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Who *hasn't* had covid?

Have you had covid-19?

  • Haven't had covid-19

    Votes: 112 53.8%
  • Had covid-19 once

    Votes: 63 30.3%
  • Had covid-19 more than once

    Votes: 19 9.1%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 14 6.7%

  • Total voters
Both OH and I were ill late February 2020. The woman next but one to me in the theatre a couple of days earlier had coughed throughout the performance. OH later took part in a Covid survey involving blood tests before we had vaccines, and tested positive for antibodies. Chances are I had it too.

But nothing since.
So far.
Been getting public transport to work pretty much throughout the pandemic (though I work outdoors) and spend lots of time doing heavy breathing right in people's faces because martial arts. At one point just before xmas seemed like the whole gym had it, I was doing lateral flows before every class, sometimes twice a day - kept hearing "so-and-so who you sparred with yesterday just tested positive" but I never did. Lateral flows at least weekly the rest of the time since they've been available and two PCR tests the one time I was ill with something all came back negative too.
I put "haven't had covid-19".

I have some small doubts, but it's too speculative really. I get a bad chest infection most winters, in 2019/20 I had two. The second one was late January 2020, & it felt different; having had bronchitis so often, I'm pretty familiar with how it manifests. This time, it felt like my throat was on fire, and full of sharp gravel, had a dry cough for ages afterwards. Can't really say what it was though, so I'm still assuming I've never had it.

I also felt off with something really weird the week before last, but did LFT's daily and they all came up negative. Not sure what to make of that tbh. sars-cov2 isn't the only virus around. but I dunno how much to trust the lft's either tbh.
Don't think I've had it, but there does seem to be a shitload of it around at the moment. Which makes sense, considering the lack of any mitigations, I suppose.
Voted once for omicron last month. I suspect I had it in Feb 2020 but will never know for sure.

Someone I know who has to test for work has now tested positive four separate times in total, all of them 100% asymptomatic. Suspect there must be a fair few people like that who don't know they 'had' it.
Haven't had it although around people that have and been with them prior to testing positive got to say i never get colds or flu and can not remember last time i was poorly as to not be able to go to work
I haven’t had it but then I've been working from home and not really going out or doing much. I'd say most of my friends haven't had it either (the ones who have had it have got kids).
Just once, in March 2020 when it was new and scary. Unlike any other illness ive ever had.

Nowt since luckily!! touch wood...
I had omnicron and that was grim. Was like a mix of a light cold and fairly strong food poisoning
nope never had it.

but then I keep thinking maybe I did, but with such mild symptoms I never noticed & not picked up by regular LFTs. that'd suck if I was out spreading it to all in Aldi blissfully unaware.
that almost sounds more likely at this point. with everyone else in London having had it, more than once even.
No, but I've hardly been out since Spring 2020, and when I have I've used an N99 mask.

Obvs that's not entirely healthy in itself, and I'm going to be trying to get out more soon.
I'm also afraid to go out and am largely avoiding people. It feels more difficult now that most people are abandoning all precautions.
I'm wearing masks, not going into small places / peoples houses and mostly only seeing older people who are triple vaccinated out doors or spacious well ventilated rooms.
Haven't had it yet but sent back PCR tests for me and my boys today that I'm fully expecting to be positive. Youngest son has been ill since last Thursday feeling fluey, extreme coughing, temperature, sore throat, aches and couldn't taste the vinegar on his chips on Wednesday night. Negative lateral flows every day but if it isn't Covid I'll be astonished. Middle son has had some symptoms too but none of the official three.
Current poll numbers are that 65% haven't had it, which is probably not far of my real world experience. Maybe more like 75% of people I know haven't had it. And that includes people still travelling into work.
I haven't had it and I've literally had it coughed in my face by someone who tested positive with a thick line a few hours later.

Only 3/23 staff now haven't had it. One has had it 3 times, positive by test each time.
None of my family of 5 had. Nor my extended family of 9.

We've all been cautious but not hiding away. The most surprising is that the children haven't caught it in the plague dens they attend

We've had a few colds but no one has tested positive
Managed to avoid it despite looking after my mum who tested positive last weekend & a spell in hospital where it was rife.

Seemed weird wearing a mask at home & was expecting to get it but FFP2 masks seemed to have worked.
I only personally know well 4 adults that have had it, nobody in my household has had it.
everyone I know well with kids say all their kids have had it, some twice.
I dont have contact with many people I know well though as I have moved twice in the last 2 years and I am increasingly anti-social
Officially I've had it once, although I think I also had it right at the start, before tests were available. But I voted once only. It was ridiculously mild, I only tested because I had been testing regularly - I was double jabbed by then.
Haven't had it yet but sent back PCR tests for me and my boys today that I'm fully expecting to be positive. Youngest son has been ill since last Thursday feeling fluey, extreme coughing, temperature, sore throat, aches and couldn't taste the vinegar on his chips on Wednesday night. Negative lateral flows every day but if it isn't Covid I'll be astonished. Middle son has had some symptoms too but none of the official three.

There are of course other bugs it could be, I wouldnt consider it astonishing if it were one of them.
I remember seeing a graph a couple months ago from the Zoe study showing that at one point point in time if you had the symptoms you describe it was more likely to be covid than a common cold virus, but that situation was short lived and the ratio quickly tipped back to it being more likely to be a common cold....not sure if that data is still being collected.
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