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who is responsible for the London attacks?

fela fan said:

And nothing's hidden mate, it's all out there for everyone's consumption.

So you're absolutely convinced you've got the evidence but.... you're not going to do anything with it apart from make allusions to it on this bulletin board. Great! Don't you think you have a responsibility to make this known to people who can act on this evidence?

fela fan said:
Read more mate.

I think I've read quite a lot really; including too much of the junk regurgitated by you conspiracy fans.
ZWord said:
I wonder why both the buses that got bombed were heading for Hackney Wick. What's so special about Hackney Wick. ?

i don't know if you know about this Z, but that bus "wot got suicided honest guv" on the 7th, was the only bus, out of all the hundreds of buses working in the City that morning, wot actually got diverted by the cops. Soon after that, it went .... ((((BOOM!)))) ..... right outside a medical facility which, coincidentally, just happened to be running a mass casualty training exercise that morning.

Isn't that just so fucking incredibly fortunate?

I also understand that the guy who was driving the bombed bus that morning has been jetted out of the country, naturally, at the taxpayers expense, for a bit of well deserved R & R and to save him from answering any further questions about his extraordinary behaviour after the event. I wonder if he's hooked up with that trigger-happy copbot psychopath who butchered the 100 percent innocent Brazilian sparky at Stockwell station?

But, any way, I digress. one thing that's completely clear from all of this, is that you can't go around accusing the civil authorities—or even some London based corporations employing more than 1000 personnel—of not being totally ready for an attack like the one wot we got.
Actually this kind of shit pisses me off so much, that either the conspiracy theorists go, or I go. I really can't be arsed with all these brainless (sorry open minded) turds causing me so much work and grief. I'm going away for a few days next week and if they're not gone when I get back, I'm packing in modding and probably Urban too. My blood pressure cannot take it.
Bernie Gunther said:
If it's a question of evidence, where are we to look in cases like this? I tend to rely on academic sources and the outcomes of court cases wherever possible, because there is at least some process in place with rules of evidence. So I think I'm going to wait until the court cases are finished.

As to your snoreathonic appeal to process, please allow me to remind you that we are now a whopping 4 years on since the attacks on 911 and we are still waiting to see some concrete fucking proof of the so called Islamofanatic "hijackers" passing through any the targeted airports that morning...

Just how many years are you prepared to put up with the harrowing screams of innocent victims of corporate aggression before you are prepared to stand up and act Gunther? Is it forever, like?
Loki said:
Trouble is, fela, none of us have these perpective filters and mirrors you know so much about to allow us to arrive at this amazing knowledge you possess, as an, er, EFL teacher in Thailand.

If only I was so lucky.

Fetch boy...
Loki said:
I'm sure you said before you were in EFL.

Anyway, what agencies / organisations / NGOs have you contacted with your amazing knowledge that's hidden from us mere mortals?

Or do you just waffle about it on these boards? What good's that gonna do, enlightened one?

I've just this minute been informed that you have won: The Golden Parrot Award for sounding uncannily just like someone else.

Congratulations from all your collegues here at rent-a-pen PLC...

Loki said:
So you're absolutely convinced you've got the evidence but.... you're not going to do anything with it apart from make allusions to it on this bulletin board. Great! Don't you think you have a responsibility to make this known to people who can act on this evidence?

Mate, i'm not convinced of anything except what i experience with my own brain. So no, i've no evidence whatsoever for you. If i could be arsed to dig it up, you'd not be interested. Your position seems fixed if i recall the way you deal with my posts. Instead of being interested in why a poster appears to be bigheaded about what he's saying, trying to find out more, you just predictably call me for it. No problems whatsoever mind, it's your life man!

The big fucking problem is that folk subscribe to a default they accept unconsciously that's been foisted on us over the years. But where it all falls down is that the default is wrong. It's a lie, a sham.

And from that lie, that sham, everything else is therefore a lie and a sham. Change the default, see the real one mate, and then everything changes.
Mrs Magpie said:
Actually this kind of shit pisses me off so much, that either the conspiracy theorists go, or I go. I really can't be arsed with all these brainless (sorry open minded) turds causing me so much work and grief. I'm going away for a few days next week and if they're not gone when I get back, I'm packing in modding and probably Urban too. My blood pressure cannot take it.
Hmm. Now which do I choose?

Do I listen to a long serving, well liked mod who has been absolutely invaluable to the running of this site, or do I pay attention to the needs of a tiny handful of utterly obsessed conspiraloons who wish to exploit this site's popularity and use it as a handy resource for regurgitating every evidence-free cut and paste bonkers theory they find on the web?

No contest. MrsM is far, far more important to this site.

Conspiracy fans: I recommend this article
fela fan said:
Listen mate, when one knows, one does not need 'clues'.

Clues are needed to arrive at knowledge. I got there ages ago.
Such conceited, arrogant drivel.

Aren't you embarassed writing that shit?
Raisin D'etre said:
<editors real name edited out> is a spook who wants to cover up one section of the elites fight to maintain control and he is a racist.
See what happens when you let a deluded conspiraloon loose on boards?

You get bonkers defamatory shite like this.
fela fan said:
Read more mate.

This coming from someon who used to boast that he was 'free' from 'convention' in his thinking precisely because he didn't read...

Change of tune perchance? Or is the usual fela weasling when his perspective filters and mirrors start to get a bit wobbly?
kyser_soze said:
This coming from someon who used to boast that he was 'free' from 'convention' in his thinking precisely because he didn't read...

Change of tune perchance? Or is the usual fela weasling when his perspective filters and mirrors start to get a bit wobbly?

Oh dear, not again kyser. I've never claimed i don't read. That would be ridiculous to the extreme since i've read fairly tonnes of books. Well, not quite tonnes, but fucking hundreds of them.

What is it about you that has the need to misrepresent me eh?
editor said:
See what happens when you let a deluded conspiraloon loose on boards?
You get bonkers defamatory shite like this.
Personally I put the defamatory shite like that in the same box as misrepresentation:
editor said:
How about you shut the fuck up and quit stirring?
and out-and-out abuse.
editor said:
You pathetic petty little cunt.

But then, perhaps that's just me.

I am deadly deadly serious about the conspiract theorists. I think this conspiracy stuff is dangerous. I'm not talking about whether or not Marilyn Monroe topped herself or was bumped off. That's not dangerous, it's idle silly speculation about someone who died a very long time ago but when I find that over 50% of teenagers I have contact with think that the Twin Towers were brought down by 'The Jews' because of what they've read on the internet I am deeply frightened.
reallyoldhippy said:
Personally I put the defamatory shite like that in the same box as misrepresentation:and out-and-out abuse.
Thanks for yet another of your shit stirring posts. Your "contributions" to this thread speak volumes about what an obvious little troublemaker you are. You're not interested in debate: you're only interested in disruption and pursuing your tedious personal agenda.

Pointlessly reposting comments that I'd edited within 30 seconds of posting (which all posters are entitled to do) just shows the desperate depths you're ready to plunge to score points.

By indulging in such off topic, irrelevant, disruptive tactics I stand by my words: you were acting like a pathetic petty little cunt.

Now, have you got any more off topic personal stuff to add to this thread?

(edit to add: this explains it all: http://www.urban75.net/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=3398600&postcount=1330 )
editor said:
just shows the desperate depths you're ready to plunge to score points.
:rolleyes: Once you get an idea in your head........
editor said:
off topic, irrelevant, disruptive tactics
As disruptive as your personal abuse? :confused:

I didn't post your first post to "score points" but to explain my "is that your final draft?" question. I'd already written a reply to that post when I noticed you'd changed it. Instead of accepting that your action (though not intending to) could cause confusion, you chose to go down the abuse route. Your bulletin board, your prerogative. But no need to impose motives on others when there is none there. I thought that was one of the things you dislike about the conspiraloons? :)
fela fan said:
Oh dear, not again kyser. I've never claimed i don't read. That would be ridiculous to the extreme since i've read fairly tonnes of books. Well, not quite tonnes, but fucking hundreds of them.

What is it about you that has the need to misrepresent me eh?

Fela, I can't be arsed to dig back through threads in TPH from over 18 months ago but there was more than one occassion where you boasted that your 'free thinking' was a result of reading a 'minimal' number of books - IIRC it was actually a disucssion related to some sub-Platonic theory you'd 'arrived at' that was quickly demolished as such, your defence being that you felt that reading meant that you couldn't think freely.

Of course I'm not saying you don't read anything - just that your call to read is funny given what you've said in the past.
reallyoldhippy said:
I didn't post your first post to "score points" but to explain my "is that your final draft?" question. I'd already written a reply to that post when I noticed you'd changed it. Instead of accepting that your action (though not intending to) could cause confusion, you chose to go down the abuse route.
And how does pointlessly reposting comments that I'd edited within 30 seconds of posting help sort out any possible "confusion"?

No one was confused. No one had commented on the there-for-a-few-seconds comment.

But you went right out of your way to repost my words back up, just to stir things up as usual. You're not interested in debate or discussion. You just want to try and look clever and score points.

But I'm sure you'll be quick to prove me wrong by pointing me in the direction of a slew of interesting, on-topic posts you've contributed to this thread recently.

Err....you can do that, can't you?
Mrs Magpie said:
I am deadly deadly serious about the conspiract theorists. I think this conspiracy stuff is dangerous. I'm not talking about whether or not Marilyn Monroe topped herself or was bumped off. That's not dangerous, it's idle silly speculation about someone who died a very long time ago but when I find that over 50% of teenagers I have contact with think that the Twin Towers were brought down by 'The Jews' because of what they've read on the internet I am deeply frightened.

Well if it can't be debated intelligently, then it's hardly surprising if they think they're being lied to, and if their opinions are simplistic and wrong.
If one of these teenagers comes here, and reads a conspiralunacy thread while it lasts, they might come to the conclusion that the editor's right,
or that bigfish is right, and it was -an inside job- (so at least they wouldn't think-it was the jews.). If they hear/see that all attempts to discuss it are binned, then they'll probably conclude something funny's going on. That's what should frighten you. It's because the mainstream press excludes a whole variety of stuff people have reported that certainly sounds like news, that a lot of people don't think the mainstream is trustworthy, and that's exactly why a site like this should not do the same.

When did banning something ever make it more likely that teenagers would reject it?
editor said:
And how does pointlessly reposting comments that I'd edited within 30 seconds of posting help sort out any possible "confusion"?

No one was confused. No one had commented on the there-for-a-few-seconds comment.

But you went right out of your way to repost my words back up, just to stir things up as usual. You're not interested in debate or discussion. You just want to try and look clever and score points.

But I'm sure you'll be quick to prove me wrong by pointing me in the direction of a slew of interesting, on-topic posts you've contributed to this thread recently.

Err....you can do that, can't you?

Does it really surprise you?
ZWord said:
It's because the mainstream press excludes a whole variety of stuff people have reported that certainly sounds like news, that a lot of people don't think the mainstream is trustworthy, and that's exactly why a site like this should not do the same.
It's not the discussion of alternative theories that depresses me.

It's the endless regurgitating of highly dubious, unchecked, unresearched, wildly speculative unsourced drivel that seems to make up the greater proportion of the 'evidence' of conspiracy theories.

Clearly, some people think that repeating the same thing over and over again without adding anything new or including any credible proof someone makes their flimsy conspirayarn more compelling.

It doesn't. It just makes the thread more binnable.
Mrs Magpie said:
I am deadly deadly serious about the conspiract theorists. I think this conspiracy stuff is dangerous. I'm not talking about whether or not Marilyn Monroe topped herself or was bumped off. That's not dangerous, it's idle silly speculation about someone who died a very long time ago but when I find that over 50% of teenagers I have contact with think that the Twin Towers were brought down by 'The Jews' because of what they've read on the internet I am deeply frightened.

I agree, absolutely.

Which is why shit like David Icke has to be slapped down as soon as it appears.
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