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who is responsible for the London attacks?

mears said:
What should we have done, let the Soviets role over them? We fought alongside them in Afghanistan and than they decide to attack the US?

I think that says a lot more about them than it does about America.

Anyway, there is a crisis in Islam. Some of their best and the brightest are blowing themselves up and making nasty chemicals to kill innocents. Its not so bad that they decide to blow themselves to bits (be my guest) its the civilians they take with them which causes so much anguish.

Muslims can't blame America and Israel for these thugs. They must come to grips with the problem and solve it themselves.

According to the Observer, today:

Just before (Mohammad Sidique) Khan resigned from his teaching job, elders from Beeston's Stratford Street mosque told them that their 'inappropriate teachings' had no place in the prayerhouses of south Leeds.
When the news of the bombs was first reported, the police received a phone call from one of the bombers' friends in Leeds. This muslim told the police that they should question his friend, even though the Leeds connection hadn't been reported and possibly not suspected by the authorities.

A muslim group, led by the peer, Lord Ahmed (a muslim), has made repeated attempts to close down the website that carried the bombers' statement.

I'm not sure I would expect more than that much civic responsibility from non-muslims.
I want to see DNA proof :

Pregnant Samantha Lewthwaite, 22, refused to accept Jamal was the fourth London bomber, responsible for 26 deaths. She sobbed: “He wasn’t the sort of person who’d do this. I won’t believe it until I see proof.”


Far right and football gangs plot 'revenge' :

Plans by an alliance of rightwing extremists and football hooligans to exact "revenge" on Muslims after last week's bomb attacks are being monitored by police.

mears said:
What should we have done, let the Soviets role over them? We fought alongside them in Afghanistan and than they decide to attack the US?

please, entertain me. when exactly did us forces fight shoulder to shoulder with the mujahadin in any joint engagements of soviet forces ?

(you do know first blood part 3 was film by the way)
Hi there, I.m new but Ive been reading for a week.

Two questions and a comment.

Why when anyon says western governmental people are the culprits do they always get called conspirallons?

'my initial take on the Israeli story-changing is that the Met didn't warn anyone, it's a ruse to create a straw man piece of nonsense which can then be dismissed as anti-semitic conspiracy theory. ' DrJazzz

and why do they say the bomb scares in Sheffield happened two days before 7th July. ? I was on a forum in Sheffield and they were all reporting t on the very day of Londons bombings.

And I've accepted they were innocent patsies.They were just too happy and content with good homelives and futures and kids to get to. They left their new red mercedes behind, like they were going to drive it again, among ohter things. and parking tickets and return travel?

But who would set them up/ Not AQ, we're told people are falling over themselves to suicide themselves for AQ so no need to. It had to be some black ops people.

I think they were just innosent travellers who just happened to sit on the seats where the bombs had been planted. They can now dawn raid every house in every street in britain whwnever they want

And its a lot like 9-11
fubert said:
please, entertain me. when exactly did us forces fight shoulder to shoulder with the mujahadin in any joint engagements of soviet forces ?

US did something more important for mujahaddins then just fight shoulder to shoulder - they provide them with a Stinger (man-portable, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft guided missile system). Without it they stood no chance.
james&co1 said:
Why when anyon says western governmental people are the culprits do they always get called conspirallons?

Hi James, have a hobnob and don't lend Dub a fiver. There's a long history of conspiraloons using this popular site to air their pet conspiracy views, drawn from websites by anonymous unqualified fruitbars. When challenged to provide any evidence from credible sources the conspiraloons invariably dodge or run.
james&co1 said:
But who would set them up/ Not AQ, we're told people are falling over themselves to suicide themselves for AQ so no need to. It had to be some black ops people.

I think they were just innosent travellers who just happened to sit on the seats where the bombs had been planted. They can now dawn raid every house in every street in britain whwnever they want
You seem to be mistaking this forum for the "Fruitloops' R'Us Repository For Evidence-Free Unresearched Conspiraloonery" boards.

Be sure to explain how the "four innocent travellers" all just happened to travel down on the same day, on the same train and meet up beforehand and then set off carrying large rucksacks and be in the exact locations where the bombs went off.
Hold on: look who it is!!!

It's the returning Queen Fruitloop herself: CaroleK!

Fucking lying obsessed fruitloops. Fuck off.
What I fail to understand is how one of the trains left Aldgate and the bomb went off on the way to Liverpool street.

That would mean it was heading towards king's cross. Obviously the bomber could have got off one train and back on another but I'd assume that you wouldn't want to be fucking about too much in that kind of situation.
Citizen66 said:
Obviously the bomber could have got off one train and back on another but I'd assume that you wouldn't want to be fucking about too much in that kind of situation.
I wouldn't like to guess what goes on in the mind of someone who was prepared to slaughter as many innocent people as they can that day. Maybe the train going into town looked fuller.
editor said:
Maybe the train going into town looked fuller.

It was the circle line so I imagine it would have been full in both directions. Maybe he wanted liverpool street and did the about turn because he got there too early, working on the theory that all the bombs went of together at a pre-arranged time.
Citizen66 said:
What I fail to understand is how one of the trains left Aldgate and the bomb went off on the way to Liverpool street.

The train was travelling FROM Liverpool Street TO Aldgate. ;)
Serguei said:
US did something more important for mujahaddins then just fight shoulder to shoulder - they provide them with a Stinger (man-portable, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft guided missile system). Without it they stood no chance.

thank you. i know what a stinger missile does. i know where they got them. there was a two billion dollar plus by the cia into the afghan resistance. but when did the us forces fight alongside afghan forces vs the soviet occupiers ?
I don't know what papers you've been reading Citizen66.

My missus works with someone who was on that train. That person travelled into Liverpool Street, by train, from Chelmsford. They boarded the tube train at Liverpool Street.

Luckily, they managed to be in the carriage next to the one that had the bomb in it, and only suffered from smoke inhalation. After having to walk through the bombed carriage, they exited at Aldgate, or Aldgate East (which one, I'm not certain).

And if you'd like a more authoritative version than mine, then you can always look at the Beeb Scroll down to the nice piccy ;)
gunneradt said:
so do we completely change our foreign policy and ensure that we dont upset muslims in any way in any part of the world just to stop the lunatic fringe amongs them?

I would argue that we should completely change our policy for good reasons, and that increasing the likelihood of domestic terrorism is just one of the unpleasant side-effects of that policy.

Bush and his supporters, including Blair have made a total mess out of Iraq and in all likelihood have created a big festering "Lebanon with oil" that will generate terrorism in the middle east and in the west for decades to come.

They no longer have any credibility as being able to deal with problems that they have to a large degree caused. They aren't capable of fixing Iraq for example.
fubert said:
thank you. i know what a stinger missile does. i know where they got them. there was a two billion dollar plus by the cia into the afghan resistance. but when did the us forces fight alongside afghan forces vs the soviet occupiers ?
The Dollars is what made the difference not the Stingers; you buy your allies in Afghanistan. I heard the 500 CIA Stingers mostly went to Gulbeddin Hikmatyar who routinely stockpiled the arms he got via his ISI masters in preparation for the war he anticipated against other more nationalistic Pashtun tribals. Getting control of the Pashtun South was Pakistans' objective. Reading about the Afghan war I get the impression that Langley was outfoxed by the locals just as surely as the Kremlin.
oi2002 said:
The Dollars is what made the difference not the Stingers; you buy your allies in Afghanistan. I heard the 500 CIA Stingers mostly went to Gulbeddin Hikmatyar who routinely stockpiled the arms he got via his ISI masters in preparation for the war he anticipated against other more nationalistic Pashtun tribals. Getting control of the Pashtun South was Pakistans' objective. Reading about the Afghan war I get the impression that Langley was outfoxed by the locals just as surely as the Kremlin.

cheers oi. that's more or less the answer i was looking for. no brave gi's standing brothers in arms with their courageous afghan comrades in defiance of the soviet steamroller etc.

they chucked them a bundle of cash basicly. and now the same stingers are being used to shoot down us helicopters afaik. usg tries to buy off foreign government and royally blows it.
Its probably worth pointing out that the covert funding of the Afghan resistance was the bright idea of the neo-cons, in their reaganite incarnation. Casey's CIA got on board pretty fast, but if I recall correctly it was originally run as an offshot of Iran-Contra and I think crazy Gen. Singlaub of the World Anti-Communist League was responsible for getting things off the ground.

edited to add: yep, here are some extracts from the Iran-Contra report.
Casey's meetings with North were also frequent during the crucial period leading up to and following the creation of the so-called ``diversion memo'' prepared by North in early April 1986 for approval by Poindexter and President Reagan. The month before, George Cave wrote a memo for the record reporting Ghorbanifar's proposal ``that we use profits from these deals and others to fund support to the rebels in Afghanistan.
Bernie Gunther said:
I think crazy Gen. Singlaub of the World Anti-Communist League was responsible for getting things off the ground.

I seem to recall that too.

Ah yes...

At its 1984 and 1985 conventions WACL voted to support the anticommunist mujahedeen rebels in Afghanistan. (6,17,21,39) WACL was very active in the foundation and support of the Committee for a Free Afghanistan (CFA). CFA was founded in 1981 and was given office space at the Heritage Foundation.

(Source appear on a very quick glance to be liberal Xtians...)
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