths behind 50 odd Londoners. A bunch of nutters let off some bombs. All I'm interested is that the said nutters are brought to justice and the victims families are treated well.

If you are reffering to the motives of the bombers for planting such bombs. I'm really, really not fucking interested.
mears said:
The IRA didn't attack people on all continents. They didn't run planes into buildings. They didn't slit throats to get exposure on the teley.

no that's be the cia ... why was the italiant secret service guy killed by us forces again mears do tell...

mears said:
Islamic terrorism is the next war North America and Europe must face together.

like fuckery mears you created this mess when bush boy bubby got into bed with bin ladens and the sauds or have you convently forgotten the 'big forgien oil' speech... what was it's pretext again ....

mears said:
And Arabs are responsible for their own mess. <snip racist bullshit cut>

Bush and Blair are not to blame, Arabs themselvs are to blame.

good then perhaps you'd like to tell this arab exactly how i'm to blame seeing as you have decided to step away from your usual anti islamic xenophobic shite to full outright racism...

now then i suggest you apologsie and retract or face the usual consiquences for racism abuse on these boards...

no platform for racists mears no platform for your fuckwitted ramblings either
The Times said:
Blair vows attack on roots of terror

Tony Blair urged the civilised world to pull terror out by its roots, countering the perpetrators with firm action but also dealing with the underlying causes of terrorism.

"I have to tell you all, most sincerely [PAUSE 2]," he said at an entirely unscripted press conference in London this morning, "that I have looked into my soul [PAUSE 5]... and decided to go to the true root of the problem." He then pulled a Seppuku knife from his jacket.

Some of this I made up :D
Bernie Gunther said:

Ah yes, Charles Moore, Catholic convert and proselytiser - I seem to recall (though I'm not going to re-read the book to find the reference now) that in Stephen Bates' book A Church at War on the right-wing evangelical Xtian movement in the UK it says that when Moore spoke at St John's Church Blackpool in 1999 they had to have a separate room for the Presbyterians who wouldn't sit with a Catholic, but they still listened avidly.

So this is an appeal to the owners, the Barclay twins, and merely continues the bizarre Catholic-Zionist politics of the Torygraph. I'm hoping it doesn't mean too much outside these circles, and that those circles are so small that the Torygraph will wither away...
exosculate said:
Will be interesting to see the BNP electoral results in the aftermath of this!
Looking at the problem we've got, it's time to send the BNP leadership to Belmarsh.

Let them talk, I'd support dissent even on from far-right, but any fool instigating violent race attacks against innocent British Muslims should be seen as aiding the enemy.
oi2002 said:
Looking at the problem we've got, it's time to send the BNP leadership to Belmarsh.

Let them talk, I'd support dissent even on from far-right, but any fool instigating violent race attacks against innocent British Muslims should be seen as aiding the enemy.

Hold on a minute.....

Are you saying the BNP leadership has been instigating violent race attacks?

If so, please post up quotes, possibly on a different thread or something.
oi2002 said:
This is a revolutionary movement that like the Bolsheviks requires little popular support...

A quick remedial history lesson for you. What you say above is wrong. The Bolshevik party did enjoy mass popular support, unlike the mythical AQ "terror network", which is primarily an inter-agency intelligence construct, has no mass base, and is not at all a revolutionary movement. In 1914, the Bolshevik paper, Pravda, was printing 40,000 copies a day. In 1917, in Petrograd, Bolshevik membership rose rapidly, from 16,000 in April to 43,000 by October. In June, 1917, the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets produced 105 Bolshevik delegates. The Second, in October, produced 390, a seismic shift to the Bolsheviks - the revolutionary tipping point.
BBC Propaganda Wing Swings Into Action With AQ Makeover Show

Sounds like this one's specifically designed to kid us all into believing AQ really do exist as a terror network of cunning maniacs, frothing at the mouth plotting to kill us all. Actually, if you change al-Qaida to New Labour it makes more sense. Perfect timing too, it looks like they had this one waiting on the shelf ready to rock and roll.

Panorama. (*The Ministry of Defence in the control room)

BBC1 England
10:20 pm Sunday Jul 10th
Following a year-long investigation, Peter Taylor presents a report on how al-Qaida has evolved since September 11, how its operatives avoid detection, and the threat the organisation poses to the UK in light of the terrorist bombings which took place last Thursday in London.

Yummy! A propaganda spudfest for the terminally gullible.
BBC Radio 5 interview aired on the evening of the 7th, the host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, a crisis management advice company.

The transcript is as follows.

POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.

Audio link
mears said:
Than who is to blame?

Ultimately the US and UK public, in terms of whole entities.

The real fight, the real thing you should invest your energies into mate, is that it's leaders against peoples. While US and UK foreign policy goes live with bombs and mayhem, revenge ('blowback' - CIA) visits american and british soil. The bush and blair cabals have successfully pitted ordinary man against ordinary man. We the peoples have, essentially, been conned.

It's time the publics of the US and UK change the course of the current incumbents, both suffering from a serious bout of (murderous) insanity. They have to say enough is enough. You are causing all manner of grief all over the fucking globe.

So the interesting thing to see in the coming days is how british public's reaction shapes up. Has blair tried it on one too many times??
Perhaps you could explain Mears, how you belive that it's Arab themselves who are to blame. I've been thinking about this statement since I got up this morning and fail to see how it's anything other than racist shit. If there's more to it, do enlighten us, because it sounds like bigoted, xenophobic nonsense to me.
And they way i'm thinking today, it doesn't really matter who actually is responsible for detonating the bombs. What matters is that the british public recognises that their government is responsible for the attacks, purely because its murderous foreign policy, including supporting possibly the most blood-thirsty of all american governments, has bred understandable acts of revenge.

Treat people with respect, and they do in kind. Treat them with contempt and/or bombs and how the fuck do you expect them to react??

Blair should be tried. Everyone knew that something like this would happen just as soon as he took us illegally into a war in iraq. He is to blame, along with his partner-in-crime, bush, the man insane beyond belief, the dithering idiot obsessed by the power of office, whose brain appears to have been nuked long ago.
fela fan said:
Treat people with respect, and they do in kind. Treat them with contempt and/or bombs and how the fuck do you expect them to react??


That's it exactly. I just wish more people would hear that.
fela fan said:
Blair should be tried. Everyone knew that something like this would happen just as soon as he took us illegally into a war in iraq.
Note that the 9/11 attacks took place before the Iraq war.
bigfish said:
A quick remedial history lesson for you. What you say above is wrong. The Bolshevik party did enjoy mass popular support, unlike the mythical AQ "terror network", which is primarily an inter-agency intelligence construct, has no mass base, and is not at all a revolutionary movement. In 1914, the Bolshevik paper, Pravda, was printing 40,000 copies a day. In 1917, in Petrograd, Bolshevik membership rose rapidly, from 16,000 in April to 43,000 by October. In June, 1917, the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets produced 105 Bolshevik delegates. The Second, in October, produced 390, a seismic shift to the Bolsheviks - the revolutionary tipping point.
My point is like the Bolsheviks the Jihadis demonstrate an enduring revolutionary will to power that does not require mass support to persist.

The Bolsheviks provide an example of a long term steely resolve, a small revolutionary movement slowly bends a people to its will and waits to seize the revolutionary moment. Sendero Luminoso who are currently resurgent are another but more obscure example.

You're talking about the revolutionary endgame as the party builds up to its coup following the undicisiplined chaos of the Febuary revolution. That's happens 15 years after the party was founded as you probably know and the Bolsheviks only had a majority in the leadership while the Mensheviks carried the support of the base. Within the Russian population they were tiny marginal movement.

Mussolini's blackshirts are closer to the Jihadi mindset, being deeply reactionary but focused on an idealised future. But they achieved a deep base of popular support in the space of a few years.
Some speculation in the Independant that Jihadis outsourced the bombing to criminals. That's a well established tactic in Iraq incidentally.

I'd speculate this reflects a lack of any obviously middle eastern bearded fanatics on the CCTV footage and a rather perplexed MI5 that thought it had track of every Muslim militant in the UK.

The tube is a pretty stupid target if you want to avoid getting recognised; the CCTV coverage is very dense. Using unknown 'lily whites' in the bomb teams would be sensible. PIRA did in their mainland campaigns.
bigfish said:
Conclusive stuff as ever, bigfish (from the article you linked to)

White House spokesman Scott McClellan brushed off O'Neill's criticism.
"We appreciate his service, but we are not in the business of doing book reviews," he told reporters.

"It appears that the world according to Mr. O'Neill is more about trying to justify his own opinion than looking at the reality of the results we are achieving on behalf of the American people. The president will continue to be forward-looking, focusing on building upon the results we are achieving to strengthen the economy and making the world a safer and better place."

A senior administration official, who asked not to be named, expressed bewilderment at O'Neill's comments on the alleged war plans.

"The treasury secretary is not in the position to have access to that kind of information, where he can make observations of that nature," the official said. "This is a head-scratcher."
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