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who is responsible for the London attacks?

bigfish said:
Even if AQ exist and have a coordinated presence in London, why would they deem tube stations and buses to be their prime targets, when the city has the largest concentration of economic terrorists (stock market traders) in Western Europe?
The same could be said for the Madrid bombing. I don't know the precise circumstnaces but the Liverpool Road target is aimed at the financial City of London. The attack on transport systems is a means of causing panic and chaos and bringing business to a standstill. Hence why it is done in the morning rather than evening rush hour. If it was sheer loss of life then there are other targets they could have gone for. I cannot explian why they would have targetted a bus but that might have been a accident (though unlikely).
What a timely piece of carnage.

Who does it help again? western leaders and their associates.

Who does it fuck up? ordinary folk going about their everyday business.

When will people see the connection in sufficient numbers?
Bob_the_lost said:
but even western intervention in the middle east is no excuse for this sort of act.
It might not be an excuse but it might be the cause. Oil might have been the cause for the war against Iraq but it is no excuse.
Here we go again...

fela fan said:
What a timely piece of carnage.

Who does it help again? western leaders and their associates.

Who does it fuck up? ordinary folk going about their everyday business.

When will people see the connection in sufficient numbers?

So MI5 bombed the tube, then?
scawenb said:
It might not be an excuse but it might be the cause. Oil might have been the cause for the war against Iraq but it is no excuse.
True, (first part definitly, second part most probably)

Just my point is that they are still grade A cunts no matter what provocation was given.
Adorno boy said:
People are right when they say Al-Q is a mirage...

Roadkill said:
Well yes, I would agree with that.

Except on 911, eh Roady, the biggest "mirage" of them all. The fuel rod, speared into the reactor of public opinion to create Islamophobic energy for driving the PNAC mission forward.
UK government sponsored terrorism

this forum is being censored by the terrorists behind the bombing

i just had a post deleted

let's see if i can get in a reply

i wonder if the moderator can search his soul for a conscience
David Shayle

here is a snippet

Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job
Attack Was 'Coup de'tat,' Buildings Were Demolished By Controlled Demolitions

Prison Planet | June 27 2005

Former MI5 agent David Shayler, who previously blew the whistle on the British government paying Al Qaeda $200,000 to carry out political assassinations, has gone on the record with his conviction that 9/11 was an inside job meant to bring about a permanent state of emergency in America and pave the way for the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and ultimately Iran and Syria.

David Shayler joined MI5 in October 1991 and worked there for five years. He started at F Branch (counter-subversion) in January 1992, and worked in T Branch (Irish terrorism) from August 1992 until October 1994. He left the organization in 1996.
prioris said:
here is a snippet

Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job
Attack Was 'Coup de'tat,' Buildings Were Demolished By Controlled Demolitions

Prison Planet | June 27 2005

Former MI5 agent David Shayler, who previously blew the whistle on the British government paying Al Qaeda $200,000 to carry out political assassinations, has gone on the record with his conviction that 9/11 was an inside job meant to bring about a permanent state of emergency in America and pave the way for the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and ultimately Iran and Syria.

David Shayler joined MI5 in October 1991 and worked there for five years. He started at F Branch (counter-subversion) in January 1992, and worked in T Branch (Irish terrorism) from August 1992 until October 1994. He left the organization in 1996.

We've just done that one prioris. Read the link in the famous bin while you still can here: http://urban75.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=119901

Urban folklore holds 911 to be a voodoo topic. The rigid editorial line of the board is identical to the BBC editorial line, i.e., "it was al-Qaeda wot done it, honest guv." <gulp!> This is also the position of the forums resident historian who, as you can see, has more or less cleared the British intelligence services of any involvement in todays bombing after only a few hours.
bigfish said:
the forums resident historian who, as you can see, has more or less cleared the British intelligence services of any involvement in todays bombing after only a few hours.

Who is this resident historian??
Bob_the_lost said:
We, the west, whoever you like. If i misinterpreted you i'm sorry, but even western intervention in the middle east is no excuse for this sort of act.

There is a difference between excuse and explain. While western intervention in the middle east certainly doesn't justify what happened in London today, it does have a place in helping us understand why it happened. Unless you think that there is no connection between the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the bombings in London?

Louis Mac
FridgeMagnet said:
Sorry, you're not seriously suggesting I should have let this mentalist continue to post, are you?

You mean you've sent him into cyberian exile already? That was quick, he only made 1 post of any significance. I must say fridge, I'm at a complete loss as to how you managed to diagnose the guy a "mentalist" on the basis of one post. I thought you worked in IT, not psychiatry.

Incidentally, an Urban WP poll, taken 9 months ago, showed 47% thought that the US administration played some part in the 911 attack. I wonder how many are thinking something similar has happened in London today.

Cui Bono?
which makes me wonder if the attackers were genuine or if the event has been stage-managed by the intelligence services so that Bush, Blair, Brown, Bonio, and Bob can quickly move on to the next phase of the great 21st century oil grab.

For fuck's sake, what paranoid nonsense. Why do some people have such a hard time accepting that fantatical Islamic groups exist that want to hurt us? Why does every atrocity have to originate in the fevered minds of Cheney, Dubya, blah, blah, blah?

Why those targets? Because they are close to economic institutions, and they were barely guarded.

Bush/Blair have some responsibility for provoking such activity, but the majority of it goes to the people that planted the bombs.
Those intrepid bloodhounds down at the good old Bonkers Broadcasting Corporation reckon they have identified an Islamist website where the attacks are claimed on behalf of the <gulp!> "Secret Organisation Group of al-Qaeda of Jihad Organisation in Europe" <double gulp!>

The statement reads:

In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate, may peace be upon the cheerful one and undaunted fighter, Prophet Muhammad, God's peace be upon him.

Nation of Islam and Arab nation: Rejoice for it is time to take revenge against the British Zionist Crusader government in retaliation for the massacres Britain is committing in Iraq and Afghanistan. The heroic mujahideen have carried out a blessed raid in London. Britain is now burning with fear, terror and panic in its northern, southern, eastern, and western quarters.

We have repeatedly warned the British Government and people. We have fulfilled our promise and carried out our blessed military raid in Britain after our mujahideen exerted strenuous efforts over a long period of time to ensure the success of the raid.

We continue to warn the governments of Denmark and Italy and all the Crusader governments that they will be punished in the same way if they do not withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. He who warns is excused.

God says: "You who believe: If ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly."

Link:to Al Qal3ah (very slow) http://www.al-qal3ah.com/
Jo/Joe said:
Why do some people have such a hard time accepting that fantatical Islamic groups exist that want to hurt us?

Why do some people have such a hard time accepting that fanatical fascistic western imperialist exist that want to redivide the world in their own favour and will stop at nothing to win the "great game", including blowing up their own people?
bigfish said:
This is also the position of the forums resident historian who, as you can see, has more or less cleared the British intelligence services of any involvement in todays bombing after only a few hours.

I'm keeping an open mind.

I think you've made your mind up already who is responsible, and you'll defend that for all you're worth, no matter how much evidence piles up against you.

I've never set myself up as the boards' 'resident historian' or anything of the sort. Interesting how you start off with the sneering and character assassinations of perceived challengers before you've even a hypothesis of your own to advance.
bigfish said:
You mean you've sent him into cyberian exile already? That was quick, he only made 1 post of any significance. I must say fridge, I'm at a complete loss as to how you managed to diagnose the guy a "mentalist" on the basis of one post. I thought you worked in IT, not psychiatry.
I admit it, I *am* one of the people who organised the bombing as he said, and I just felt I had to stop him posting OMG TEH TRUTH because, you know, it really threatened to bring the whole international conspiracy crashing down.
group calling itself ``The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe'' posted a claim of responsibility, saying the blasts were in retaliation for Britain's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The statement also threatened attacks in Italy and Denmark, both of which have troops in Iraq. It was published on a Web site popular with Islamic militants, and the text was republished on Elaph, a secular Arabic-language news Web site, and Berlin's Der Spiegel magazine.

The statement's authenticity could not be immediately confirmed, but terrorism experts said the blasts had the trademarks of the al-Qaida network.

``This is clearly an al-Qaida style attack. It was well-coordinated, it was timed for a political event and it was a multiple attack on a transportation system at rush hour,'' said Lawrence Freedman, professor of war studies at King's College in London.

Gumbert said:
right here we go...

you are one seriously misguided fuckwit. we said all along that your policy of regime change both in afghanistan and iraq had fuck all to do with al qeada. Bush said he'd hunt down the bin ladens yet let the family fly out on privatly chartered planes the day after september 11. Not that theres a connection between the bushes and bin laden families...

with regard to the taliban, they still roam at large in afghanistan even their leader escaped from capture. Iraqis are now suffering aswell as american and british troops all because we the public were lied to now this lie is killing us on tube trains. Just like the spanish people were killed on their trains because the weasal words of aznar support for this war on terror so bliars weasel words come to haunt the british transport system.

and you mears, even in the overwhelming evidence of the stench of innocents death here. you still parrot the weasel words of the good old imperialists who created this mess in the first place...

sit comfortably in your office never having to feel the pain of your presidents short term gains while we die for it, motherfucker.

You think we should have held Bin Laden's relatives because they were related to Osama Bin Laden :rolleyes:

And I ask you why are Islamic radicals killing western civilians? Serbs didn't commit terrorist acts in Western Europe when NATO bombed their country. Rwandans don't blow themselves up in trains because the west failed to prevent slaughter in that country. Cubans are not flying planes into buildings because of an economic embargo.

There is alot of pain in the world and many people feel they have received the short end of the stick.

But only Islamic radicals are killing civilians in the west.

And somehow its our fault...
mears said:
You think we should have held Bin Laden's relatives because they were related to Osama Bin Laden :rolleyes:

And I ask you why are Islamic radicals killing western civilians? Serbs didn't commit terrorist acts in Western Europe when NATO bombed their country. Rwandans don't blow themselves up in trains because the west failed to prevent slaughter in that country. Cubans are not flying planes into buildings because of an economic embargo.

There is alot of pain in the world and many people feel they have received the short end of the stick.

But only Islamic radicals are killing civilians in the west.

And somehow its our fault...

Because we killed them in their thousands? You and your ilk are responsible for this Mears. They haven't attacked any countries that weren't in the war now have they? We didn't want this war and we're the ones getting shot at, fuck you.
maomao said:
Because we killed them in their thousands? You and your ilk are responsible for this Mears. They haven't attacked any countries that weren't in the war now have they? We didn't want this war and we're the ones getting shot at, fuck you.

You blame everybody but the people who planted the bombs.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
You blame everybody but the people who planted the bombs.

Not true, I've been trying to work out who the fuck they are. They've been talking about 'home grown' islamoterorothingies and I really want to know if these people are Londoners so much. The train between Kings Cross and Russell Sq has been my train so often over the last two years and I've sat there and thought about it blowing up. I knew who I'd blame then and I know who I blame now. The warmongerers. The cunts on both sides who put themselves above human life. And that means it's Blair's fault for putting me and my city in that position.
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